Fatima Issues
Benedict’s Support for Communism
and the Fatima Prophecy
Lyle J. Arnold, Jr.
A parishioner from northern California informed me of a lengthy article in their diocesan paper, full of praise for Pope Ratzinger's June letter to the Catholics in China. This full-page effusive article was written by a former Bishop of the Oakland Diocese John Cummins. The letter begins:
"Pope Benedict XVI's Pentecost letter to the people of the Church in China is a remarkable achievement. He does not so much thread through the hurt and conflict of the last half century as he places an enlightening perspective on the present day situation. His is a careful and masterful appraisal and direction for the 8 to 12 million Catholics in China"(1).

Msgr. John Cummins praises the merger of the underground Church with Communism |
Much of the article is subjective and sentimental in nature, recounting his personal trips to and from China, his meetings with Chinese American Catholics and other Bishops. The script of the article is like listening to elevator music, a movement of words to produce a transitory agreeable feeling. He tells how in 1996 the Bishop from Hong Kong "forcefully explained both the reality and the papal policy that there was but one Church in China."
After bland paragraphs telling about a trip to China in the 1990's, relating about who he met with and his favorable impressions, he says: "The letter of Pope Benedict comes into this moving, puzzling and, in so many ways, unhappy situation ... and explains the need for unity of all those in the Church."
In the Bishop's closing remarks he affirms that "Pope Benedict's letter represents guidance for the Catholic people and the calm invitation to dialogue for the government." The ensemble of the article was like eating saccharine cotton candy in a surrealistic environment.
Nothing was mentioned about the Pope's revocation of all the privileges formally granted to the persecuted and underground Catholics (2). Nothing was mentioned about Communist China's message that pre-conditions for dialogue with Rome meant cutting diplomatic relations with Taiwan, and staying out of Chinese religious affairs (3). Nothing was mentioned about the removal of the Pope's letter from China's websites, and the blockage of the Vatican website (4). Nothing was mentioned about the escalation of persecution of China's underground Catholics since the Pope's letter (5). Behold the spirit of a progressivist soul.
It has been correctly stated that Puritanism is not a sect, rather it is "a rigorist tendency of Protestantism, (based on) a proud piety … Psychologically, it has made the individual a self-idolater"(6). This notion redounds to Progressivism. I have spoken to people in the New Chuch who proclaim adherence to Catholic dogmas, yet their tendentious souls are filled with blatant Progressivism. Some light can be shed on this curious schizophrenia by the words of a Cardinal in the early 20th century.

Card. Mercier wrote that he feared the contagion of the spirit of Modernism |
In a letter to the Catholics in Belgium by Cardinal Mercier, written at the time of the release of Pope St. Pius X's Pascendi, he touched on a vein of understanding about the modernist/progressivist soul. He said:
"You understand we make a difference between modernist doctrines and the spirit that animates them. The doctrines disseminated in the philosophical, theological, the exegetic and apologetic writings have been admirably systematized in the Encyclical Pascendi; and since it has been your privilege to escape their influence, it is hardly necessary to prove to you how completely these teachings are at variance with faith and sound philosophy.
"But I dread even more for your souls the contagion of the spirit of Modernism which is the outcome of Protestantism" (7).
There is a line in the sand. A dichotomy exists in a person who mouths adherence to Catholic teaching, while at the same time reeks with the spirit of Progressivism. It is like the politician who is against abortion "personally" but accepts it because of his office. One cannot serve two masters (Matt 6: 24), this is the dichotomy. Sometimes it seems that the progressivist spirit is airborne. It is automatically breathed in and metastasizes, passing through the intellect unchallenged, into the heart and the will. The bypass of intellect is made facile because the Church hierarchy has set the standard. Over the years this metastasis has become a collective sin.
In the fourth century, St. Jerome made his famous statement regarding the Arian heresy. "The whole world woke up and was amazed to find itself Arian"(8). Consider the situation he found himself in: Athanasius was in exile, a compromised Pope occupied the Chair of Peter, hardly a Bishop throughout the Empire possessed the courage to stand up to Constantius, and those who did were in exile. (9).
Today, the situation somehow repeats itself. The Pope seeks to unite Catholics with Communism, a Bishop – along with most of the Catholic media - supports his action (influencing the Catholics in his Diocese), and the traditional press is silent about the Pope's letter to the Chinese Catholics.
When William Thomas Walsh interviewed Sister Lucy in 1948, a significant question was asked. In reference to the consecration of Russia, he asked:
If it were not done "does this mean, in your opinion, that every country in the world, without exception, will be overcome by Communism?"(10)
Her answer was an unequivocal "Yes."

Making peace with Communism in China ... |
When the Papacy, the highest office in the world, promotes Communism through hardly veiled words to make peace with them, what are we to think about the future? When only a small Catholic remnant is exposing this dilemma, it is hard to resist speculation that "every country in the world" is well on its way to becoming Communist.
However, this can be changed. If enough Catholics are released from their self-deception, realize that they are aiding and abetting an egregious, powerful enemy of God, and seriously reject Progressivism, an important change will occur. They will normally come to the ranks of the counter-revolutionary remnant. This can make the victory over the progressivist revolution be at hand.
In 371, speaking of the heresy of Arianism, St. Basil stated that "The whole Church is in dissolution"(11). Previously, St. Athanasius had written that the churches are "seized upon by aliens"(12). This is our lot today with the progressivists.
An air strike of Our Lady's graces is needed. Detonated into the souls of faithful Catholics, victory over this Revolution can be at hand.
1. Bishop John S. Cummins, "Pope's letter on the Church in China: a `new moment' of hope," The Catholic Voice, 9-17-07.
2. Margaret Galitzin, "A Shameful Silence – Aftermath of the Papal Letter to Chinese Catholics – Part I," TIA website, 8-9-07.
3. Margaret Galitizin, "China Hardens Position against the Underground Church – Aftermath of the Papal Letter to Chinese Catholics – Part II," TIA website, 8-15-07.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Parente, Piolanti, Garofalo, Dictionary of Dogmatic Theology, Milwaukee: The Bruce Pub/Co, 1951, p. 235.
7. Cardinal Mercier, "The Condemnation of Modernism," Catholic Family News, 9-07, p. 1.
8. Michael Davies, Saint Athanasius – Defender of the Faith, Kansas City/Mo: Angelus Press, 2001
9. Ibid, p. 29.
10. William Thomas Walsh, Our Lady of Fatima, Image Books, 1954, p. 221.
11. Davies, St. Anthanasius, p. 46.
12. Ibid, p. 47.
Posted September 28, 2007

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