What People Are Asking
The Providential Prelate
Dear TIA,
I have read your recent post discussing whether or not the Prelate to come who will restore the Church mentioned by Our Lady of Good Success was Archbishop Lefebvre. I was wondering if you could please make available those texts of prophecies, so I can have a better background to make up my own mind on this question. I would like to have the actual texts also to show to others who address this topic with me.
It would appreciate if you could add your interpretation of the texts.
Thank you for your orientation and clear answers to questions.
May Our Lady of Good Success help your important work.

TIA responds:
Dear M.P.,
Thank you for your kind words. We are pleased to respond to your request.
In the revelations to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres in Quito, Ecuador, Our Lady of Good Success spoke several times of the Prelate who will restore the Church after her terrible trial in the 20th century. The most important of these references are presented below. They are taken from the 1790 manuscript by Fr. Manuel Sousa Pereira titled The Admirable Life of Madre Mariana De Jesus Torres, a work approved by the Church commission set up in 1986 to initiate the canonization process for the cause of Ven. Mother Mariana.
The golden era to come governed by a faithful Prelate
In the third apparition of January 16, 1599, Our Lady of Good Success came to reveal her identity to Mother Mariana and order her to have a statue made. This was shortly after the spiritual direction of the Conceptionist Convent had been removed from the Franciscan Friars and transferred to the Diocesan Bishop. Her words follow:
“The separation of the Friars Minor has taken place by divine permission. Woe to those who openly worked to obscure the light of my Convent! But after some centuries, they will return to govern this beloved flock, which will always lament their absence and feel their loss. …
“Neither you nor your present-day daughters and sisters will see the happiness that will dawn for this blessed Convent. However, you and your faithful and obedient daughters should make sacrifices and implore God to hasten that time to come on this earth, for today marks the beginning of a dark night.
"But a golden era will come for this my Convent. Then a Prelate [Prelado], my most beloved son, blessed and prized before God, will understand by divine light the necessity for the daughters of my Immaculate Conception to subject themselves in exact obedience to the Friars Minor for their sanctification and perfection. This Prelate will ask the Vicar of my Most Holy Son here on Earth to restore the jurisdiction over this Convent to the Friars Minor. …
“Happy, blessed, and beloved by God will be my daughters of this time who, with humility and simplicity, will manifest their desire to subject themselves to my Franciscan Friars, following the [original] Rule and obeying that Prelate, my much beloved son. Their names will be written in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, their Divine Spouse, and in my own.” (Volume I, Chapter 22, pp. 142-143).
This prophecy supposes that the Prelate is yet to come, since the Immaculate Conception Convent in Quito is still under the Archdiocese of Quito and has not been returned to the direction of the Franciscans. The cloistered sisters in the Convent also have not yet returned to original Rule of the Conceptionists.
Since Our Lady said that this Prelate will ask the Vicar to restore the jurisdiction over this Convent to the Friars Minor, it is implicitly affirmed that he will not be the Pope.
Into his hands the Sanctuary scales will be placed
In the apparition of February 2, 1634, Our Lady spoke again of that Prelate to Mother Mariana. The latter saw the sanctuary light of the Church extinguished, and then Our Lady explained to her the five symbols of that fact. Speaking of the crisis in the clergy in the 20th century, Our Lady told her to pray insistently for the Prelate to come in order to bring to an end those terrible times. These were her words:
“In this epoch, the Secular Clergy will be far removed from its ideal, because the priests will be careless in their sacred duties. Losing the divine compass, they will stray from the road traced by God for the priestly ministry and they will become attached to wealth and riches, which they will unduly strive to obtain.
“How this Church will suffer on that occasion the dark night from the lack of a Prelate and Father to watch over them with paternal love, gentleness, strength, discernment and prudence! Many priests will lose their spirit, placing their souls in great danger.
 St. Michael with the scales of justice | |
“Pray insistently without tiring and weep with bitter tears in the secrecy of your heart, imploring our Celestial Father that, for love of the Eucharistic Heart of my Most Holy Son and His Precious Blood shed with such generosity and by the profound bitterness and sufferings of His cruel Passion and Death, He might take pity on His ministers and quickly bring to an end those ominous times, sending to this Church the Prelate who will restore the spirit of its priests.
“ My Most Holy Son and I will love this favored son with a love of predilection, and we shall gift him with a rare capacity, humility of heart, docility to divine inspirations, the strength to defend the rights of the Church, and a tender and compassionate heart, so that, like another Christ, he will assist the great and the small, without despising the more unfortunate souls who ask him for light and counsel in their doubts and hardships. With divine suavity, he will guide the souls consecrated to the service of God in the cloisters, making light the yoke of the Lord, Who said, ‘My yoke is sweet, and my burden light.’
“Into his hands the scales of the Sanctuary will be placed so that everything is weighed with due measure and God will be glorified” (Volume II, Chapter 14, pp. 212-214).
Our Lady added that “the tepidity of all the souls consecrated to God in the priestly and religious state will delay the coming of this Prelate and Father.” (ibid)
This text also strongly suggests that this Prelate is still to come, since he is supposed to restore not just one religious order or establish a new one, but “to bring an end to those ominous times” and to oversee the entire restoration of the Church. Our Lady promised to give this man the strength and means he will need to defend the rights of the Church. This text portrays for us a man without any compromise.
This time of destruction, Our Lady told us, will be a most horrible night, when evil will appear to triumph. However, in the thick of that great trial, she promised she will triumph. She said:
“This, then, will mark the arrival of my hour, when I, in a marvelous way, will dethrone the proud and cursed Satan, trampling him under my feet and fettering him in the infernal abyss. Thus the Church and Country [Ecuador] will finally be free of his cruel tyranny.”
It seems clear that we have not reached this moment, and are still awaiting not only the Prelate to come but also the direct intercession of Our Lady to free the Church from the “cruel tyranny” of the Devil, who has been given enormous liberties to wreak destruction in the Church and society.
These are the principal texts in the revelations received by Mother Mariana that speak of that Prelate.
We hope they will be useful for you.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted December 29, 2010
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