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Killing in Self-Defense & Swimming Suits
Tracking down Quotes on Vatican II
To whom it may concern,
I am hoping you can help me to track down some information about Vatican II. Some years ago I came across some information about how liberal periti at the Council were well aware that certain ambiguous statements would be interpreted in a liberal way afterwards. There was even a quote from one of these liberals - it could have been Schillebeeckx, but I'm not sure.
Are you aware of such a quote? Could you help me to find it?
I would be very grateful for any assistance and I thank you in advance.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
M.S., Australia
TIA responds:
In the book In the Murky Waters of Vatican II by A.S Guimaraes, chapter V deals specifically with the topic you mentioned. There are more than 20 texts demonstrating what you are looking for. Fr. Schillebeeckx is the author of one such text; others are written by Cardinals Ratzinger, Suenens, Congar, Dofner, Kasper and theologians Fathers Karl Rahner, Gerard Philips, Johann Baptist Metz, Luigi Sartori, Pieter Huizing and several more.
We are not able to reproduce all these texts here. We believe it would be better for you to purchase the book to have this information.
TIA correspondent desk
Obama's Shorts
Thanks for this great one: "Don't wear shorts in Air Force One."
I am mailing it out to a lot of people who normally do not access your site.
Cardinal - Hierarchy or Heresy
My Lord! How can we continue to support Mahony? He is now announcing his support of the Culture of Death! [This refers to the CNS News interview, during which the Cardinal was asked if the proposed Health Care bill should be amended to explicitly prohibit abortion funding. Cardindal Mahony said: "This is way beyond my field. My field is immigration. I really haven't kept up on that, and I spend all my time on this other. You have to get somebody who spends time on that."
We read that these individuals are in The Church, and now we see them on film denying that they are part and parcel of murder of the Innocents. What do we do? Where are we to turn if they are the ones we've turned to?
Statistics on Homosexuality
Thank you for the excellent articles [on homosexual statistics here, here and here]. I have a 1956 book called "Perversions-Psychodynamics and Therapy"
By Gramercy Publishing Co. that also is interesting along these lines.
Killing in Self-Defense
Dear Tradition in Action,
Do you have any articles about: "Is killing in self-defense murder?" I live in a rough neighborhood and they keep breaking into my house. I saw a drug deal go down the other day and three cops came by to check up on me which was thoughtful. But the WHOLE neighborhood saw the cop car in front of my house and thought I called 911, which I did not do.
Now, I am thinking it won't be long before they try something else on me.
Thank you, sincerely,
TIA responds:
Dear D.S.A.,
We do not have a special article on the topic, but it is a known principle of Natural Law that a person can kill in legitimate defense. This doctrine is taught in any good treatise of Natural Law or in Catholic catechisms under the explanation of the Fifth Commandment: 'Thou shall not kill.'
How this doctrine is applied in American Criminal Law is another question. We advise you to check with your local Police Department to learn when and how this right applies to your case, so that you do not violate any point of the law of your State or city.
TIA correspondence desk
Movie on Padre Pio
Have you seen the movie Padre Pio: Miracle Man, directed by Carlo Carlei? It is in Italian with subtitles, copyright 2000, distributed by Ignatius Press. We rented it to watch it recently.
Something doesn't seem quite right with it, but I am not familiar enough with his story to know exactly what it is. I did notice Italian women of the early 20th century coming into church without their heads covered. "You" is used instead of "thou" in the prayers, and when he is blessing their fields and invoking Mary, the response is "have mercy on us" instead of "pray for us".
Thank you.
TIA responds:
Unfortunately, no one on our staff has watched that movie to give you an evaluation. We think that the points you noted can be valid, and pass on this information to our readers who can take into consideration your observations.
TIA correspondence desk
Bathing and Swimming Suits
Dear Dr. Marian T. Horvat,
I propose that you write an article about traditional regulations for bathing, swimming, and appropriate customs for women and men on these occasions.
In a book Mary Was Her Life by Sister Mary Pierre, R.S.M., on page 77 I found a beautiful description of the disgust felt by Maria Teresa Quevedo when she went to the beach with her friends [in the 1940s] and saw "a vulgar array of bikinis."
She wrote to one of her friends: "I cannot help but wonder how Our Lady feels about such immodest dress. If we turn our eyes away, what must she do? I hope our Mother of Purity finds some comfort in her old-fashioned Spaniards!"
In these apocalyptic times, immodest dresses are not limited to beaches, but are found everywhere. Unfortunately, most people do not turn their eyes away, but sin by uncontrolled looking at this indecency. The most grave thing is that Our Lord will then turn these people away from Him to go to Hell when they come before His tribunal.
So, please, write about modest dress for men and women, so that Our Lord and Our Lady will find some comfort once again in Catholics in their traditional fashions and customs of dress. Thank you very much!
The book Mary Was Her Life is sold by The Angelus Press.
Thank you very much for your beautiful and practical articles, Dr. Horvat. God bless you and all of you at Tradition in Action!
With kindest regards,
Fr. P.V., Lithuania
Posted October 15, 2009

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