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Condolences & Vatican Ecological Show
What Do You Think about the Vatican Show?
What do you think of this novelty? They are projections on the Vatican building to promote environmental and climate awareness.
You can watch the whole show here, but it is over an hour long.
Some of the slides seem very beautiful and marvelous.
I'm not sure what to think. Is something good actually coming out of this Vatican?
On the other hand, there is nothing Catholic about this show. There is not even mention of the birth of Christ, something that should be there for Advent and Christmas.
TIA responds:
We think it is completely inappropriate to have the Basilica of St. Peter used as a screen to project a sound and light show, particularly a profane one about endangered animal species.
The Basilica is the symbol of the Catholic Church, the spiritual institution par excellence. Besides hosting the Blessed Sacrament, it is the place where the bones of St. Peter lay. This ensemble makes it sacred. To project that show on it is a way to desecrate it.
It transforms the Vatican into a type of Green Peace leftist organization with all the Marxist biases that such organizations have.
We hope these considerations respond to your question.
TIA correspondence desk
What do you think of this novelty? They are projections on the Vatican building to promote environmental and climate awareness.
You can watch the whole show here, but it is over an hour long.
Some of the slides seem very beautiful and marvelous.
I'm not sure what to think. Is something good actually coming out of this Vatican?
On the other hand, there is nothing Catholic about this show. There is not even mention of the birth of Christ, something that should be there for Advent and Christmas.
TIA responds:
We think it is completely inappropriate to have the Basilica of St. Peter used as a screen to project a sound and light show, particularly a profane one about endangered animal species.
The Basilica is the symbol of the Catholic Church, the spiritual institution par excellence. Besides hosting the Blessed Sacrament, it is the place where the bones of St. Peter lay. This ensemble makes it sacred. To project that show on it is a way to desecrate it.
It transforms the Vatican into a type of Green Peace leftist organization with all the Marxist biases that such organizations have.
We hope these considerations respond to your question.
TIA correspondence desk
The ecological-globalist sound and light spectacle that took place at St. Peter’s Square was blasphemously called Fiat Lux, referring to the words of God at the beginning of Creation. (Gen 1:3).
It was projected on the façade of St. Peter's Basilica on December 8, the day the Church celebrates the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Virgin Mary.
The ecological-globalist sound and light spectacle that took place at St. Peter’s Square was blasphemously called Fiat Lux, referring to the words of God at the beginning of Creation. (Gen 1:3).
It was projected on the façade of St. Peter's Basilica on December 8, the day the Church celebrates the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Virgin Mary.

Two Popes... on the Same Page
Dear TIA,
For those naive trads who think Benedict has a different agenda than Francis, please watch the two progressivist Popes tenderly embrace and open the Holy Door in St. Peter's Basilica.
“How much wrong we do to God and his grace when we speak of sins being punished by his judgment before we speak of their being forgiven by his mercy,” Francis said.
“We have to put mercy before judgment, and in any event God’s judgment will always be in the light of his mercy. In passing through the Holy Door, then, may we feel that we ourselves are part of this mystery of love.”
Fifty years ago, he said, the church celebrated the “opening of another door,” with the Second Vatican Council urging the church to come out from self-enclosure and “set out once again with enthusiasm on her missionary journey.” The council closed on December 8 1965.
The two Popes are in perfect agreement on Vatican II and pushing forward the revolution in the Church. This is why Benedict stepped down, it is clear to anyone with eyes to see that there is no friction between these two.
Watched a short video here.
For those naive trads who think Benedict has a different agenda than Francis, please watch the two progressivist Popes tenderly embrace and open the Holy Door in St. Peter's Basilica.
“How much wrong we do to God and his grace when we speak of sins being punished by his judgment before we speak of their being forgiven by his mercy,” Francis said.
“We have to put mercy before judgment, and in any event God’s judgment will always be in the light of his mercy. In passing through the Holy Door, then, may we feel that we ourselves are part of this mystery of love.”
Fifty years ago, he said, the church celebrated the “opening of another door,” with the Second Vatican Council urging the church to come out from self-enclosure and “set out once again with enthusiasm on her missionary journey.” The council closed on December 8 1965.
The two Popes are in perfect agreement on Vatican II and pushing forward the revolution in the Church. This is why Benedict stepped down, it is clear to anyone with eyes to see that there is no friction between these two.
Watched a short video here.

Card. Dolan Blackmailed by Homo Priest
I am passing on to you this new report on Card. Dolan that I received from a friend.
Cardinal Dolan Sued Over Gay Priest Scandal
A lawsuit has been filed against the Archdiocese of New York and Cdl. Timothy Dolan by Catholic parishioners accusing them of covering up for a homosexual priest who stole millions from parishes to finance a sadomasochistic sex life with his gay-for-pay prostitute.
Parishioners have tried to work through proper channels for months, contacting various senior archdiocesan officials, but have been stonewalled at every turn. Incensed and fed up, they have gone public and are demanding restitution as well as something be done about the situation regarding Fr. Peter Miqueli.
Father Miqueli shares a house with the reported male prostitute in Brick, New Jersey, where neighbors say there is a steady stream of young men. The larger concern that parishioners have is why the Archdiocese of New York has been so willing to protect the priest.
According to parishioners, he has never been removed from a post. No serious financial audits have been conducted amounting to anything. Various diocesan personnel in New York tell ChurchMilitant.com that there is a scandal behind the scandal.
The reason why Miqueli is left alone, they say, is because he knows information that would be severely damaging to the New York Archdiocese — and perhaps to Cdl. Dolan as well — if it became public. As the old saying goes, the genie is out of the bottle, and there's no way now to get him back in.
Parishioners say the handling of this whole case has been reminiscent of how homosexual priests raping teenagers was covered up by senior clergy. If what the New York archdiocese insiders are telling us is true — that there is some damning information that Fr. Miqueli has and is blackmailing the Archdiocese over — it may be too late now for Cdl. Dolan and some of his senior staff to hold back the explosion.
Stay tuned to ChurchMilitant.com for more coverage on this as events continue to unfold and more news comes out — which it always does.
Jim Komaniecki
I am passing on to you this new report on Card. Dolan that I received from a friend.
A lawsuit has been filed against the Archdiocese of New York and Cdl. Timothy Dolan by Catholic parishioners accusing them of covering up for a homosexual priest who stole millions from parishes to finance a sadomasochistic sex life with his gay-for-pay prostitute.
Parishioners have tried to work through proper channels for months, contacting various senior archdiocesan officials, but have been stonewalled at every turn. Incensed and fed up, they have gone public and are demanding restitution as well as something be done about the situation regarding Fr. Peter Miqueli.
Father Miqueli shares a house with the reported male prostitute in Brick, New Jersey, where neighbors say there is a steady stream of young men. The larger concern that parishioners have is why the Archdiocese of New York has been so willing to protect the priest.
According to parishioners, he has never been removed from a post. No serious financial audits have been conducted amounting to anything. Various diocesan personnel in New York tell ChurchMilitant.com that there is a scandal behind the scandal.
The reason why Miqueli is left alone, they say, is because he knows information that would be severely damaging to the New York Archdiocese — and perhaps to Cdl. Dolan as well — if it became public. As the old saying goes, the genie is out of the bottle, and there's no way now to get him back in.
Parishioners say the handling of this whole case has been reminiscent of how homosexual priests raping teenagers was covered up by senior clergy. If what the New York archdiocese insiders are telling us is true — that there is some damning information that Fr. Miqueli has and is blackmailing the Archdiocese over — it may be too late now for Cdl. Dolan and some of his senior staff to hold back the explosion.
Stay tuned to ChurchMilitant.com for more coverage on this as events continue to unfold and more news comes out — which it always does.
Jim Komaniecki

Posted December 15, 2015
It is with sorrow that I inform you that my uncle, Fr. Stephen, has died [at age 86]. He went to his reward late Saturday night, as Gaudete Sunday began.
Thank you for your prayers thus far and I hope you continue to pray for the repose of his soul.
All the best and God bless.
Johan van Nooten
The Editor responds:
Hello Mr. van Nooten,
Receive my condolences and those of TIA for the loss of your uncle, Fr. Somerville. I ask you the favor to extend them also to your family.
It was very hopeful news to know that he passed away on Saturday, October 12, the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Be sure of our prayers for him.
In Jesu et Maria,
Atila S. Guimarães
Fr. Stephen Somerville at TIA headquarters in 2006