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Divine Mercy Devotion
I read an older article entitled, "Church Reasons to Condemn the Divine Mercy Devotion," which was a text/sermon by Msgr. Patrick Perez on why he is against the Divine Mercy devotion.
Msgr Perez mentioned various reasons of which I would like to address a few. He talked about the language Our Lord used in speaking to St. Faustina, when He said to her: "Beloved pearl of My Heart." Msgr says Our Lord does not use that type of language. I counter with a look at the Song of Songs in the Old Testament and you will see that Our Lord does use that kind of language.
Secondly, Msgr Perez cites this quote: "Now, I know that it is not for the graces or gifts that you love Me, but because My Will is dearer to you than life. That is why I am uniting Myself with you so intimately as with no other creature" (Divine Mercy in My Soul, The Diary of St. Faustina, Stockbridge, MA: Marian Press, 1987, p.288). Msgr. Perez finds fault with this quote because that would mean St. Faustina was united more intimately with Our Lord than the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Well, after giving this some reflection, I recalled a verse in the Bible that says: "Of those born of woman, there is no greater than John (Baptist)" (Lk 7:28). Now let me explain how this relates. Would Lk : 7:28 mean than John is greater than the Blessed Virgin if you just go by the quote alone? Mary was born of a woman, so how can John be greater?
So in the same regard, is it not possible that Our Lord meant that next to His Mother, there is no greater than John? Therefore, it could follow that next to the Blessed Virgin Mary there was no other so united with Our Lord as was St. Faustina.
And finally, Msgr mentions the episode described in St. Faustina's Diary in which the Host leaped from the Tabernacle and landed in her hands and how he found it controversial because only the priest's hands are sacred to touch the Host. I say if the Lord chose to allow Faustina to touch the Host, than who are we to find fault in it.
Now I end with a question. Canonizations are infallible and since Faustina is a canonized Saint, does that not mean we should believe in the whole Divine Mercy Message to which she was Our Lord's Secretary? Canonizations are infallible because the Church would not allow us to pray to someone who is in Hell, for instance, so they have to be infallible.
TIA responds:
Thank you for your e-mail. We forward it to Msgr. Perez.
Regarding your last remark that canonizations are infallible, we believe you are wrong. They were infallible because the laws that regulated them were very strict and selected for sainthood only persons who were clearly in Heaven.
However, the conciliar Popes abolished those laws. Today the only clear rule that applies is this one: Whoever the Pope wants to canonize becomes a blessed and shortly afterwards a saint. The processes kept the same names, but they completely lost their purpose.
We don’t need to elaborate on this issue. If you are interested you can read here, here and here.
TIA correspondence desk
I read an older article entitled, "Church Reasons to Condemn the Divine Mercy Devotion," which was a text/sermon by Msgr. Patrick Perez on why he is against the Divine Mercy devotion.
Msgr Perez mentioned various reasons of which I would like to address a few. He talked about the language Our Lord used in speaking to St. Faustina, when He said to her: "Beloved pearl of My Heart." Msgr says Our Lord does not use that type of language. I counter with a look at the Song of Songs in the Old Testament and you will see that Our Lord does use that kind of language.
Secondly, Msgr Perez cites this quote: "Now, I know that it is not for the graces or gifts that you love Me, but because My Will is dearer to you than life. That is why I am uniting Myself with you so intimately as with no other creature" (Divine Mercy in My Soul, The Diary of St. Faustina, Stockbridge, MA: Marian Press, 1987, p.288). Msgr. Perez finds fault with this quote because that would mean St. Faustina was united more intimately with Our Lord than the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Well, after giving this some reflection, I recalled a verse in the Bible that says: "Of those born of woman, there is no greater than John (Baptist)" (Lk 7:28). Now let me explain how this relates. Would Lk : 7:28 mean than John is greater than the Blessed Virgin if you just go by the quote alone? Mary was born of a woman, so how can John be greater?
So in the same regard, is it not possible that Our Lord meant that next to His Mother, there is no greater than John? Therefore, it could follow that next to the Blessed Virgin Mary there was no other so united with Our Lord as was St. Faustina.
And finally, Msgr mentions the episode described in St. Faustina's Diary in which the Host leaped from the Tabernacle and landed in her hands and how he found it controversial because only the priest's hands are sacred to touch the Host. I say if the Lord chose to allow Faustina to touch the Host, than who are we to find fault in it.
Now I end with a question. Canonizations are infallible and since Faustina is a canonized Saint, does that not mean we should believe in the whole Divine Mercy Message to which she was Our Lord's Secretary? Canonizations are infallible because the Church would not allow us to pray to someone who is in Hell, for instance, so they have to be infallible.
TIA responds:
Thank you for your e-mail. We forward it to Msgr. Perez.
Regarding your last remark that canonizations are infallible, we believe you are wrong. They were infallible because the laws that regulated them were very strict and selected for sainthood only persons who were clearly in Heaven.
However, the conciliar Popes abolished those laws. Today the only clear rule that applies is this one: Whoever the Pope wants to canonize becomes a blessed and shortly afterwards a saint. The processes kept the same names, but they completely lost their purpose.
We don’t need to elaborate on this issue. If you are interested you can read here, here and here.
TIA correspondence desk
Cremation Made Official by Vatican
Dear TIA,
Cremation is an old pagan habit with a Pantheist background. It supposes that all souls come from a single universal soul of the universe and return to it at the death of the bodies.
The Code of Canon Law of 1917 forbade cremation (can. 1203) and I have always heard that an automatic excommunication (can. 2339) would fall over those who set in their wills that their bodies should be cremated, as well as over the clergy or bishops who allowed it.
Then, as the rumor goes, Freemasonry blackmailed Paul VI: He had to abolish those prohibitions or he would have his homosexuality brought to light in an indisputable way. The result is that he allowed cremation to be done by Catholics.
After that, cremation entered the customs of progressivist-oriented Catholics. As time passed, it became so common that Catholics were cremating the bodies of their loved ones and either spreading their ashes over fields, rivers or oceans according to pagan practices or keeping their ashes in containers at home.
So, now the Vatican has issued a document which, under the pretext of cutting the abuses, actually serves to establish in rock that Catholics can be cremated. Read the news report here.
It is another step to abolish Catholic customs and propitiate a new paganism.
Unfortunately, nothing good comes from today’s Rome…
In Christ thorough Mary,
Cremation is an old pagan habit with a Pantheist background. It supposes that all souls come from a single universal soul of the universe and return to it at the death of the bodies.
The Code of Canon Law of 1917 forbade cremation (can. 1203) and I have always heard that an automatic excommunication (can. 2339) would fall over those who set in their wills that their bodies should be cremated, as well as over the clergy or bishops who allowed it.
Then, as the rumor goes, Freemasonry blackmailed Paul VI: He had to abolish those prohibitions or he would have his homosexuality brought to light in an indisputable way. The result is that he allowed cremation to be done by Catholics.
After that, cremation entered the customs of progressivist-oriented Catholics. As time passed, it became so common that Catholics were cremating the bodies of their loved ones and either spreading their ashes over fields, rivers or oceans according to pagan practices or keeping their ashes in containers at home.
So, now the Vatican has issued a document which, under the pretext of cutting the abuses, actually serves to establish in rock that Catholics can be cremated. Read the news report here.
It is another step to abolish Catholic customs and propitiate a new paganism.
Unfortunately, nothing good comes from today’s Rome…
In Christ thorough Mary,
Transgender Bathrooms Blocked
The good news is that the Obama’s approval of bathrooms for so-called transgenders in schools as well as in public places was duly blocked in the entire country by a Texas Judge.
Although there are lots of technical-juridical terms involved, it is worthwhile reading the full news report. It is here.
Best regards,
The good news is that the Obama’s approval of bathrooms for so-called transgenders in schools as well as in public places was duly blocked in the entire country by a Texas Judge.
Although there are lots of technical-juridical terms involved, it is worthwhile reading the full news report. It is here.
Best regards,
Something good happened in this ocean of mud in which we live. The President of Peru consecrated the country to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Please read the news report below.
Peruvian president consecrates nation to Sacred Heart, Immaculate Heart
Lima, Peru, Oct 25, 2016 / 06:35 am (CNA/EWTN News).- At the National Prayer Breakfast in Lima, Peru on Friday, the nation’s president, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, consecrated the country, his family and himself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Taking part in the National Day of Prayer at the Swissôtel in Lima, Kuczynski in his capacity as president offered the prayer of consecration, written by the Mission for the Love of God in the Whole World.
“By the authority vested in me, I make an act of consecration of myself, my family and the Republic of Peru, to the love and protection of Almighty God through the intercession of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” the president said.
Participating in the event were important business and political leaders in the country, including the President of Congress, Luz Salgado, who also offered a prayer asking God for his help and protection.
Of the 21 prayer breakfasts that have been held in Peru, this is the first time a president has attended. The theme chosen for this year was “the Mercy of the Love of God” in accordance with the Year of Mercy called for by Pope Francis.
Event organizer Aldo Bertello Costa said that the intent of the breakfast is to pray for the leaders as well as to “bring to all Peruvians a message of optimism and reconciliation. Everyone united together for our beloved country.”
During the ceremony, President Kuczynski entrusted to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary “my government with all its workers and citizens who are under my responsibility. I offer to Almighty God my thoughts and decisions as president so that he may use them for the good of our country and always bearing in mind the Ten Commandments in governing it.”
He asked God’s forgiveness “for all the transgressions I may have committed in the past, all those committed by the Republic in the past, and for all those decisions that may have been made contrary to his commandments and I ask for his help in changing everything that separates us from Him.”
The consecration received a mixed reaction on social media. Some celebrated the gesture, while others noted that some members of Kuczynski's party have recently promoted initiatives to decriminalize abortion, homosexual unions and gender ideology in the schools.
Full report here.
Something good happened in this ocean of mud in which we live. The President of Peru consecrated the country to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Please read the news report below.
Lima, Peru, Oct 25, 2016 / 06:35 am (CNA/EWTN News).- At the National Prayer Breakfast in Lima, Peru on Friday, the nation’s president, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, consecrated the country, his family and himself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Taking part in the National Day of Prayer at the Swissôtel in Lima, Kuczynski in his capacity as president offered the prayer of consecration, written by the Mission for the Love of God in the Whole World.
“By the authority vested in me, I make an act of consecration of myself, my family and the Republic of Peru, to the love and protection of Almighty God through the intercession of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” the president said.
Participating in the event were important business and political leaders in the country, including the President of Congress, Luz Salgado, who also offered a prayer asking God for his help and protection.
Of the 21 prayer breakfasts that have been held in Peru, this is the first time a president has attended. The theme chosen for this year was “the Mercy of the Love of God” in accordance with the Year of Mercy called for by Pope Francis.
Event organizer Aldo Bertello Costa said that the intent of the breakfast is to pray for the leaders as well as to “bring to all Peruvians a message of optimism and reconciliation. Everyone united together for our beloved country.”
During the ceremony, President Kuczynski entrusted to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary “my government with all its workers and citizens who are under my responsibility. I offer to Almighty God my thoughts and decisions as president so that he may use them for the good of our country and always bearing in mind the Ten Commandments in governing it.”
He asked God’s forgiveness “for all the transgressions I may have committed in the past, all those committed by the Republic in the past, and for all those decisions that may have been made contrary to his commandments and I ask for his help in changing everything that separates us from Him.”
The consecration received a mixed reaction on social media. Some celebrated the gesture, while others noted that some members of Kuczynski's party have recently promoted initiatives to decriminalize abortion, homosexual unions and gender ideology in the schools.
Full report here.

Posted October 27, 2016
I happened upon your site, which is very well done.
I did notice a mistake in your story of OLPS.
There were two great fires in the French Quarter which is where the original convent is located.
I was speaking with Sister D. at Ursuline Academy a while back and the sisters believe it was the fire of 1788 (the other fire was 1794) when the statue was placed in the window of the convent as the fire approached. This statue is now located at the Shrine on State Street in New Orleans in the bell tower.
God bless you in all your endeavors,
Your brother in Christ,