What People Are Commenting
Purple vs. Violet, Astana & Review of Risen
Astana & Satana
I was just reading your website about Astana. And when I go to my browser - Windows phone 10 - I start typing and the cell phone at the same time starts to suggest. Guess what?… It suggested: Satanás. Jajajaja…
H.V. Argentina
TIA responds:
Dear U.W.,
This is understandable for two reasons: First, Astana is an anagram of Satana, which is Satan in Italian or Satanás in Spanish.
Second, the design of Astana City follows an occult plan of the Secret Forces, whose inspirer is Satan.
TIA correspondence desk
I was just reading your website about Astana. And when I go to my browser - Windows phone 10 - I start typing and the cell phone at the same time starts to suggest. Guess what?… It suggested: Satanás. Jajajaja…
H.V. Argentina
TIA responds:
Dear U.W.,
This is understandable for two reasons: First, Astana is an anagram of Satana, which is Satan in Italian or Satanás in Spanish.
Second, the design of Astana City follows an occult plan of the Secret Forces, whose inspirer is Satan.
TIA correspondence desk
Obama’s IRS Favors Satanic Schools
Regarding your article on After School Satan Clubs - it seems there was no trouble get tax exempt status for the group.
See the article here.
This is one more bad fruit from Obama's term. It will take a long time to clean house. Ditto for the Church, only Francis is moving the revolution in it forward at fast speed. I think only Our Lady can stop it now.
Regarding your article on After School Satan Clubs - it seems there was no trouble get tax exempt status for the group.
See the article here.
This is one more bad fruit from Obama's term. It will take a long time to clean house. Ditto for the Church, only Francis is moving the revolution in it forward at fast speed. I think only Our Lady can stop it now.
Review on Risen
Per request, I just submitted the following review on Risen, which I consider to be a movie that's an outstanding Lenten Meditation.
This is riveting movie with an outstanding cast. A tremendous Lenten meditation on the Death and Resurrection of Christ as seen through the eyes of a non-believer, a Roman tribune, who saw Jesus dead on the cross and then Risen; as a result, his life was changed forever! Blessed are they who have not seen and believed.
One of the main things that I will always remember from this movie is the Roman tribune telling Pontius Pilate that his idea of peace was "a day without death." When he went up to Jesus the night before His Ascension into Heaven, he said to Jesus, "I don't even know what to ask you." Jesus replied, "Speak your heart!"
The tribune then told Jesus that what he feared the most was "not being right".
Jesus then replied, "What do you want, Clavius, a day without death?"
I believe that this caused the tribune to reconcile his previous inability to rationalize his physical world with the supernatural when he saw first hand that the Risen Jesus with his apostles knew his heart, i.e., Jesus knows the good in all of us and wants us to exercise our free will to do good for the greater glory of God in a Kingdom NOT of this world, God's intent for all of His Creation - this was the ending message of this outstanding movie as this pagan, this Roman tribune, changed his life forever to be a follower of Christ!
As far as I'm concerned, five stars is NOT enough for RISEN with its unique forensic presentation of looking at the Resurrection of Christ through the eyes of a pagan who could come to no other conclusion but that he was talking to the Son of the Living God Who wanted true happiness for him and all mankind, a happiness that this world firmly in the grip of the father-of-lies will never provide!
Gary Morella
Per request, I just submitted the following review on Risen, which I consider to be a movie that's an outstanding Lenten Meditation.
This is riveting movie with an outstanding cast. A tremendous Lenten meditation on the Death and Resurrection of Christ as seen through the eyes of a non-believer, a Roman tribune, who saw Jesus dead on the cross and then Risen; as a result, his life was changed forever! Blessed are they who have not seen and believed.
One of the main things that I will always remember from this movie is the Roman tribune telling Pontius Pilate that his idea of peace was "a day without death." When he went up to Jesus the night before His Ascension into Heaven, he said to Jesus, "I don't even know what to ask you." Jesus replied, "Speak your heart!"
The tribune then told Jesus that what he feared the most was "not being right".
Jesus then replied, "What do you want, Clavius, a day without death?"
I believe that this caused the tribune to reconcile his previous inability to rationalize his physical world with the supernatural when he saw first hand that the Risen Jesus with his apostles knew his heart, i.e., Jesus knows the good in all of us and wants us to exercise our free will to do good for the greater glory of God in a Kingdom NOT of this world, God's intent for all of His Creation - this was the ending message of this outstanding movie as this pagan, this Roman tribune, changed his life forever to be a follower of Christ!
As far as I'm concerned, five stars is NOT enough for RISEN with its unique forensic presentation of looking at the Resurrection of Christ through the eyes of a pagan who could come to no other conclusion but that he was talking to the Son of the Living God Who wanted true happiness for him and all mankind, a happiness that this world firmly in the grip of the father-of-lies will never provide!
Gary Morella
Going, Going…
Dear TIA,
It really seems that the hide-and-seek between the Vatican and SSPX is coming close to an end.
You can evaluate for yourself reading the news report below, which quotes Archbishop Guido Pozzo, the most authorized Vatican official to speak on these matters.
Let's pray that the grassroots will not be stupid and go along with the leaders, but instead will react proportionally to this betrayal of the traditionalist movement.
In Jesus through Mary,
Abp. Pozzo: ‘Canonical Recognition of the SSPX Will Soon Be Achieved’
Trey Elmore
ROME (ChurchMilitant.com) - March 20, 2017 - The head of the pontifical commission in charge of overseeing talks between Rome and the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) is saying Pope Francis is forging ahead with re-unification. And a respected Vatican journalist seems to be confirming the imminent reunion.
In an interview published Friday, Abp. Guido Pozzo, secretary of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, discussed the ongoing talks between the Vatican and the SSPX, noting that the Holy Father is urging a positive and constructive attitude in dialogue.
"Today, we can say that the approach has progressed, and one can be confident that canonical recognition of the SSPX will soon be achieved in the legal form of a personal prelature," he explained.
Marco Tosatti, writing on his blog Monday, seems to be confirming Pozzo's indications that reunion may be near.
"Reliable sources claim that the Society of St. Pius X and the Vatican are just a step away from an agreement," he wrote. "In fact, according to some, only the signatures remain; and they're waiting for Bp. Fellay to give the finishing touches on the SSPX's internal situation and reaching out toward the big step: the total and official return, as a personal prelature, of Lefebvre [and his followers] to Rome."
Rome's dialogue, which Pope Francis hopes to continue in a "friendly atmosphere," takes into account the SSPX's reservations about Vatican II. "Bishop Fellay stated in an interview last year that the SSPX reserves the right to point out the ambiguity and the mistakes it believes are apparent, but that the final authority, the misunderstandings and the critical points to clarify and dispel, rests with Rome."
"Moreover, during the last 40 years, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has often intervened to clarify, clarify and correct certain misinterpretations or misunderstandings of the doctrines of the Council," Pozzo said. "I do not see why this work of clarification and the answers to doubts and reservations which are brought forward with an ecclesiastical and non-polemic spirit cannot be carried forward."
If agreement is reached between Rome and the SSPX, it will be a momentous achievement, mending a division that began almost 30 years ago in Econe, Switzerland. ...
Pozzo addressed problematic interpretations of Vatican II in his Friday interview. "[If] an interpretation or an understanding or practice of the Second Vatican Council is proposed that is a discontinuity or break with Catholic doctrine," he commented, "this interpretation must be rejected as false or inadequate."
"The problem is therefore not the Second Vatican Council as such, but a certain way of understanding, applying and practicing the Council, the so-called 'spirit of the Council,'" he explained. "Pope Benedict XVI Has spoken of a 'true council' and a 'virtual council,' the latter being the fruit of the mass media, the modernist currents of theology, in other words the 'conciliation ideology' that superimposed the genuine mens of the Council's Fathers." ...
Original here.
It really seems that the hide-and-seek between the Vatican and SSPX is coming close to an end.
You can evaluate for yourself reading the news report below, which quotes Archbishop Guido Pozzo, the most authorized Vatican official to speak on these matters.
Let's pray that the grassroots will not be stupid and go along with the leaders, but instead will react proportionally to this betrayal of the traditionalist movement.
In Jesus through Mary,
Trey Elmore
ROME (ChurchMilitant.com) - March 20, 2017 - The head of the pontifical commission in charge of overseeing talks between Rome and the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) is saying Pope Francis is forging ahead with re-unification. And a respected Vatican journalist seems to be confirming the imminent reunion.
In an interview published Friday, Abp. Guido Pozzo, secretary of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, discussed the ongoing talks between the Vatican and the SSPX, noting that the Holy Father is urging a positive and constructive attitude in dialogue.
"Today, we can say that the approach has progressed, and one can be confident that canonical recognition of the SSPX will soon be achieved in the legal form of a personal prelature," he explained.
Marco Tosatti, writing on his blog Monday, seems to be confirming Pozzo's indications that reunion may be near.
"Reliable sources claim that the Society of St. Pius X and the Vatican are just a step away from an agreement," he wrote. "In fact, according to some, only the signatures remain; and they're waiting for Bp. Fellay to give the finishing touches on the SSPX's internal situation and reaching out toward the big step: the total and official return, as a personal prelature, of Lefebvre [and his followers] to Rome."
Rome's dialogue, which Pope Francis hopes to continue in a "friendly atmosphere," takes into account the SSPX's reservations about Vatican II. "Bishop Fellay stated in an interview last year that the SSPX reserves the right to point out the ambiguity and the mistakes it believes are apparent, but that the final authority, the misunderstandings and the critical points to clarify and dispel, rests with Rome."
"Moreover, during the last 40 years, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has often intervened to clarify, clarify and correct certain misinterpretations or misunderstandings of the doctrines of the Council," Pozzo said. "I do not see why this work of clarification and the answers to doubts and reservations which are brought forward with an ecclesiastical and non-polemic spirit cannot be carried forward."
If agreement is reached between Rome and the SSPX, it will be a momentous achievement, mending a division that began almost 30 years ago in Econe, Switzerland. ...
Pozzo addressed problematic interpretations of Vatican II in his Friday interview. "[If] an interpretation or an understanding or practice of the Second Vatican Council is proposed that is a discontinuity or break with Catholic doctrine," he commented, "this interpretation must be rejected as false or inadequate."
"The problem is therefore not the Second Vatican Council as such, but a certain way of understanding, applying and practicing the Council, the so-called 'spirit of the Council,'" he explained. "Pope Benedict XVI Has spoken of a 'true council' and a 'virtual council,' the latter being the fruit of the mass media, the modernist currents of theology, in other words the 'conciliation ideology' that superimposed the genuine mens of the Council's Fathers." ...
Original here.

Posted March 23, 2017
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Under The ‘cult of novelty’ in the Palm Sunday liturgy in Dialogue Mass XLV, you claim that purple vestments were eliminated and that they signify Christ’s royalty. They were violet and signify the penitential season and not Christ’s royalty.
Dr. Byrne responds:
Dear Mr. J.F.,
Thank you for your note on the color of the traditional Roman vestments for Palm Sunday.
I fully understand that in the liturgical books of the Roman Rite – the Missal, Pontifical and Ceremonial of Bishops – the color is designated as violaceus. Strictly speaking, it is violet, but in common English usage, people call it purple, which is the reason I used that word. The important thing is that we all know which color is referred to – as in amethyst – for the traditional liturgical color of Lent and Advent, at least for the past few centuries.
Incidentally, violet/purple is hardly used in modern liturgies for the penitential seasons, having undergone a gradual mutation from violet to magenta to cyclamen, a sort of reddish pink of a festive hue – dare I say gay? I mean that in the old-fashioned sense of the word, but one is free to put another, perhaps more fitting, interpretation on it.
In the history of Western civilization, purple has been associated with royalty since early Roman times. As an aside, Queen Elizabeth II uses purple stationery in her correspondence.
But let us not fall out over the difference between violet and purple. I hope we can agree that the 1955 changes to the Palm Sunday liturgy were the thin edge of the wedge that was driven into the Roman Rite, eventually separating the faithful from their historical patrimony.
Your sincerely,
Dr. Carol Byrne