What People Are Commenting
Divine Mercy, CDs for iPad & Apparitions
CDs in iPad
I am very interested in many of your CDs but prefer downloads to my iPad.
Will you ever do this? I believe you would sell more, reach more people.
It is really the way to go today.
Please let me know if you do.
TIA responds:
Hello J.A.,
Thank you for your suggestion. Your idea was put on the agenda to be discussed at the next TIA board of directors' meeting.
TIA correspondence desk
I am very interested in many of your CDs but prefer downloads to my iPad.
Will you ever do this? I believe you would sell more, reach more people.
It is really the way to go today.
Please let me know if you do.
TIA responds:
Hello J.A.,
Thank you for your suggestion. Your idea was put on the agenda to be discussed at the next TIA board of directors' meeting.
TIA correspondence desk
Fellay in the Lion's Den
Re: Vatican Official: SSPX Must Sign Doctrinal Declaration
If you [Fellay] keep going into the lion’s den, you may someday get eaten!
Re: Vatican Official: SSPX Must Sign Doctrinal Declaration
If you [Fellay] keep going into the lion’s den, you may someday get eaten!
All Is Mercy…
Re: Reports say Callista Gingrich to be ambassador to the Vatican
Who would believe the day when there could be a Vatican ambassador who had a public adulterous affair (With Newt while he was still married to the first wife) and is married to a twice-divorced man?
Clearly all is mercy and public scandal means nothing.
Re: Reports say Callista Gingrich to be ambassador to the Vatican
Who would believe the day when there could be a Vatican ambassador who had a public adulterous affair (With Newt while he was still married to the first wife) and is married to a twice-divorced man?
Clearly all is mercy and public scandal means nothing.
Handwriting Expert's Analysis
Dear Mr. Guimarães,
Thank you for your writings on the Third Secret.
I recently bought a copy of The Best Kept Secret of Fatima. You may be interested in publishing my full translation of the calligraphy analysis of Professor Begoña Slocker de Arce.
God bless,
The Editor responds:
Dear A.G.,
Thank you for your kind words and for offering me your translation.
For TIA to post your translation on our website, we would need a document by that book’s author saying that he agrees with your translation and allows you to disseminate it.
I hope you are aware that, according to the present day copyright laws, large excerpts of books should have formal permission of the author to be reproduced.
Once you have this permission, please let me know and I will gladly post it on our website.
A.S. Guimarães
Thank you for your writings on the Third Secret.
I recently bought a copy of The Best Kept Secret of Fatima. You may be interested in publishing my full translation of the calligraphy analysis of Professor Begoña Slocker de Arce.
God bless,
The Editor responds:
Dear A.G.,
Thank you for your kind words and for offering me your translation.
For TIA to post your translation on our website, we would need a document by that book’s author saying that he agrees with your translation and allows you to disseminate it.
I hope you are aware that, according to the present day copyright laws, large excerpts of books should have formal permission of the author to be reproduced.
Once you have this permission, please let me know and I will gladly post it on our website.
A.S. Guimarães
Post-Fatima Apparitions
Dear TIA,
What is your opinion about the officially approved apparitions of the Virgin Mary that occurred after those of Fatima? I am referring to:
Thank you very much indeed.
TIA responds:
Dear L.S.,
We divide the apparitions of the post-Fatima period into two parts: The ones approved by the Church before the conciliar Popes, and those after that.
In principle and without knowing details about the apparitions you mentioned, we look favorably upon and with a tendency to agree with the apparitions approved by the Church until the end of the Pontificate of Pius XII.
Regarding the apparitions after that period, our approach is much more cautious.
Among the apparitions approved by the conciliar Popes, we believe that the most characteristic is the apparitions to Sister Faustina Kowalska on Divine Mercy This devotion was previously condemned by the Church and has many indications of being wrong, as you can read here.
It is most probable that John Paul II imposed the approval of this devotion and the “canonization” of Sr. Faustina for reasons of personal preference, having little to do with Catholic doctrine and the previous demands for the beatification and canonization of persons.
Unfortunately, it became a practice in the post-Council to beatify or canonize whoever pleases the reigning Pontiff, as was the case of Edit Stein, John XXIII and Mother Teresa under John Paul II, Newman and John Paul II under Benedict XVI, Arch. Romero and Paul VI under Francis I.
We believe that something similar has happened with the approval of the Divine Mercy devotion. If this is true in this case, it casts a shadow of suspicion over other private revelations approved in this period.
This is our general opinion on canonizations and apparitions approved by the progressivist Popes.
TIA correspondence desk
What is your opinion about the officially approved apparitions of the Virgin Mary that occurred after those of Fatima? I am referring to:
- Beauraing (Belgium) 1932,
- Fernande, Gilberte e Albert Voisin, Andrée e Gilberte Degeimbre; Banneux (Belgium) 1933,
- Mariette Béco; Amsterdam (Netherlands) 1945-1959,
- Ida Peerdemann; Akita (Japan) 1973-1981,
- Agnes Sasagawa; Betania (Venezuela) 1976-1988,
- Maria Esperanza Medano; Kibeho (Rwanda) 1981-1986,
- Alphonsine Mumereke, Nathalie Ukamazimpaka e Marie-Claire Mukangango.
Thank you very much indeed.
TIA responds:
Dear L.S.,
We divide the apparitions of the post-Fatima period into two parts: The ones approved by the Church before the conciliar Popes, and those after that.
In principle and without knowing details about the apparitions you mentioned, we look favorably upon and with a tendency to agree with the apparitions approved by the Church until the end of the Pontificate of Pius XII.
Regarding the apparitions after that period, our approach is much more cautious.
Among the apparitions approved by the conciliar Popes, we believe that the most characteristic is the apparitions to Sister Faustina Kowalska on Divine Mercy This devotion was previously condemned by the Church and has many indications of being wrong, as you can read here.
It is most probable that John Paul II imposed the approval of this devotion and the “canonization” of Sr. Faustina for reasons of personal preference, having little to do with Catholic doctrine and the previous demands for the beatification and canonization of persons.
Unfortunately, it became a practice in the post-Council to beatify or canonize whoever pleases the reigning Pontiff, as was the case of Edit Stein, John XXIII and Mother Teresa under John Paul II, Newman and John Paul II under Benedict XVI, Arch. Romero and Paul VI under Francis I.
We believe that something similar has happened with the approval of the Divine Mercy devotion. If this is true in this case, it casts a shadow of suspicion over other private revelations approved in this period.
This is our general opinion on canonizations and apparitions approved by the progressivist Popes.
TIA correspondence desk
‘98% of the Apparitions Are False’
Dear Sirs,
I stumbled by accident into your website.
Started to believe that Fatima apparitions are false. Because approx. 98% of apparitions are false. Such a few credible places are Lourdes etc. Funny enough I found Francisco credible despite me not believing in Fatima.
That started after I visited Fatima as I felt it was different from other Marian shrines - no spiritual atmosphere which was strange. Also nobody talked about healings there like they would in Lourdes or Knock etc. I personally experienced some small type of healing at both shrines but Fatima was sort of 'empty.' Strangely, I won a lotto ticket of exactly €13 as i bought ticket prior to trip.
There was some spiritual atmosphere in the new church due to 'St. Peters' cornerstone'???
Also the tale of two Lucy's which appeared on your website - I believe it is true, and also the silence of her, which doesn't sound good or bode well. Seen from my perspective, if they have nothing to lose, then they should have let her speak. It sounds as if the Vatican was afraid that she might say something different from their desired version of Fatima.
Also the problem of total obsession with Fatima - especially the Vatican and some Catholic forums - was in my view unhealthy, in comparison to other Marian shrines.
The problem with Fatima was that she [Sister Lucy] was the only one left after the other two seers died. One testimony isn't enough. Hence the need for two or three seers or more, to be able to prove or disprove apparitions. An example of this is, say, Knock, which had 15 witness -and 15 witness stories which could have easily contradicted the apparition there. However, the story fits neatly.
Also her secrets were written in 1941 when it was well past the events, which doesn't say anything either for her credibility. It would if it had been written in the 1920's, etc.
The Angel's prayer was unknown before, and communion can only be distributed by a priest, not an Angel.
If Our Lady was foreseeing the past, present and future, when she said she would come there on the 13th every month, then she should have seen the disruption of June 19th. But she didn't; that said, it leaves me wondering. Know that God never fails in his predictions.
Know that the Devil can be deceptive as he could dress up or disguise himself as a virgin, from what I read on P Pio's book. That thought had occurred to me regarding Fatima. Hence it could be demonic, although I could be wrong there cos I'm no expert.
Finally, the secrets - especially the first two are post events and 3rd secret debatable because of the silence of Lucy and two Lucy's as well. Why didn't the family notice it unless swapped due to advance notice given (sic).
Yours sincerely,
TIA responds:
Dear Mr. J.C.,
Thank you for your message.
We habitually receive a large amount of correspondence, and for 15 years we have been dealing with problems our readers present to us.
Taking this into consideration, we can tell you that most likely your problem is not about the objective reality of the Fatima apparitions or the others, but rather you suffer from a problem of systematic doubt.
It is a psychological defect not rare in persons with a Protestant or Cartesian background.
This defect is characterized by a lack of unity in the mind, which leads to a fundamental insecurity in analyzing almost anything that has nuances and demands discernment. This type of reality is rejected as hostile and “too complicated” since the person lacks the necessary criteria to analyze it. Such a person only accepts what is simple, straightforward, and perfectly clear and rejects the much larger part of reality that is not.
The solution for this problem is, first, to be aware that other people see reality as familiar and easy to understand, even when they are not particularly intelligent. After acknowledging that this is a psychological defect, the way to correct is to admire things that have this unity. The reading of the lives of the Saints will probably help you in this regard. Also, making an effort to increase your admiration for the unity of the Catholic Church can help with the restoration of this flawed unity of soul.
Along with developing admiration for what is missing in you, we advise you to pray for this intention. Our Lady is very pleased to restore souls with this broken unity when they come to her with humility.
Until this problem is resolved, any argument we would present to you would not be accepted, not because of the argument itself, but because the two of us would be using completely different criteria.
May Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Lourdes help you in this endeavor.
Be sure that we at TIA will be praying for you in this intention.
TIA correspondence desk
I stumbled by accident into your website.
Started to believe that Fatima apparitions are false. Because approx. 98% of apparitions are false. Such a few credible places are Lourdes etc. Funny enough I found Francisco credible despite me not believing in Fatima.
That started after I visited Fatima as I felt it was different from other Marian shrines - no spiritual atmosphere which was strange. Also nobody talked about healings there like they would in Lourdes or Knock etc. I personally experienced some small type of healing at both shrines but Fatima was sort of 'empty.' Strangely, I won a lotto ticket of exactly €13 as i bought ticket prior to trip.
There was some spiritual atmosphere in the new church due to 'St. Peters' cornerstone'???
Also the tale of two Lucy's which appeared on your website - I believe it is true, and also the silence of her, which doesn't sound good or bode well. Seen from my perspective, if they have nothing to lose, then they should have let her speak. It sounds as if the Vatican was afraid that she might say something different from their desired version of Fatima.
Also the problem of total obsession with Fatima - especially the Vatican and some Catholic forums - was in my view unhealthy, in comparison to other Marian shrines.
The problem with Fatima was that she [Sister Lucy] was the only one left after the other two seers died. One testimony isn't enough. Hence the need for two or three seers or more, to be able to prove or disprove apparitions. An example of this is, say, Knock, which had 15 witness -and 15 witness stories which could have easily contradicted the apparition there. However, the story fits neatly.
Also her secrets were written in 1941 when it was well past the events, which doesn't say anything either for her credibility. It would if it had been written in the 1920's, etc.
The Angel's prayer was unknown before, and communion can only be distributed by a priest, not an Angel.
If Our Lady was foreseeing the past, present and future, when she said she would come there on the 13th every month, then she should have seen the disruption of June 19th. But she didn't; that said, it leaves me wondering. Know that God never fails in his predictions.
Know that the Devil can be deceptive as he could dress up or disguise himself as a virgin, from what I read on P Pio's book. That thought had occurred to me regarding Fatima. Hence it could be demonic, although I could be wrong there cos I'm no expert.
Finally, the secrets - especially the first two are post events and 3rd secret debatable because of the silence of Lucy and two Lucy's as well. Why didn't the family notice it unless swapped due to advance notice given (sic).
Yours sincerely,
TIA responds:
Dear Mr. J.C.,
Thank you for your message.
We habitually receive a large amount of correspondence, and for 15 years we have been dealing with problems our readers present to us.
Taking this into consideration, we can tell you that most likely your problem is not about the objective reality of the Fatima apparitions or the others, but rather you suffer from a problem of systematic doubt.
It is a psychological defect not rare in persons with a Protestant or Cartesian background.
This defect is characterized by a lack of unity in the mind, which leads to a fundamental insecurity in analyzing almost anything that has nuances and demands discernment. This type of reality is rejected as hostile and “too complicated” since the person lacks the necessary criteria to analyze it. Such a person only accepts what is simple, straightforward, and perfectly clear and rejects the much larger part of reality that is not.
The solution for this problem is, first, to be aware that other people see reality as familiar and easy to understand, even when they are not particularly intelligent. After acknowledging that this is a psychological defect, the way to correct is to admire things that have this unity. The reading of the lives of the Saints will probably help you in this regard. Also, making an effort to increase your admiration for the unity of the Catholic Church can help with the restoration of this flawed unity of soul.
Along with developing admiration for what is missing in you, we advise you to pray for this intention. Our Lady is very pleased to restore souls with this broken unity when they come to her with humility.
Until this problem is resolved, any argument we would present to you would not be accepted, not because of the argument itself, but because the two of us would be using completely different criteria.
May Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Lourdes help you in this endeavor.
Be sure that we at TIA will be praying for you in this intention.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted June 1, 2017
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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I was getting ready to post Msgr. Perez’s article on the Divine Mercy devotion, carried by your website, in response to someone defending that devotion, but I came across the this article in rebuttal of his claims.
The rebuttal article’s reasoning seems specious at several points, and one of the comments below claims that Msgr. Perez is a schismatic.
I would be very interested in his response to this article, as well as to the charge that he is a schismatic.
Thank you so much, and God bless,
The Editor responds:
Dear J.I.,
Thank you for pointing out this article to us. I cannot explain how this “refutation” passed under our radar.
I am asking two of our writers to look into it.
Probably it will not take long before we have a reply to it, as well as more detailed analyses of the Divine Mercy devotion.
Atila S. Guimarães