What People Are Commenting
Woelki, Statues’ Dresses & Free Translations
Madonna Fashion Show
Re: Why is the Statue of Our Lady Dressed?
I just wanted to say that anything that brings the Holy Mother to mind is worth having around. Those dresses were beautiful. I couldn’t help but want to be near them - They made the Holy Mother seem even more personal and real. Not everyone gets to see her.
Some people need artists to help with their faith. I didn’t see anything sacrilegious about them. They looked like someone who loved the Holy Mother had poured their creativity into art in reverence of her.
Can people buy them and do irreverent things with them? Yes. But they can with anything - rosaries, for example. I was glad you created a web page or I never would have seen them.
Re: Why is the Statue of Our Lady Dressed?
I just wanted to say that anything that brings the Holy Mother to mind is worth having around. Those dresses were beautiful. I couldn’t help but want to be near them - They made the Holy Mother seem even more personal and real. Not everyone gets to see her.
Some people need artists to help with their faith. I didn’t see anything sacrilegious about them. They looked like someone who loved the Holy Mother had poured their creativity into art in reverence of her.
Can people buy them and do irreverent things with them? Yes. But they can with anything - rosaries, for example. I was glad you created a web page or I never would have seen them.
Not Alone Anymore
Dear Sirs, Madams,
I thought I was largely alone, thinking what I've been thinking, but this past weekend, I discovered Ordo Novus Watch, SSPX - and YOU.
I felt impressed and grateful for the existence of the work of Atila S. Guimarães - an unsparing body of studies, capturing the many facets of alarming departures from true Holy Catholicism.
I have even found an SSPX chapel where I will go with an improvised veil. It will be very special and truly new. As an Anglican who converted in 1998, at the age of 62, I will experience the pre-Vatican II way of worship for the first time!
PLEASE may I purchase copy of Creatio. I enclose a check for $20. I will try to become one of your donors. I would be thankful for any connection with a service that pleases Our Beloved Blessed Mother in the spirit of ultimately obeying Our Lord, Almighty God and the Holy Spirit.
I thought I was largely alone, thinking what I've been thinking, but this past weekend, I discovered Ordo Novus Watch, SSPX - and YOU.
I felt impressed and grateful for the existence of the work of Atila S. Guimarães - an unsparing body of studies, capturing the many facets of alarming departures from true Holy Catholicism.
I have even found an SSPX chapel where I will go with an improvised veil. It will be very special and truly new. As an Anglican who converted in 1998, at the age of 62, I will experience the pre-Vatican II way of worship for the first time!
PLEASE may I purchase copy of Creatio. I enclose a check for $20. I will try to become one of your donors. I would be thankful for any connection with a service that pleases Our Beloved Blessed Mother in the spirit of ultimately obeying Our Lord, Almighty God and the Holy Spirit.
Did Mormons Influence Vatican II?
Dear TIA,
I just finished your brilliant book, In the Murky Waters of Vatican II. I literally could not put it down, and learned so much. Thank you!
I came away with a question. Clearly there was a strong Protestant influence on Vatican II. Same for the Jewish influence, since they wanted to change the teachings of the Church to discourage Jewish conversion (which they succeeded in doing).
My question is: was there a Mormon influence on Vatican II – not so much Mormons themselves but maybe Mormon teaching? I frequently hear now on Catholic radio or during homilies that we are all supposed to be saints. There are books out on the subjects. I was wondering why the pressure for everyone to become saints. I know that Mormons believe in latter day saints, as well as their own ability to become perfect in this lifetime.
That’s why I was wondering whether the Mormons helped influence that teaching – or was it more the Pentecostal Protestants, who also promote that everyone be “brother” and “sisters” and apostles.
I was also wondering what you thought of this teaching, that we all could become like saints. It seems to promote grandiosity and pride and be part of the egalitarian dark spirit.
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Dear S.T.,
We believe that this talk of everyone being saint is more an influence of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements – which, as you observe, also have a Protestant influence – than a direct action of the Mormons.
TIA correspondence desk
I just finished your brilliant book, In the Murky Waters of Vatican II. I literally could not put it down, and learned so much. Thank you!
I came away with a question. Clearly there was a strong Protestant influence on Vatican II. Same for the Jewish influence, since they wanted to change the teachings of the Church to discourage Jewish conversion (which they succeeded in doing).
My question is: was there a Mormon influence on Vatican II – not so much Mormons themselves but maybe Mormon teaching? I frequently hear now on Catholic radio or during homilies that we are all supposed to be saints. There are books out on the subjects. I was wondering why the pressure for everyone to become saints. I know that Mormons believe in latter day saints, as well as their own ability to become perfect in this lifetime.
That’s why I was wondering whether the Mormons helped influence that teaching – or was it more the Pentecostal Protestants, who also promote that everyone be “brother” and “sisters” and apostles.
I was also wondering what you thought of this teaching, that we all could become like saints. It seems to promote grandiosity and pride and be part of the egalitarian dark spirit.
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Dear S.T.,
We believe that this talk of everyone being saint is more an influence of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements – which, as you observe, also have a Protestant influence – than a direct action of the Mormons.
TIA correspondence desk
Our Lady of la Salette Novena
Dear TIA,
Here is a novena to be said to Our Lady of La Salette. The prayer below should be said during the nine days. from September 10, 2017 to September 18, 2017.
Remember, Our Lady of La Salette, true Mother of Sorrows, the tears which thou did shed for me on Calvary. Be mindful also of the unceasing care which thou does exercise to screen me from the Justice of God, and consider whether thou can now abandon thy child, for whom thou hast done so much. Inspired by this consoling thought,
I come to cast myself at thy feet, in spite of my infidelities and ingratitude. Reject not my prayer, O Virgin of reconciliation, convert me, obtain for me the grace to love Jesus Christ above all things and to console thee too by living a holy life, in order that one day I may be able to see thee in Heaven. +Amen
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us.
For the conversion of Rome; for the conversion of the Pope.
God bless,
"Act as if every day is the last of your life, and each action the last you will perform."--St. Francis de Sales
Here is a novena to be said to Our Lady of La Salette. The prayer below should be said during the nine days. from September 10, 2017 to September 18, 2017.
Remember, Our Lady of La Salette, true Mother of Sorrows, the tears which thou did shed for me on Calvary. Be mindful also of the unceasing care which thou does exercise to screen me from the Justice of God, and consider whether thou can now abandon thy child, for whom thou hast done so much. Inspired by this consoling thought,
I come to cast myself at thy feet, in spite of my infidelities and ingratitude. Reject not my prayer, O Virgin of reconciliation, convert me, obtain for me the grace to love Jesus Christ above all things and to console thee too by living a holy life, in order that one day I may be able to see thee in Heaven. +Amen
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us.
For the conversion of Rome; for the conversion of the Pope.
God bless,
"Act as if every day is the last of your life, and each action the last you will perform."--St. Francis de Sales
Pope Makes Bishops Free for Translations
Pope Francis has been trying to decentralize the Church since the first day when he said "I am the Bishop of Rome." To work to develop Collegiality more is the next step. He is trying to imitate the Anglicans because the progressivists believe that ecclesiology can obtain benefices by absorbing things from other "denominations."
The Holy Mother Church is no longer the Teacher of all nations, but rather is just a student learning from other denominations and respecting them. No more "docete omnes," [teach all nations] instead of that, now we have the "who I am to judge."
Please, read the news report below.
Pope Francis Shifts Power From Rome
With ‘Hugely Important’ Liturgical Reform
Jason Horowitz
Sept. 9, 2017 - Vatican City – Pope Francis, who has used his absolute authority in the Vatican to decentralize power from Rome, made a widespread change Saturday to the ways, and words, in which Roman Catholics worship by amending Vatican law to give national bishop conferences greater authority in translating liturgical language.
“It’s hugely important,” said Rita Ferrone, a specialist in Catholic liturgy who writes for Commonweal, a liberal Catholic magazine. She said that by loosening Rome’s grip on the language of prayers, Francis had restored the intention of the reforms of the Second Vatican Council and erased some of the rollbacks of his predecessor, Benedict XVI. “It was especially astute that he put it into Canon Law because it makes it official.”
Francis has not been shy in efforts to reform the Church and has tread on some of its most delicate subjects, from challenging the Roman bureaucracy that runs the Church to emphasizing acceptance of gays and the divorced.
On Saturday he stepped squarely onto the battlefield of the so-called Liturgy Wars, which, especially in the English-speaking Church, have divided liberals and conservatives for decades.
With “Magnum Principium,” a papal Motu Proprio — or a document issued under the Pope’s own legal authority – Francis altered a key 2001 instruction by Pope John Paul II that empowered Vatican officials in Rome to ensure local translations adhered to the standard Latin.
Read more here.
Pope Francis has been trying to decentralize the Church since the first day when he said "I am the Bishop of Rome." To work to develop Collegiality more is the next step. He is trying to imitate the Anglicans because the progressivists believe that ecclesiology can obtain benefices by absorbing things from other "denominations."
The Holy Mother Church is no longer the Teacher of all nations, but rather is just a student learning from other denominations and respecting them. No more "docete omnes," [teach all nations] instead of that, now we have the "who I am to judge."
Please, read the news report below.
With ‘Hugely Important’ Liturgical Reform
Jason Horowitz
Sept. 9, 2017 - Vatican City – Pope Francis, who has used his absolute authority in the Vatican to decentralize power from Rome, made a widespread change Saturday to the ways, and words, in which Roman Catholics worship by amending Vatican law to give national bishop conferences greater authority in translating liturgical language.
“It’s hugely important,” said Rita Ferrone, a specialist in Catholic liturgy who writes for Commonweal, a liberal Catholic magazine. She said that by loosening Rome’s grip on the language of prayers, Francis had restored the intention of the reforms of the Second Vatican Council and erased some of the rollbacks of his predecessor, Benedict XVI. “It was especially astute that he put it into Canon Law because it makes it official.”
Francis has not been shy in efforts to reform the Church and has tread on some of its most delicate subjects, from challenging the Roman bureaucracy that runs the Church to emphasizing acceptance of gays and the divorced.
On Saturday he stepped squarely onto the battlefield of the so-called Liturgy Wars, which, especially in the English-speaking Church, have divided liberals and conservatives for decades.
With “Magnum Principium,” a papal Motu Proprio — or a document issued under the Pope’s own legal authority – Francis altered a key 2001 instruction by Pope John Paul II that empowered Vatican officials in Rome to ensure local translations adhered to the standard Latin.
Read more here.

Posted September 12, 2017
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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Interestingly, the Cardinal of Cologne Rainer Woelki takes a strong pro immigrants position in Germany. Posing with a life vest in a demagogic way, he delivers a message to his faithful trying to put a problem of conscience in their minds in case they do not entirely support the invasion that is taking place in their country.
So, besides having Francis as a driving force supporting the Muslim invasion of Europe, we have also Card. Woelki encouraging Germans to endorse this invasion and collaborate in the auto-destruction of their country.
You may watch this video in which Woeki shows his colors here,