What People Are Commenting
Focolare, Ballerina Priest &
Pregnancy Center
Focolare & Others
Dear TIA,
Salve Maria!
Your article on the Focolare Movement today brought to mind this thought: The Vatican II renewal is based on heretical, cultish movements and on false apparitions, the same false enthusiasms which have beset the Church since almost the beginning. Now, however, Rome encourages these gnostic examples of false charismata. If a movement is young, growing, and pro-life, all else to swept under the rug.
Ballerina Priest
This photo showing Catholic Priests dancing and performing and Bishops and Cardinals, especially during Mass. Please do not wonder why our Catholics have left the Church - this is just tooooo much for me. I am young and open to many things but NOT this.
I could not share all these pages with my parents because it would emotionally harm them. WE have MASS - we celebrate MASS with dignity, not with young girls dancing with inappropriate clothing or Priests pretending to be someone they are not - they are Priest ONLY.
This is doing more harm then good. The Protestants who see this, just laugh at us and say to themselves,” They (Catholics ) say they are the true Church, what kind of church is this?” They are happy not to be part of us, and they actually pray for our Souls because they believe we are going to HELL for these actions - I would say, we are on our way!!!!!!!
God bless,
JPII Girlfriend ?
I am wondering if JPII had a girlfriend and children as I saw pictures on your website.
Then, I think of the woman who came forward and admitted a lifelong "friendship" with him some years ago. The one who wrote many letters and was always in the background and present at Vatican events.
Someone in Rome would know this I am sure. Fr. Villa?
TIA responds:
The documents we have indicating Karol Wojtyla's inappropriate familiarity with women are here, here, here, here & here. The letters of Wanda Poltawska that you mentioned and the comments about them by Vatican officials are here. Except for these, we have no further documents.
TIA correspondence desk
Your Site in French?
Dear TIA,
I was wondering if you have a site equivalent to Tradition in Action in French. It appears to me that you have French as a first or second language, and French lexicon and syntax are sometimes apparent in your English. This, of course, is a compliment, because I regard French as a superior language to English.
In Jesus Christ and our Lady Saint Mary.
I have the great satisfaction to sign myself,
Your loyal friend and fellow pilgrim,
TIA responds:
Dear E.J.,
Thank you for your inquiry.
We do not have a website in French similar to ours. Several members of our staff are familiar with French, but it is not our second language, hélas!
TIA correspondence desk
Pregnancy Center
Dear TIA,
I live in a community that has no "crisis" pregnancy care center. I was recently invited to an organizational meeting to help establish one here. I feel passionate about the holocaust being performed each day in our country and world.
But I am hesitant to attend because I'm concerned about the fact that the meetings are being held at a local novus ordo church, and the values communicated, though based in "Judeo-Christianity" (as stated in their brochure), would obviously not be Catholic, necessarily.
The organizational committee indicates that they would uphold the sanctity of human life, respect traditional marriage and family as a God-given institution, encourage chastity, and exemplify Christ's love… "
I believe prayer is, obviously of the greatest need, but wonder about my role in this case.
Please advise on this matter, and thank you for your consideration, as well as the valuable work you are doing.
With many prayers for you and your apostolate,
TIA responds:
Dear E.S.,
Thank you for your amiable words about our work.
Let us distinguish two questions in your message in order to be as clear as possible in our answers. They are:
- Whether you, a traditionalist Catholic, should go a Novus Ordo church to attend meetings of a committee
that plans to give social-humanitarian help to many young women who commit abortions for lack of orientation.
- Since these meetings probably will follow a progressivist orientation, you ask us if it would be correct for you to go and see if they will just do social work and not promote their bad doctrine. In this case, should you join their team to perform that good social work.
In principle we at TIA are favorable to giving Catholic orientation to pregnant women to prevent them from aborting their children. This is not a matter that raises any doubt. But regarding the circumstances you mentioned, our answers are the following:
- What is bad in the Novus Ordo Mass is the Mass, not necessarily the building where the Mass is said, or the compound of buildings that habitually form a parish. Thus, as long as you do not attend a Mass, you may go to those building for other reasons, such as to attend a meeting organizing social-humanitarian assistance.
- Given that the directors of that social initiative claim that they will act without proselytizing for their bad doctrine, you
can go and see to what degree this is true. You should be cautious, for many times people say one thing and do another. If they start to mix progressivism with the initiative, it is better to quit.
- Another problem, not mentioned in your message: In this kind of meeting it is very common, especially for ladies, to
attend in order to fit into a group and socialize. If this tendency is present in your case, you should be doubly vigilant, because many times the desire to socialize is the door to a compromise with a bad doctrine.
- Make a test to see whether your feelings are immune from those progressivist influences. Just imagine that instead of going to buildings belonging a Novus Ordo church you were to go to buildings belonging a synagogue to do precisely the same social work. If you feel the same horror in the first case that you would feel in the second case, you are prepared. If you believe that the Novus Ordo church is much less dangerous than the synagogue, you are not. In this case, for the good of your soul, be very careful or avoid going.
We hope these considerations will be of some assistance.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted January 31, 2012

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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