What People Are Commenting
‘Gays’ in St. Patrick’s Parade &
Addressing Monks
A Girl with Maria Callás Voice
By all means, be sure to listen to this girl sing.
Truly amazing. Performance starts at about 2:50. Little girl without singing lessons sings like an opera star.
The link is here.
By all means, be sure to listen to this girl sing.
Truly amazing. Performance starts at about 2:50. Little girl without singing lessons sings like an opera star.
The link is here.
Dear TIA,
The suppression of the Franciscans of the Immaculate is no surprise! After all ...what do continually naive Catholics expect from a Pope who WAS ON THE FRONT COVER OF SODOMY MAGAZINE?!
The sign over the entrance to Hell says: "Hello Suckers!"
The suppression of the Franciscans of the Immaculate is no surprise! After all ...what do continually naive Catholics expect from a Pope who WAS ON THE FRONT COVER OF SODOMY MAGAZINE?!
The sign over the entrance to Hell says: "Hello Suckers!"
Address of Priests in Older Religious Orders
Dr. Marian Therese Horvat did not address the correct way to address a priest of a Religious Order that uses Saints' names for their members and only uses surnames for legal purposes. In some of the communities of the older Orders a new name is given upon entry, or the full version of a person's Christian name, reflecting their saint, is always used.
At times in such Orders, the use of surname is prideful where a religious is not using the anonymity of his Order, which is now his primary family, by using his surname so as to insist on social status of the family of origin. Priests in such Orders do not use their Saints' name for "informality" as Dr. Horvat suggests.
In the community of which I am prelate, we have priests with Saints' names, and that is how they are known: Fr. Kevin, Fr. Kilian, Fr. Oliver, Fr. Terrence, Fr. Joseph and myself Fr. William (St. William of York). There is no attempt at informality here. Using the surname reduces our priests to being considered as "Secular clergy" who use their surname.
Sometimes traditionalist Catholics and traditionalist young priests who do not know much about the customs of the Old Orders give grief to us for introducing ourselves by our Saints' name - often the name imposed at our vestition by our Prelate as part of our obedience.
I was disappointed in the author's failure to mention this old practice by which religious priests following the more ancient and correct tradition of our Order are accused by badly - informed traditionalists as being "trendy" - far form it!
Yours Sincerely,
Fr. William (Fitzgerald) O.Praem. - Kilnacrott Abbey Trust, Ireland
The Editor responds:
Most Reverend Fr. William,
Thank you for your correction, for your bitter correction, I am sad to add.
Since Dr. Horvat in her article was only trying to help Catholics to address ecclesiastics correctly, I believe that the merit of her work and her effort to preserve the good traditions of the Church should be, at least, acknowledged and respected. This is especially true for one who is a member of the clergy, a “father”, who should treat her as a daughter and exercise with her the justice that he asks to be applied to him.
Unfortunately, this is not what we found in your missive.
We at TIA are glad to register that the Premonstratensian Order still has monasteries, like yours, that did not follow the general orientation given to religious orders and congregations to abandon the “religious names” to which you refer, and return to the world name and surname each person had before entering the order.
Dr. Horvat in her article dealt only with the latter case, which is the great majority. I am sending your observations to her. I am sure she will gladly accept them and include a paragraph on how to address the case you mentioned, which unfortunately became so rare in these post-conciliar times.
Atila S. Guimarães, editor
Dr. Marian Therese Horvat did not address the correct way to address a priest of a Religious Order that uses Saints' names for their members and only uses surnames for legal purposes. In some of the communities of the older Orders a new name is given upon entry, or the full version of a person's Christian name, reflecting their saint, is always used.
At times in such Orders, the use of surname is prideful where a religious is not using the anonymity of his Order, which is now his primary family, by using his surname so as to insist on social status of the family of origin. Priests in such Orders do not use their Saints' name for "informality" as Dr. Horvat suggests.
In the community of which I am prelate, we have priests with Saints' names, and that is how they are known: Fr. Kevin, Fr. Kilian, Fr. Oliver, Fr. Terrence, Fr. Joseph and myself Fr. William (St. William of York). There is no attempt at informality here. Using the surname reduces our priests to being considered as "Secular clergy" who use their surname.
Sometimes traditionalist Catholics and traditionalist young priests who do not know much about the customs of the Old Orders give grief to us for introducing ourselves by our Saints' name - often the name imposed at our vestition by our Prelate as part of our obedience.
I was disappointed in the author's failure to mention this old practice by which religious priests following the more ancient and correct tradition of our Order are accused by badly - informed traditionalists as being "trendy" - far form it!
Yours Sincerely,
Fr. William (Fitzgerald) O.Praem. - Kilnacrott Abbey Trust, Ireland
The Editor responds:
Most Reverend Fr. William,
Thank you for your correction, for your bitter correction, I am sad to add.
Since Dr. Horvat in her article was only trying to help Catholics to address ecclesiastics correctly, I believe that the merit of her work and her effort to preserve the good traditions of the Church should be, at least, acknowledged and respected. This is especially true for one who is a member of the clergy, a “father”, who should treat her as a daughter and exercise with her the justice that he asks to be applied to him.
Unfortunately, this is not what we found in your missive.
We at TIA are glad to register that the Premonstratensian Order still has monasteries, like yours, that did not follow the general orientation given to religious orders and congregations to abandon the “religious names” to which you refer, and return to the world name and surname each person had before entering the order.
Dr. Horvat in her article dealt only with the latter case, which is the great majority. I am sending your observations to her. I am sure she will gladly accept them and include a paragraph on how to address the case you mentioned, which unfortunately became so rare in these post-conciliar times.
Atila S. Guimarães, editor
Cardinal Marx against Fatima
The teaching of the Catholic Church has always been that those who die in the state of mortal sin go to hell. During the third apparition of Fatima on July 13, 1917, Our Lady startled and scared the three seers when she showed them hell for a brief moment and then said to them, "You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go."
To emphasize the fact even further a few minutes later she instructed the children, "When you pray the Rosary, say after each mystery ,'O my Jesus, forgive us, save us from the fire of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those are most in need.'"
Our Lady, knowing the tactics of Progressivism, was reminding us that God does not change his mind and that the goal of all revolutionaries is to eliminate the truth about the past.
It was reported recently that Cardinal Marx of Munich, a progressivist with a modernist philosophy and one of the 'Super Eight' who advises the current Bishop of Rome on the direction of the Church, said that the Church should repent and apologize to Catholics and others for the scaremongering images about hell.
He believes, like most modernists, in universal salvation and therefore that there cannot be a hell. His beliefs conflict with Our Lady's words, which is one of the major reasons the leaders of the Novus Ordo Church has deliberately destroyed the message of Fatima - and especially the third secret in which Cardinals Ciappi, O.P. and Oddi, who both read the secret, said foretold of the great apostasy in the Church.
Just ask Novus Ordo Catholics and even many 'traditional' Catholics about Our Lady's requests regarding the Five First Saturdays and the Consecration of Russia - and you will soon realize what a marvelous job the Church as done in silencing the message of Our Blessed Mother. The Novus Ordo Church needs to repent for disobeying Our Lady's wishes by covering up her words at Fatima. If it were only that easy. Apologies will not change the untold harm done to those who have not been exposed to the message of Fatima
Homer Sweeney
The teaching of the Catholic Church has always been that those who die in the state of mortal sin go to hell. During the third apparition of Fatima on July 13, 1917, Our Lady startled and scared the three seers when she showed them hell for a brief moment and then said to them, "You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go."
To emphasize the fact even further a few minutes later she instructed the children, "When you pray the Rosary, say after each mystery ,'O my Jesus, forgive us, save us from the fire of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those are most in need.'"
Our Lady, knowing the tactics of Progressivism, was reminding us that God does not change his mind and that the goal of all revolutionaries is to eliminate the truth about the past.
It was reported recently that Cardinal Marx of Munich, a progressivist with a modernist philosophy and one of the 'Super Eight' who advises the current Bishop of Rome on the direction of the Church, said that the Church should repent and apologize to Catholics and others for the scaremongering images about hell.
He believes, like most modernists, in universal salvation and therefore that there cannot be a hell. His beliefs conflict with Our Lady's words, which is one of the major reasons the leaders of the Novus Ordo Church has deliberately destroyed the message of Fatima - and especially the third secret in which Cardinals Ciappi, O.P. and Oddi, who both read the secret, said foretold of the great apostasy in the Church.
Just ask Novus Ordo Catholics and even many 'traditional' Catholics about Our Lady's requests regarding the Five First Saturdays and the Consecration of Russia - and you will soon realize what a marvelous job the Church as done in silencing the message of Our Blessed Mother. The Novus Ordo Church needs to repent for disobeying Our Lady's wishes by covering up her words at Fatima. If it were only that easy. Apologies will not change the untold harm done to those who have not been exposed to the message of Fatima
Homer Sweeney

Posted March 18, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I am mounting a campaign to protest Guinness because of your caving in to the homosexual regime here in America. These driven individuals have permeated every aspect of our country's life starting with elementary schools. Instead of standing with the decision of the St Patrick's Day Parade Board, you betrayed them and us, by your decision to no longer support the parade in the future unless the homosexuals are given what they want.
Most of my ancestors are from Ireland. The Donnelly's, Downey's, McConnell's, Sheehan's, the Mulligan's and the Brennan's. St Patrick is ashamed of you - all of you - for promoting sexual deviancy, which helps to lead the young ones astray. Leaving these homosexuals to their own sad disorder is one thing, but to help promote their sinful ways is a grave offense against Our Lord.
Shame on you !!!
Steve Sanborn, Sr.