What People Are Commenting
New Homo Statistics, Jackson &
the Fraternity Compromise
Updating Homosexual Stats
I've noticed you get hate mail complaining about the homosexual statistics you have posted by Dr. Frank on your site.
Here is recent confirmation of several of them that was printed in the pro-homosexual publication The Washington Blade. The latest CDC report agrees that AIDS is 50 times more prevalent among homosexuals. (By the way, the study bases their statistics on the estimates that homosexual men constitute 4% of the overall male population - which many believe is high). If that estimate is a lower number, then the percentage of prevalence of AIDS among homosexual men is even higher.)
Your article says homosexuals account for 60% of all syphilis cases; another CDC report says that number was 65% percent in 2007.
Homosexual Men Have 50 Times Higher Rate of AIDS
CDC Annual Conference
ATLANTA, Georgia, August 24, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - An official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the CDC's estimate Monday that in the United States AIDS is fifty times more prevalent among men who have sex with men ('MSM') than the rest of the population. Dr. Amy Lansky revealed this statistic during a plenary session at the 2009 HIV Prevention Conference in Atlanta.
The CDC had already revealed last year that approximately 53% of the estimated 56,300 new HIV cases in 2006 were in homosexual men, with the African American population being particularly affected. ... Continue reading here.
Not a Rocker
Just so know Michael Jackson's music wasn't Rock and Roll and he did have talent. These songs aren't close to rock.
Public Sinners
While I think your site is contributing to good conscience and righteousness on the whole, and I agree that Ted Kennedy and Michael Jackson were sinners, your criticism of them is inapposit. Rather let us pray for the souls of the dead.
Although a Catholic Christian, I like Michael Jackson's excellence at dance. He was a generous and gentle spirit exploited to the last. He was not a satanist like others - singing and dancing was all he knew and he realy tried hard for the fans. He was a big sinner but let us hope he was saved by the Blood of Jesus.
This is the tone your site should have.
Painful to the Five Senses
I will admit I did not read the entire rant 'The Fury of a Michael Jackson Fan.' It became painful to my five senses after the first few paragraphs.
I must ask how did this individual find your website? You are not exactly in the MTV, Yahoo, or other celebrity syncophantic category and not on the radar of those who follow the life and times of our false 'gods'.
Could this note be from a regular reader who just wished to illustrate the levels of intelligence possessed by those who offer sacrifice to Baal?
Counter-Revolution in Australia
Dear Sir/Madam,
I found your site by chance, or was it divine intervention? I have been avidly reading the articles therein and trying to apply their contents to my daily life. I have been sadly grieved by the current movements in the world, that you so brilliantly describe as revolutionary, and after reading your article, I know myself to be an ardent counter-revolutionary, a gentleman who yearns for the glorious Christian Civilisation of yesteryear.
With great respect and consideration, I remain,
Your faithful fellow pilgrim and counter-revolutionary,
E.J., Australia
California Missions
Thanks for your wonderful pictures and narration of Mission San Juan Capistrano in the State of CA. Truly a beautiful gem of an architectural treasure that CA is blessed with!
Would you also be so kind as to look up Mission Santa Clara near Los Gatos, CA (that I was blessed to visit at the conclusion of an SSPX Retreat last November 2008)?
The mission is located upon the private property of Santa Clara University, a private Catholic college in Santa Clara. But the Mission Santa Clara church itself has been wonderfully restored and looks outstandingly beautiful! It is truly an enormous shame that the TLM has not been re-established there (although they do celebrate the N.O. Mass).
Also take some pictures of the old priestly vestments and other antique sacerdotal artifacts of the 18th century in the downstairs museum! They have old rosaries and chalices, etc. It is a very unique Junipero Serra CA mission !
Thanks for your thoughtfulness in presenting these pictures to us traditional Catholics hunkered down in front of our computer screens reading TIA articles at night and pondering your thought-provoking discussions about true Catholic society/manner/milieu in the midst of our satanic 21 century.
God Bless your efforts at Catholic restoration!
In Christo Rege
TIA responds:
Thank you for your encouraging comments, we are passing them on to Mr. Hugh O'Reilly with your request. We know that he was planning to write a series on the California Missions. That article was just the first. He told us that he has already visited the San Diego and Santa Barbara Missions to take photos. We hope he can write on these Missions soon and then go visit Santa Clara Mission as you suggested.
We are looking forward to posting his photos and comments.
TIA correspondence desk
Fraternity of St. Peter Compromised
Here is an example of the compromised spirit. A Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter priest responds to a Zenit post called Why Go Back?
This Fraternity priest affirms that Benedict XVI is not going back in Liturgy, just properly implementing the reforms of Vatican II. Vatican II and its many other abuses and heresies it has generated are not even questioned. Everything's okay.
He is perfectly content with the little place allotted to traditionalists, with all the accompanying compromises you have mentioned so often on your site [here, here and here]. Not only does he acknowledge the "Missa Normative" of Paul VI, but he asserts that it will always be more popular. In effect, no more fight, just clean up the edges a bit of the New Mass and be happy with it.
It is hard to believe this is a Fraternity priest, but it is, and I'm afraid that's the general mentality inside the FSSP. Go along to get along. Once the compromise begins, it doesn't stop. I hope SSPX takes note.
I'm sorry for those priests; I'm sure many justify their position that they can do more good inside the system, so they just don't allow themselves to think about the real problems of Vatican II. I've mentioned Mr. Guimaraes' books to several, and they just say they don't want to hear about it. Not very objective, I wonder what they'll say to God at their individual judgments... Well, that's between them and God. In the meantime, this attitude helps along Progressivism in the Church.
The article is below and was posted on Zenit in The World Seen From Rome, Daily Dispatch, September 05, 2009.
Viva Cristo Rey!
Pope Is Not Going Back
Article: Why Go Back?
I have found that most people who make comments like this are quite uninformed as to what exactly Vatican II outlined for the liturgy. If [one reads] Sacrosanctum Concilium or Pope Benedict's (Cardinal Ratzinger's) Spirit of the Liturgy or Monsignor Gamber's Reform of the Roman Liturgy (which featured a foreword by Cardinal Ratzinger), [one] would know that His Holiness is trying to save a sinking liturgical ship.
Look at the abundant abuses that began even before the Ordinary Form of the Mass came into being officially! To be sure, the Pope has made the Extraordinary Form far more available than it ever was, but though its popularity is growing, it will never - at least in our lifetime - supercede the "Missa Normativa" of Pope Paul VI.
But restoring the sacred and implementing what was intended by the Council Fathers is certainly not "going back." Even so, it is always a good idea to make the past present. [...]
God bless,
Rev. Michael W. Magiera, FSSP
Posted September 7, 2009

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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