As Liberalism Goes...
Greetings from 'Downunder.'
I have been visiting your website and was struck most by the images of Progressivism in the Church. I found there is a lot that raises concern, but also hope for the Church.
For instance the photo of a mass celebrated publicly from a caravan I think somewhere in Austria. In the foreground were several young people taking in the sun on what looked like the other side of a low barrier separating them from the group celebrating the mass. If these people were not part of the mass they could not have avoided overhearing what was being said. What an opportunity for bringing Jesus' word in scripture and through the homily of the priest and prayers of the mass to people who may never otherwise enter the church. Was that a seed being planted in the minds of one of those young people?
I was disturbed by the photos of the gay lesbian night at the Jesuit university in Santa Ana, if I recall correctly. [Note: it was in Santa Clara, CA] Great learning does not guarantee great wisdom and the Jesuits are no exception so it would seem.
The photo of the pope JPII smiling cross-eyed for the camera reminded me of the scripture where Jesus rebuked the disciples for not letting the children come to Him for blessings. It is hard to imagine that Jesus who grew up in a family and community not unlike you and me was not also moved to laughter in the presence of children. He may have even done the same.
Kind regards,
A Mixed-Up Request
Dear Sir/Madam
I am in the process of constructing a website for the Church of St. Peter the Apostle, Gorleston on Sea Norfolk, England.
This is the same church that you talk about at this page on your site.
We would like to dedicate part of it [the website] to Eric Gill and the history of the Church.
Would you please be so good as to allow us to use the photographs that you have of Eric Gill and the Early Drawing of St Peters on our site?
If you will allow us the use of these images, can you please forward them to me?
I also have some images of the Church during construction if you would like to incorporate them into your site.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards

Note to Readers:
The pictures Mr. B.L. refers to are sketches and photos of the modern Church of St. Peter the Apostle in Norfolk designed by Eric Gill and completed in 1939. You can view the pictures by scrolling to the end of this article by Patrick Odou.
Curiously enough Mr. B.L. doesn't realize that we are contrary to the pre-progressivist projects of Eric Gill such as his Church of St. Peter the Apostle, and that, therefore, we will never help any initiative to disseminate them.
TIA correspondence desk
Barefoot Priests
Trouble not your hearts. I know that it all looks lost but in the end. The Lord will renew the Church as everything else from the old. That means that the Church itself will become exactly as it was in the time of the Apostles, the poor and the priests will once again become barefooted. As the Lord himself once walked this earth, so shall they all walk.
Please just be patient for a little while longer. Time is at hand. The Lord is going to allow a chastisement on this earth before all is renewed. God bless you.
In God's love,
Women in Veils
Dear TIA,
I am a Traditionalist Catholic woman. Recently, I have felt inspired to wear a veil at all times, as my entire life is a prayer, and I am constantly praying.
Just before this inspiration, by way of background, I had lamented that there is really no way, in our sinful nature, to say the "Our Father" with the reverence that is due...!
I would be happy to share more of what has lead to this inspiration, if you wish.
May I ask, are there any other Catholic women that desire to do this that you are aware of? Is there such a thing as the Lay Order of Women of the Veils? This phrase came to me in prayer.
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Dear Mrs. L.P.
There are many traditionalist convents in which the women constantly wear veils as part of their habits. Some of the women who live in these convents do not have religious vows, and, therefore, are lay persons. If you are interested in entering into a religious life of this type, you may contact one of them. They are not difficult to find.
Unfortunately we do not know of a specifically lay institution or group of lay women who wear veils all the time.
TIA correspondence desk
Youth Page
Thanks for providing such a great resource on the web for Traditional Catholics. I just surfed onto your site today.
You should really give thought to developing a section for Traditional Catholic youth. Just an idea.
Again, congratulations.
Pederast and Pedophile
Dear Mr. Guimaraes,
I am grateful for the Tradition in Action website and appreciate all your efforts. I most humbly offer a suggestion that when speaking of the homosexual crisis within the Church and the resulting troubles with pedophile priests, you instead use the more correct term pederasts/pederasty rather than pedophile/pedophilia. The latter term implies the abuse of sexually immature girls as well as boys; the former nails it as a homosexual perversion of which young males are the victims. The distinction is important.
Pray for me,
Mr. Guimarães responds:
Dear Mrs. N.K.,
I thank you for your suggestion and consideration. You are right regarding the etymology of the words as well as their first applications.
However, in its second application pederasty is a synonym of sodomy. That is, a relation not only with boys, but with any man, be he a child or adult. Therefore, I avoid using pederasty, pederast, to prevent such confusion, which exists not only in English but also in other languages such as French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.
The term pedophile still did not suffer this generalization and does not have any second meaning. On the other hand, when I criticize the pedophile clergy, I do not exclude their abuse of girls, even though it is much less frequent than the abuse of boys.
I assure you of my prayers, as you requested.
A.S. Guimarães
How to Prepare for the Chastisement
Dear TIA,
I would like to express my thanks to Marian Horvat for her article "Forebodings about the Death of Sister Lucy". I could not help but feel on the death of Sister Lucy, the same ominous dread about our future that she has expressed in this article. Her death seemed like the sudden and unexpected closing of a door, the door of Mercy, for our age. Now what fears I have for my children's future and the future of the Church!
Now, I ask Dr. Horvat to consider writing another article to advise Catholics on what they should do daily in the face of the disintegration of the Church. I am thinking of Catholics who have access to only a Novus Ordo parish and are no longer aware, perhaps, of what a Catholic can and should do to help save his own soul (e.g. frequent confession, scapular, rosary, etc.). It should also include advice on how we can prepare ourselves and families for what is now surely to come. An insightful, well considered article would be invaluable advice for many Catholics. Please consider it.
God bless,
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear G.N.
Thank you for your letter and thoughtful words about my article on Sister Lucy.
Following your encouragement, I will certainly consider writing more on how Catholics should face the crisis in the Church .
Since you asked for advice on how to prepare for the chastisement, let me just offer two suggestions here:
First, Go to Our Lady each day and ask her help. If we practice the true devotion to Mary, set out by St. Louis de Montfort, we will be on a secure path. Our Lady will never abandon any of her children, she will assist us daily with every duty and decision, no matter how small.
Second, I suggest you regularly read the commentaries of the Saint of the Day by Prof. Plinio Corra de Oliveira that we post on our website. He always has insights about the Saint and his/her place in History that relates to the crisis of our own days. His words have strengthened the will of many readers to fight against the enemies of the Church and animated their heart to love and confide in Our Lady.
To confide in Our Lady that She will give the victory She promised and to keep up the fight against Progressivism - there are the two main counsels that I would give.
May Our Lady help you.
Marian T. Horvat
Posted September 25, 2007

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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Our Lady of La Salette and the Coming Chastisement
Eric Gill, the Pedophile Founder of Distributism
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