What People Are Commenting
Homosexual Stats, Eastern Schism
& Occult Ritual
Statistics on Homosexuals
Hey TIA!
I saw the statisics on homosexuals on your website and I have some info that's a bit more current than yours and I thought you might be interested in posting. I send it to you below.
Keep up the good work,
CDC's Rates of Sexual Transmissible Deseases
(STD) among Homosexuals

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health
America's gay and lesbian population comprises a diverse community with disparate health concerns. Major health issues for gay men are HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, substance abuse, depression, and suicide.
Gay male adolescents are two to three times more likely than their peers to attempt suicide.
Some evidence suggests lesbians have higher rates of smoking, overweight, alcohol abuse, and stress than heterosexual women. The issues surrounding personal, family, and social acceptance of sexual orientation can place a significant burden on mental health and personal safety.
Data from: US. Department of Health and Human Services. Health People 2010. 2nd ed. With Understanding and Improving Health, and Objectives for Improving Health. 2 Vols. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, November 2000 (check here n. 25)

Origin of the Eastern Schism
Dear TIA,
I once read an article on the TIA website pertaining to the Fall of Constantinople and the religious reasons why it fell. Honestly, I am not sure if the article was written solely about the fall or under a broader topic like the schism.
Right now I am very interested in trying to understand exactly why there has been a split between the two Churches.
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Dear M.N.,
Perhaps the following information about the two main religious leaders who caused the Eastern Schism, which is taken from Guimarães's book Quo Vadis Petre? (note 21, p. 15), can contribute to your research:
Photius, patriarch of Constantinople in the 9th century, broke officially with Rome, refusing to submit to her discipline on two occasions between 868 and 886. This was considered the origin of the dispute that two centuries later caused the Eastern Schism.
Michael Cerularius, patriarch of Constantinople from 1043 to 1058, had problems with Rome from the beginning of his rule and clashed several times with the Sovereign Pontiff St. Leo IX. The last of these disputes resulted in the sentence of excommunication that the papal delegate, Cardinal Humbert Moyenmoutier, Bishop of Silva Candida, left on the altar of the Basilica of Saint Sophia in the year 1054. Since this time, the followers of Cerularius have been schismatics.
TIA correspondence desk
Prayer for a Christian Emperor
Dear Tradition in Action,
May Jesus Christ and Mary ever Virgin be praised.
A million thanks to you for your articles on the 1962 Missal.
I attend a Traditional Latin Chapel of the Reverend Fathers of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X here in the Philippines. I have many points of affinity and some points of discordance with the SSPX, amongst which is their use of the 1962 Missal and of "The Order of Holy Week Restored."
Please tell Reverend Father Perez that he missed something in the article of His Reverence on the 1962 Missal, i.e., the replacement of the prayers for the Christian Emperor by a prayer for those governing the republic, all with a very modern flavor.
Very few Traditionalists know that Archbishop Lefebvre, originally accepted the 1962 Missal as the last Missal bearing any resemblance to the Traditional Latin Mass, but he did consider the 1962 Missal severely compromised. He insisted upon certain earlier practices, such as:
- the recitation of the Confiteor before the Communion of the people, to indicate that this Communion is not strictly part of the Mass, but an addition
from the rite of Communion outside Mass;
- the inclusion of the word perfidis [faithless] of the Jews in the ancient Litanical Prayers of Good Friday.
As the corruption of the 1962 Missal and its association with the Freemasonic Annibale Bugnini, the chief architect of the Novus Ordo, became more and more obvious over time, the Archbishop [Lefebvre] just before his death was seriously considering abandoning the 1962 Missal and making the pre-1955 Missal normative for the SSPX. The first of the Bugnini "modernising" waves were implemented in 1956, but in many places in Europe, the priests refused to implement these changes, particularly the pre-Novus Ordo "modernized" rites of Holy Week that were introduced in 1956.
I hope that pre-1955 Missals that contain the prayers for the Christian Emperor are still available.
Thanks for publishing my e-mail.
Respectfully yours in Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
J.C.C. from the Philippines

Occult Ritual
Dear TIA,
I'm writing to you because I'm hoping you might be able to explain a strange event that has happened in my parents' neighborhood over the past two months. A couple of weeks ago my parents' friend and neighbor found a stray cat that my Dad was fond of in his back yard. It had been cut in half, the rib cage removed, had bite marks on the head and was completely drained of blood. The same thing happened two months before to another neighbor's cat.
The authorities are involved but as yet nobody's been caught. This sounds to me like some sort of cult activity. I'm hoping someone there might be able to explain this to me, since it is very strange.
Thank's for your understanding.
TIA responds:
Dear M.B.,
Several friends of TIA know of similar strange ritual killings of cats. They oppine that this practice occurs more often close to Halloween time, but such incidents also happen during the year. One of these friends asked the police to intervene when his family's cat was found beheaded and its claws removed, with these parts laid out in an ordered fashion on the ground. He was told that such killings are done by satanic sects of Eastern origin.
The police officers told this family that such rituals are not rare in Los Angeles County. For this reason, the inhabitants of the area are generally advised to keep their cats indoors at night.
We hope this helps you to understand what happened to your neighbors' pets.
TIA correspondence desk

The Dogma of the Faith in Portugal
Dear TIA,
A comment on the prophecy at Fatima that 'the dogma of faith will always be preserved in Portugal.'... To refer only to the dogma of faith being preserved, we cannot confuse it with non-dogmatic matters such as abuses of the Novus Ordo, the very recent abortion-on-demand law in Portugal that was passed, or such outrages as a Hindu ceremony being allowed at the very shrine of Fatima.
These words refer exclusively to the core beliefs of Catholicism and warns us those beliefs may be lost elsewhere. It suggests the possibility of a great schism.
I offer this view only because of the inquiry from some of your readers on this, as well as the subject of the Sisters at Quito. Certainly, we may ponder these messages but should avoid unhealthy preoccupation with them.
The Holy Roman Catholic Church teaches us to exercise prudence and to govern our minds, and it is well to apply Her wisdom in such matters regarding private revelations. Even when apparitions, revelations etc. receive Church approval, it reserves judgment that they were truly of Heaven (impossible to discern). The Church's decision is based on matters that may be contrary to faith & morals.
There is spiritual danger & disorder in one's relating to private revelations as 'Gospel'.
The one true Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ should content us.
Posted November 30, 2007

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