What People Are Commenting
Immigrants & De-Funding Planned Parenthood
Mystical City of God
This is a new edition of the Mystical City of God by Soror Maria de Agreda. It is a real bargain. 4 volumes on kindle edition.
I have been reading this for 2 1/2 years. It is profound.
I am ordering the print edition also since it is only $40.00.
The website promoting the New English edition of the Mystical City of God is here.
This is a new edition of the Mystical City of God by Soror Maria de Agreda. It is a real bargain. 4 volumes on kindle edition.
I have been reading this for 2 1/2 years. It is profound.
I am ordering the print edition also since it is only $40.00.
The website promoting the New English edition of the Mystical City of God is here.
Novena to Our Lady of Ransom
Dear Atila,
The full text of the Novena to Our Lady of Ransom is below. It is very beautiful and easy to find on the Internet.
It is also good to pray this Novena in light of the current Muslim invasions, especially in Europe, that are being promoted by Pope Francis I. He is truly a disgrace to the Papacy.
In Jesu et Maria,
Patrick (Odou)
Prayer to be said every day of the Novena
Blessed be Thou, O Mary, the honor and the joy of Thy people!
On the day of Thy glorious Assumption, Thou didst take possession of Thy queenly dignity for our sake; and the human race recorded all of Thy merciful interventions. The captives whose chains Thou hast broken, and whom Thou hast set free from the degrading yoke of the Saracens, may be reckoned in the millions.
We are still rejoicing at the recollection of Thy dear Birthday; and Thy smile is sufficient to dry our tears and chase away the clouds of grief. And yet, what sorrows there still are upon the earth, where Thou thyself didst drink such long draughts from the cup of suffering!
Thou alone, O Mary, canst break the inextricable chains in which the cunning Prince of Darkness entangles the dupes he has deceived by the high-sounding names of equality and liberty. Show thyself a Queen, by coming to their rescue. The whole earth, the entire human race, cries out to Thee, in the words of Mordochai: “Speak to the King for us, and deliver us from death!” (Esther 15: 3)
(here we state our prayer request)
The full text of the Novena to Our Lady of Ransom is below. It is very beautiful and easy to find on the Internet.
It is also good to pray this Novena in light of the current Muslim invasions, especially in Europe, that are being promoted by Pope Francis I. He is truly a disgrace to the Papacy.
In Jesu et Maria,
Patrick (Odou)
Blessed be Thou, O Mary, the honor and the joy of Thy people!
On the day of Thy glorious Assumption, Thou didst take possession of Thy queenly dignity for our sake; and the human race recorded all of Thy merciful interventions. The captives whose chains Thou hast broken, and whom Thou hast set free from the degrading yoke of the Saracens, may be reckoned in the millions.
We are still rejoicing at the recollection of Thy dear Birthday; and Thy smile is sufficient to dry our tears and chase away the clouds of grief. And yet, what sorrows there still are upon the earth, where Thou thyself didst drink such long draughts from the cup of suffering!
Thou alone, O Mary, canst break the inextricable chains in which the cunning Prince of Darkness entangles the dupes he has deceived by the high-sounding names of equality and liberty. Show thyself a Queen, by coming to their rescue. The whole earth, the entire human race, cries out to Thee, in the words of Mordochai: “Speak to the King for us, and deliver us from death!” (Esther 15: 3)
(here we state our prayer request)
Advice for a Young Catholic
Dear Tradition in Action,
My name is M.S., and I am a 17-year-old Catholic young man. I would like to thank you very much for the information on your website, as it is very useful. I never hear about some of the topics you have on your website. Many of the manners, and many traditional pieces of information on your website I have never been taught.
I would kindly ask for you to please pray for me. It is difficult to be a Catholic in this day, age and culture. It is also hard to make the transition from the modern way of life to some of the traditional ways of doing things as listed on your website. Such as, having proper manners, dressing respectably, to being traditional in my faith. If there is any advice you could give me, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you very much and may God bless you.
TIA responds:
Dear M.S.,
We are glad our website was instrumental for your change of life. You gave us good news that encourages us to continue our fight.
We know it is very difficult to change from a modern life style to a traditional one, and principally to abandon the progressivist model of Faith and take up the Catholic one. You can be sure you will be in our prayers.
The advice we give to you is this: Go to Our Lady in all your needs. If you still are not a slave of her following the method of St. Louis Grignion de Monfort, read his Treatise of True Devotion to Mary and prepare you to make your consecration of slavery to her. If you do so, she will take care of you in all your needs.
We believe this is the best thing you can do.
TIA correspondence desk
My name is M.S., and I am a 17-year-old Catholic young man. I would like to thank you very much for the information on your website, as it is very useful. I never hear about some of the topics you have on your website. Many of the manners, and many traditional pieces of information on your website I have never been taught.
I would kindly ask for you to please pray for me. It is difficult to be a Catholic in this day, age and culture. It is also hard to make the transition from the modern way of life to some of the traditional ways of doing things as listed on your website. Such as, having proper manners, dressing respectably, to being traditional in my faith. If there is any advice you could give me, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you very much and may God bless you.
TIA responds:
Dear M.S.,
We are glad our website was instrumental for your change of life. You gave us good news that encourages us to continue our fight.
We know it is very difficult to change from a modern life style to a traditional one, and principally to abandon the progressivist model of Faith and take up the Catholic one. You can be sure you will be in our prayers.
The advice we give to you is this: Go to Our Lady in all your needs. If you still are not a slave of her following the method of St. Louis Grignion de Monfort, read his Treatise of True Devotion to Mary and prepare you to make your consecration of slavery to her. If you do so, she will take care of you in all your needs.
We believe this is the best thing you can do.
TIA correspondence desk
Missal & Breviary Covers
Good morning TIA,
I am emailing to let you know about my website www.MissalCovers.com. I make and sell missal and breviary covers for any size missal or breviary, bible or prayer book. I am a Traditional Catholic mother of 10 in Walton, KY.
Any support you could give – referrals, links to my site, etc – would be greatly appreciated!
I also give wholesale discounts to bookstores.
Please email me with any questions.
God bless you,
Alyssa Lehmann
Leah's Legacy
12224 Woodwind Ln.
Walton, KY 41094
I am emailing to let you know about my website www.MissalCovers.com. I make and sell missal and breviary covers for any size missal or breviary, bible or prayer book. I am a Traditional Catholic mother of 10 in Walton, KY.
Any support you could give – referrals, links to my site, etc – would be greatly appreciated!
I also give wholesale discounts to bookstores.
Please email me with any questions.
God bless you,
Alyssa Lehmann
Leah's Legacy
12224 Woodwind Ln.
Walton, KY 41094
Texas De-Funds Planned Parenthood
Please, read the news report below. It is a partial victory for our common cause.
In Jesus through Mary,
After Planned Parenthood was caught in a series of 10 videos selling aborted babies and their body parts, Texas Governor Greg Abbott made decision to eliminate State taxpayer funding for the abortion business.
One of the exposé videos caught a Houston Planned Parenthood arranging for the sale of aborted babies and dissecting babies it had aborted and planned to ship off for sale to a biotech firm.
Today, the Office of the Inspector General at Texas Health and Human Services Commission issued a letter ending Medicaid participation for Planned Parenthood affiliates in the State of Texasbased on evidence of Medicaid program violations. The cancellation, consistent with Governor Abbott’s LIFE initiative, calls for funding to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers that comes from taxpayer money to be eliminated completely, both at the State and local levels.
SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately
“Texas has stepped forward and shown its unyielding commitment to both protecting life and providing women’s health services,” said Governor Abbott.
In a statement sent to LifeNews.com, he added: “The gruesome harvesting of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood will not be allowed in Texas and the barbaric practice must be brought to an end. As such, ending the Medicaid participation of Planned Parenthood affiliates in the State of Texas is another step in providing greater access to safe healthcare for women while protecting our most vulnerable – the unborn.”
In this letter, the Office of Inspector General made the following points for ending Planned Parenthood’s enrollment in the Texas Medicaid program:
PDF of the State document here.
Please, read the news report below. It is a partial victory for our common cause.
In Jesus through Mary,
After Planned Parenthood was caught in a series of 10 videos selling aborted babies and their body parts, Texas Governor Greg Abbott made decision to eliminate State taxpayer funding for the abortion business.
One of the exposé videos caught a Houston Planned Parenthood arranging for the sale of aborted babies and dissecting babies it had aborted and planned to ship off for sale to a biotech firm.
Today, the Office of the Inspector General at Texas Health and Human Services Commission issued a letter ending Medicaid participation for Planned Parenthood affiliates in the State of Texasbased on evidence of Medicaid program violations. The cancellation, consistent with Governor Abbott’s LIFE initiative, calls for funding to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers that comes from taxpayer money to be eliminated completely, both at the State and local levels.
SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately
“Texas has stepped forward and shown its unyielding commitment to both protecting life and providing women’s health services,” said Governor Abbott.
In a statement sent to LifeNews.com, he added: “The gruesome harvesting of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood will not be allowed in Texas and the barbaric practice must be brought to an end. As such, ending the Medicaid participation of Planned Parenthood affiliates in the State of Texas is another step in providing greater access to safe healthcare for women while protecting our most vulnerable – the unborn.”
In this letter, the Office of Inspector General made the following points for ending Planned Parenthood’s enrollment in the Texas Medicaid program:
- That Planned Parenthood and its affiliates are no longer capable of performing medical services in a professionally competent, safe, legal and ethical manner.
- The termination of all Planned Parenthood affiliates will not affect access to care because there are thousands of alternate providers in Texas, including federally qualified heath centers, Medicaid-certified rural health clinics, and other health care providers across the state that participate in the Texas Women’s Health Program and Medicaid.
- The State of Texas requests cooperation in informing all clients and potential clients of alternatives where they can obtain Medicaid services from providers in good standing with the State.
PDF of the State document here.

Posted October 20, 2015
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I am sending you a video that pictures some unreported aspects of today's immigrants in Europe. I call your attention to the growing violence that appears in many scenes.
It seems so clear to me that these people are being encouraged by Freemasonry in order to destroy Europe and the remains of Christendom that I don’t know how anyone can swallow the lie that they are victims fleeing from war.
To watch the video, click here.
In Christ Jesus,