What People Are Commenting
Jesuits of Hiroshima & Angel's Veil
For some time I have searched for photos showing the intact Jesuit buildings in Hiroshima after the atomic bomb was detonated, but have found none. It is inconceivable that no photos were taken of this wonder. Do you know of a source(s) where these photos can be found?
TIA responds:
According to the reports we found, it seems that two houses of the Jesuits in Hiroshima at that time were partially preserved. The first one was one mile from the explosion, which is the one referred to by one of our readers in a previous posting. The eight Jesuits in it, who were devotees of Fatima and the Rosary, did not die or suffer the effects of radiation. Notwithstanding, the building suffered severe damage from the explosion.
You may find some interesting references here. This article features a photo that seems to be the church in which they were at the time the bomb was dropped. For more information on that photo, you may contact the Catholic Herald.
Another Jesuit house was located 2.5 miles from this one, behind a hill. It was also partially preserved from the bomb. One of the surviving priests gave a report of what he experienced, here. In the article appears a photo of this house as it was before the bomb.
We hope this may help you.
TIA correspondence desk
St. Macarius of Alexandria
Dear friends,
I came across this page with information on the life of St. Macarius of Alexandria and found an image there which mistakenly is described as that of St. Macarius (the top image of a saint with an Eastern bishop's staff).
The man portrayed in this icon is NOT Macarius, it is St. Mitrofan, bishop of the Russian city of Voronezh, who lived in the 18th century. Please correct this mistake!
I found the page on St. Macarius very informative, for which I thank you.
A.B., Moscow, Russia
TIA responds:
Dear A.B.,
Thank you for the precision. The picture was duly replaced.
TIA correspondence desk
Angel’s Veil
To Whom It May Concern,
I am attempting to research something called an "angel's veil". It is supposedly where the hairline of a person comes to a perfect point in the front. I am not having any success and am wondering if such a thing exists or not.
Thank you for your time!
Dr. Horvat responds:
I have never heard of an "angel's veil" in reference to the forehead hairline. But let me give you some clues that may help you.
At left, medieval mode showing a kind of peak; center, a high forehead; at right, Mary Stuart with a widow's peak headdress
During the Middle Ages, a high forehead was considered very beautiful and some women at court shaved their forehead hair to move their hairline upwards.
In the period of the High Renaissance a type of headdress became popular - especially for mourning dress - that featured a triangular piece of cloth on the forehead that resembles a widow's peak. The peak refers to the beak of the headdress that comes to a perfect point in the front. Since the name widow's beak dates from the mid 19th century, perhaps the term angel's veil was used to describe it before this time.
It is a supposition to at least point you in some direction in your research.
Marian T. Horvat
Something Amiss
Thank you for the good work you do.
There is something definitely amiss in Rome if people like myself who were born into the Church have to depend on sites such as yours to learn fundamental truths of the Faith that we hear neither at our local parishes or from the highest echelons of the hierarchy - precisely those truths we need to hear most to defend ourselves from the Church's enemies.
God bless,
Greetings from Ecuador
Dear warriors of Christ,
Greetings from Ecuador.
I'm very interested in buying many of your books, for not saying all of them. But Spanish being my native language, and though I write and read in English, I'd rather buy them in Spanish.
Have you any of your books translated to Spanish?
Thank you, God bless you through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
TIA responds:
Dear E.A.,
We are pleased to learn of your interest in our books.
Regarding the Collection by Atila S. Guimarães, In the Murky Waters of Vatican II is now available in Spanish. You can purchase it on our site here, and it will be sent to your from Los Angeles, USA; it is also available here from the Chilean publisher, and it will be sent to you from Santiago, Chile.
Regarding Our Lady of Good Success, the work by Fr. Manuel Sousa Pereira was published in Spanish by Jesus del Misericordia publishers in Quito under the title Vida Admirable de la Madre Mariana de Jesus Torres y Berriochoa. We believe it is available at the Convent of the Conceptionists in Quito. You may contact either the publisher or the Convent for confirmation and details.
If this is not possible for you, this work is being distributed in the United States by Libreria Fiat Voluntas Tua in Florida. To order the set from this company, you can call them at 786-388-3128 or e-mail them at fiatvtua@bellsouth.net.
TIA correspondent desk
Gregorian Masses
How would I go about requesting the thirty Masses to be said for a recently deceased relative?
TIA responds:
Thank you for your inquiry.
We suggest you read our responses to a similar questions here
In additon to the two addresses provided there, the priests at Clear Creek Monastery in Oklahoma will say the 30 Gregorian Masses in a row. You can contact them at their website.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted August 18, 2011

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