What People Are Commenting
Scottish Cliffs, Gomez & Vatican Feminism
Seaton Cliffs Arbroath
And now, for a change of pace, I offer to you the beautiful Seaton Cliffs of Arbroath, Scotland, on the North Sea Coast.
My wife and I were there as what you're about to see is very close to her home town, Dundee!
Watch the video here.
Best regards,
Gary Morella
And now, for a change of pace, I offer to you the beautiful Seaton Cliffs of Arbroath, Scotland, on the North Sea Coast.
My wife and I were there as what you're about to see is very close to her home town, Dundee!
Watch the video here.
Best regards,
Gary Morella
Gomez's Christmas Letter
Dear TIA,
A recent letter written at Christmas by Archbishop Gomez is attached here. Amongst its many problems, please note the following:
A recent letter written at Christmas by Archbishop Gomez is attached here. Amongst its many problems, please note the following:
- Freedom of religion is listed as a ‘positive right’, i.e. other “religions” that reject the Social Kingship Christ are said to have His blessing – in law by Church decree;
- “We are all God” is mentioned at one point; and, in a similar vein, “we are all priests offering the Mass together”, i.e. no separation of man from God by nature, nor of priest from laity by function which is pathetic.
- From the same Archbishop who allows homosexual speakers at the scandalous LA religious ed conference and who allows them to “present the gifts” at the Novus Ordo, Gomez nearly implies homosexual relations between male saints, quoting them as having had during this life “as one soul”.
- He only refers to “recent popes” and not Catholic ones. Indeed, the word Catholic is seldom used throughout the letter. He also quotes Pope Francis in terms of asking for “encounters” with Christ, rather than conversion to His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Religion. As if “bumping into Christ” saves a soul without conversion to the Catholic Faith.
- “God’s love is unconditional” denies the Commandments and reinforces the lack of dogma and doctrine so prevalent in modernist writings like Gomez’. It may explain the tolerance of homosexual and scandalous speakers at recent LA religious education conferences.
Prayer for Persecuted Christendom
May God bless you for all that you do with this website, and sustain you and guide you in his Dear Mother’s Heart.
I came across your site today, as I was searching for some formula which might make use of Queen Esther’s prayer, for these grave moments in the Church.
But do you know whether there is any ecclesiastical approval given for the “Prayer for Persecuted Christendom” which I very happily found on your pages? (so that we might promote it publicly).
In the Sacred Hearts,
Brother Marianus, England
TIA responds:
Brother Marianus,
We are glad that you benefit from visiting our website and you found some points in common with us. Thank you for your kind words.
The Prayer for Persecuted Christendom was translated from a prayer-booklet in Portuguese, which had the approval of Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer, Bishop of Campos, Brazil, dated January 3, 1958. We reproduce photos of it for your knowledge.
TIA correspondence desk
May God bless you for all that you do with this website, and sustain you and guide you in his Dear Mother’s Heart.
I came across your site today, as I was searching for some formula which might make use of Queen Esther’s prayer, for these grave moments in the Church.
But do you know whether there is any ecclesiastical approval given for the “Prayer for Persecuted Christendom” which I very happily found on your pages? (so that we might promote it publicly).
In the Sacred Hearts,
Brother Marianus, England
TIA responds:
Brother Marianus,
We are glad that you benefit from visiting our website and you found some points in common with us. Thank you for your kind words.
The Prayer for Persecuted Christendom was translated from a prayer-booklet in Portuguese, which had the approval of Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer, Bishop of Campos, Brazil, dated January 3, 1958. We reproduce photos of it for your knowledge.
TIA correspondence desk

Vatican Promotes Feminism
Hello TIA,
We normally complain about feminism being promoted by Freemasonry and the media, but we forget that today, unfortunately, it is the Vatican itself that is in the front lines spreading this revolutionary agenda.
If you don’t agree, just read the news report below and it will change your mind.
Best regards,
Women Gather at the Heart of the Vatican to Stir Things up
Inés San Martín
March 6, 2017 - Rome - With the blessing of Pope Francis’s right-hand man, women are once again gathering at the heart of the Vatican on March 8 to discuss the role of women in the Church, specifically highlighting their role in stirring things up in the name of peace.
Organized by Voices of Faith in the Casina Pio IV, home of the Pontifical Academy for Science, it’ll be the fourth consecutive year the Vatican is a stage for this storytelling event in conjunction with the United Nations-sponsored “International Women’s Day.”
As has been the case on previous occasions, there are no Vatican officials in the lineup but rather leaders and activists from around the world, not all of them Catholic. “When it comes to friend cardinals in the Vatican, we cannot go higher: It’s [Pietro] Parolin who’s supporting us in Voices of Faith and giving us permission to do this in the Vatican,” Chantal Gotz, managing director of Voices of Faith said at a press conference held in Rome on Monday.
The event, she said, is private, made possible through the contribution of sponsors and foundations, so it’s “very generous and courageous for the Secretary of State to give us this permission.” ...
Above all, Gotz said, Voices of Faith showcases the enormous potential of women to exercise greater leadership in the Church. “Voices of Faith holds the strong and deep belief that the international community and organizations, including the Church, can only become truly effective when women and men participate as equals,” she said.
Original here.
We normally complain about feminism being promoted by Freemasonry and the media, but we forget that today, unfortunately, it is the Vatican itself that is in the front lines spreading this revolutionary agenda.
If you don’t agree, just read the news report below and it will change your mind.
Best regards,
Inés San Martín

Organized by Voices of Faith in the Casina Pio IV, home of the Pontifical Academy for Science, it’ll be the fourth consecutive year the Vatican is a stage for this storytelling event in conjunction with the United Nations-sponsored “International Women’s Day.”
As has been the case on previous occasions, there are no Vatican officials in the lineup but rather leaders and activists from around the world, not all of them Catholic. “When it comes to friend cardinals in the Vatican, we cannot go higher: It’s [Pietro] Parolin who’s supporting us in Voices of Faith and giving us permission to do this in the Vatican,” Chantal Gotz, managing director of Voices of Faith said at a press conference held in Rome on Monday.
The event, she said, is private, made possible through the contribution of sponsors and foundations, so it’s “very generous and courageous for the Secretary of State to give us this permission.” ...
Above all, Gotz said, Voices of Faith showcases the enormous potential of women to exercise greater leadership in the Church. “Voices of Faith holds the strong and deep belief that the international community and organizations, including the Church, can only become truly effective when women and men participate as equals,” she said.
Original here.

Posted March 16, 2017
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Could I get an image of Saint Philomena with you? Do you sell the image? How much does is cost? What size is it?
Congratulations for the beautiful book of her, I bought from you last year and I enjoyed it a lot.
I would like to have the image of Saint Philomena
I’m writing from Mexico. I live in a very small town.
I read your articles, thank you for them.
God bless you.
V.A., Mexico
TIA responds:
Thank you for your kind words about The Marvelous St. Philomena. We are glad you profited from reading it.
We do not carry statues; however, we do sell high quality postcard size color cards of the picture of St. Philomena on our cover. You can purchase them here.
For a very nice statue, we suggest you contact one of the authors of the book Mrs. Catherine Croisette. She had an artist make a mold for statues in various sizes. If you are interested in purchasing one, let us know and we shall put you in direct contact with her.
TIA correspondence desk