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Comments on 'The Punishment of Katrina'
Dr. Horvat ends her very good article The Tears of Our Lady and the Punishment of Katrina noting that she knows of no Priest or Bishop who has taken the position that God permits, and will permit, terrible disasters of the New Orleans kind, in response to the "moral temperament" in our society, and in response to what has gone on in our Church in recent decades.
I submit then, that Dr. Horvat perhaps seldom or never had the very good fortune to attend Sunday Mass and hear a typical Sunday Sermon at Fr. DePauw's Ave Maria Chapel, here on Long Island. To give credit where it is due, since the late 1990's, the late Fr. DePauw repeatedly and graphically spoke of the "horrible things that are coming upon this world" (and he elaborated by mentioning "floods, fires, earthquakes, the plague (and he would say specifically AIDS), famine, wars, and other disasters") precisely because of all the reasons mentioned in Dr. Horvat's article.
I was there in New York on 9-11-01 (and perhaps miraculously kept safe for no other reason than my attendance at the True Mass and receipt of the True Sacraments - and certainly because of no merit of my own) and so got a little, first hand, taste of what Fr. DePauw, already then, had been warning about for several years. In later years he would preface these kinds of remarks with "I know I'm always hammering on the same nail, but..."
God help us Catholic people! We need more Priests (and Bishops) with similar sense and with the fortitude to speak out and to offer the True Mass and true Sacraments.
Please keep up your good work - perhaps some of it will sink in in the right places. We can only hope so...
E. B.
The Church Abandons the Needy
Dr. Horvat,
I just read your article The Tears of Our Lady and the Punishment of Katrina and, of course, it was well written as always.
I'm basically retired and I have watched many hours of TV on Katrina as I lived in Pensacola and Baton Rouge in the late 70's and have spent much time in New Orleans where my younger sister lived during that time. In all those hours of watching this catastrophe, I don't recall seeing a single "Catholic" Priest or Bishop on TV consoling the victims or in any way helping the people in this disaster area.Has the Novus Ordo church abandoned even "her" flock in their time of need in order to physically preserve herself?
Katrina was a Mercy
Dear Dr Marian,
I just want to say thank you for writing the article on the "Tears of Our Lady and the Punishment of Katrina." You have spoken for many of us who do not have your excellent talent for writing.
Though none of us are without sin and all contribute to the tears of Our Lady in more ways than one, it is a great pity that your letter will be read mostly by traditional Catholics and not reach the general public. The sufferings of this world cannot be compared to the eternal fires of Hell. Katrina and Tsunami were nothing more than an act of God's Love and Mercy to forewarning mankind of yet greater punishments to come. For God does not wish the death of a sinner but that he repent and live.
Posted September 9, 2005

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