What People Are Commenting
Heresy, Kingdom & Effeminate Boys
Communist China Is Afraid of Our Lady of Fatima
Interesting this part of an interview with Cardinal Joseph Zen, retired Archbishop of Hong Kong, about the Church in China and Our Lady of Fatima:
Question – Catholics this year are commemorating the appearances of Our Lady of Fatima that took place 100 years ago. The messages of Our Lady of Fatima warn us of the godless ideology of communism. Are the Catholics in China aware of these messages?
Answer – Of course! All of us have heard of the messages of Fatima. Even the communists! They make them very anxious. The communists are actually afraid of Our Lady of Fatima! The whole situation is becoming ludicrous: for example, the communists have nothing against you bringing pictures of “Maria Immaculata” or depictions of the miraculous image “Mary, Help of Christians” into China from another country. Pictures of “Our Lady of Fatima”, on the other hand, are not allowed. They consider the events in Fatima to be “anti-communist”. Which is of course nothing but the truth!
Full interview is available here
Keep up the good work.
Interesting this part of an interview with Cardinal Joseph Zen, retired Archbishop of Hong Kong, about the Church in China and Our Lady of Fatima:
Question – Catholics this year are commemorating the appearances of Our Lady of Fatima that took place 100 years ago. The messages of Our Lady of Fatima warn us of the godless ideology of communism. Are the Catholics in China aware of these messages?
Answer – Of course! All of us have heard of the messages of Fatima. Even the communists! They make them very anxious. The communists are actually afraid of Our Lady of Fatima! The whole situation is becoming ludicrous: for example, the communists have nothing against you bringing pictures of “Maria Immaculata” or depictions of the miraculous image “Mary, Help of Christians” into China from another country. Pictures of “Our Lady of Fatima”, on the other hand, are not allowed. They consider the events in Fatima to be “anti-communist”. Which is of course nothing but the truth!
Full interview is available here
Keep up the good work.
‘Kingdom of John Paul II’
To my Friends at TIA,
The Lateran Treaty was ratified in 1929 identifying the Vatican as an independent State recognizing the full sovereignty of the Holy See in the State of Vatican City.
This, I believe, makes the Pope also the King of Vatican City, which most likely explains the reason the Blessed Mother used the words, 'In the kingdom of John Paul II the cornerstone of Peter's tomb will be removed and transferred to Fatima.'
I don't know if there is any significance to this, but one would think that the word pontificate would have been used instead of kingdom. Any thoughts?
Homer Sweeney
TIA responds:
Dear Mr. Sweeney,
As far as we can see, your interpretation is correct. After the usurpation of the Pontifical Territories in Italy by the Masonic promoters of the unification of Italy (1861-1871), the Pope lost power over temporal territories for a period. He continued to be a King, but as a prisoner King. In 1929 the Lateran Treaty recognized his Kingship, but over a much smaller territory, the Vatican. Such a papal royalty continues to exist, even when the Conciliar Popes made all possible efforts to deny and renounce it.
We believe the word “pontificate” includes kingdom. We base ourselves on one of the symbolic meanings of the Papal Tiara, which is that the three crowns represent the imperial, royal and priestly dignities included in the power of the Sovereign Pontiff (cf. “tiara” in Enciclopédia Universal Ilustrada, Espasa-Calpe, 1928, vol. 61, pp. 738-739).
Thus, in practical terms, the expressions the “kingdom of John Paul II” and the “pontificate of John Paul II” are synonymous, although to use the former emphasizes more the counter-revolutionary aspect of the pontificate and highlights its anti-progressivist note.
TIA correspondence desk
The Lateran Treaty was ratified in 1929 identifying the Vatican as an independent State recognizing the full sovereignty of the Holy See in the State of Vatican City.
This, I believe, makes the Pope also the King of Vatican City, which most likely explains the reason the Blessed Mother used the words, 'In the kingdom of John Paul II the cornerstone of Peter's tomb will be removed and transferred to Fatima.'
I don't know if there is any significance to this, but one would think that the word pontificate would have been used instead of kingdom. Any thoughts?
Homer Sweeney
TIA responds:
Dear Mr. Sweeney,
As far as we can see, your interpretation is correct. After the usurpation of the Pontifical Territories in Italy by the Masonic promoters of the unification of Italy (1861-1871), the Pope lost power over temporal territories for a period. He continued to be a King, but as a prisoner King. In 1929 the Lateran Treaty recognized his Kingship, but over a much smaller territory, the Vatican. Such a papal royalty continues to exist, even when the Conciliar Popes made all possible efforts to deny and renounce it.
We believe the word “pontificate” includes kingdom. We base ourselves on one of the symbolic meanings of the Papal Tiara, which is that the three crowns represent the imperial, royal and priestly dignities included in the power of the Sovereign Pontiff (cf. “tiara” in Enciclopédia Universal Ilustrada, Espasa-Calpe, 1928, vol. 61, pp. 738-739).
Thus, in practical terms, the expressions the “kingdom of John Paul II” and the “pontificate of John Paul II” are synonymous, although to use the former emphasizes more the counter-revolutionary aspect of the pontificate and highlights its anti-progressivist note.
TIA correspondence desk
Data on Divine Mercy Devotion
Dear Mr. Guimarães,
Greetings in Christ,
Regarding the 'Divine Mercy devotion', please allow us to point out this user-submitted article on our site entitled "What's Up With Faustina's Divine Mercy Devotion?: Unanswered Questions & Things You May Not Know"...
It is 'quite comprehensive' and references passages in Faustina's diary which may be useful for verification purposes. The article references contradictions, factual errors / inaccuracies, prophecies that do not materialize, theological problems / faulty theology, uncharacteristic behavior & speech attributed to God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, etc.
I hope this may be of assistance.
God bless you.
The Editor responds:
Dear Editor of CatholicSources.com,
I thank you very much for the information. I passed on your e-mail to Br. Roriz, who made good use of it, as you can verify in this article that we posted yesterday.
Your assistance was appreciated.
In Jesu et Maria,
Atila S. Guimarães
Greetings in Christ,
Regarding the 'Divine Mercy devotion', please allow us to point out this user-submitted article on our site entitled "What's Up With Faustina's Divine Mercy Devotion?: Unanswered Questions & Things You May Not Know"...
It is 'quite comprehensive' and references passages in Faustina's diary which may be useful for verification purposes. The article references contradictions, factual errors / inaccuracies, prophecies that do not materialize, theological problems / faulty theology, uncharacteristic behavior & speech attributed to God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, etc.
I hope this may be of assistance.
God bless you.
The Editor responds:
Dear Editor of CatholicSources.com,
I thank you very much for the information. I passed on your e-mail to Br. Roriz, who made good use of it, as you can verify in this article that we posted yesterday.
Your assistance was appreciated.
In Jesu et Maria,
Atila S. Guimarães
Correcting Boys with Feminine Traits
Dear TIA,
I read with great interest your advice regarding Should Boys with Feminine Tendencies be Corrected?. This is because I was one of those boys with feminine tendencies. In my case, I grew up as an man with feminine tendencies, a timidity and softness of character, and yes, a man with same-sex attractions. I admire A.B.'s concern for the well-being of his son, and lament the casual attitudes of the adults that gave him such bad advice. It seems to be commonplace that children are left to raise themselves and then we wonder why there are so many youth with mental disturbances in this day and age.
I would have made a slight adjustment to your advice, and mention that the correction should be made in the light of the boy's temperament. I think this is the healthy Catholic position: one that doesn't avoid correction, but still has a consideration of the "feelings", or more accurately, how the boy will perceive and react to the correction. In my opinion, (and my personal experience), the boy can take it as rejection if he is being corrected for his limp wrist or crossing his legs, etc..but this is why I bring up temperament.
If the boy is given to being melodramatic and oversensitive, he will need some gentle reassurance and encouragement...praise for not displaying feminine traits along with the correction. In short, A.B. should want to cultivate the desire in his son to imitate men so that the desire will come from within.
I also wanted to mention a caveat regarding martial arts and similar classes is that in these days, it is very difficult to find classes without girls or women in them also. This is what I am facing now as a middle-aged man who wants to reverse the bad psychology of my childhood and consequences of my own sin and error. As an adult, it is difficult to "rewire" certain attitudes and preconceptions. It was very good advice to provide Catholic role models, to combat both the stereotype of the "effeminate male saint" and the "natural, vulgar man".
The "natural, vulgar man" and the "effeminate male saint", I believe are two sides of the same distortion of masculinity in the modern age. In essence, both teach that to be "manly" is to be vulgar, coarse, and "bad", and to be "good" is to be effeminate, weak and sentimental. One should protect children from this distortion so that neither one's good inclinations are rejected for being "sissy," nor that one embraces one's good intentions and becomes a sissy for doing so.
Yours truly,
I read with great interest your advice regarding Should Boys with Feminine Tendencies be Corrected?. This is because I was one of those boys with feminine tendencies. In my case, I grew up as an man with feminine tendencies, a timidity and softness of character, and yes, a man with same-sex attractions. I admire A.B.'s concern for the well-being of his son, and lament the casual attitudes of the adults that gave him such bad advice. It seems to be commonplace that children are left to raise themselves and then we wonder why there are so many youth with mental disturbances in this day and age.
I would have made a slight adjustment to your advice, and mention that the correction should be made in the light of the boy's temperament. I think this is the healthy Catholic position: one that doesn't avoid correction, but still has a consideration of the "feelings", or more accurately, how the boy will perceive and react to the correction. In my opinion, (and my personal experience), the boy can take it as rejection if he is being corrected for his limp wrist or crossing his legs, etc..but this is why I bring up temperament.
If the boy is given to being melodramatic and oversensitive, he will need some gentle reassurance and encouragement...praise for not displaying feminine traits along with the correction. In short, A.B. should want to cultivate the desire in his son to imitate men so that the desire will come from within.
I also wanted to mention a caveat regarding martial arts and similar classes is that in these days, it is very difficult to find classes without girls or women in them also. This is what I am facing now as a middle-aged man who wants to reverse the bad psychology of my childhood and consequences of my own sin and error. As an adult, it is difficult to "rewire" certain attitudes and preconceptions. It was very good advice to provide Catholic role models, to combat both the stereotype of the "effeminate male saint" and the "natural, vulgar man".
The "natural, vulgar man" and the "effeminate male saint", I believe are two sides of the same distortion of masculinity in the modern age. In essence, both teach that to be "manly" is to be vulgar, coarse, and "bad", and to be "good" is to be effeminate, weak and sentimental. One should protect children from this distortion so that neither one's good inclinations are rejected for being "sissy," nor that one embraces one's good intentions and becomes a sissy for doing so.
Yours truly,

Posted June 8, 2017
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I saw this today, and almost certainly you have as well.
Pope Francis: "It is He [God] who cannot be without us. This is a great mystery: God cannot be God without man. This is a great mystery.”
Well, if God needs us to be God, then he is a contingent being and, therefore, not God.