What People Are Commenting
Profanation & Clinton at Pro-Homo Party
Bill Clinton at Austrian Pro-Homo Party
Dear Mr. Guimarães,
Please, don't think I've become completely obsessed with the homosexual movement, I haven't. However, the problem we are facing is: They are very much obsessed with wiping from the face of the earth any God-given, traditional way of life whatsoever, once and for all!
Three weeks after Austrian "Conchita Wurst's" shameful victory at the Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen, Denmark, the annual HIV-charity gala known as 'Life Ball," a scandalous immoral event of the highest order and one of the largest of its kind worldwide, took place in the heart of the Austrian capital, Vienna.
I couldn't help but make a comprehensive review and analysis of this event, which amounts to easily another 5,000 words (complete with extensive illustrations) which I titled, "Three Weeks Later: The Vienna Life Ball 2014: 'Fighting' HIV by Promoting Homosexuality". It's added to my earlier article, Conchita Wurst and His Following: A Glimpse into the Mindset of the Homosexual Movement (one needs to scroll down approx. 30% of the length of the article).
Although this topic is certainly sickening, I would like to ask you one more time to kindly let TIA readers know of my most recent findings (that are stunning, to say the least).
As a 'foretaste', I attached two pictures showing former U.S. President Bill Clinton attending this recent 2014 Life Ball on behalf of his globalistic Clinton Foundation, adding his considerable prestige to the homosexual cause. Perhaps you can post this alongside my little message as well.
These are disturbing times indeed, and full-scale religious persecution may well be waiting just around the corner!
Yours sincerely,
C.O., Europe
Please, don't think I've become completely obsessed with the homosexual movement, I haven't. However, the problem we are facing is: They are very much obsessed with wiping from the face of the earth any God-given, traditional way of life whatsoever, once and for all!
Three weeks after Austrian "Conchita Wurst's" shameful victory at the Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen, Denmark, the annual HIV-charity gala known as 'Life Ball," a scandalous immoral event of the highest order and one of the largest of its kind worldwide, took place in the heart of the Austrian capital, Vienna.
I couldn't help but make a comprehensive review and analysis of this event, which amounts to easily another 5,000 words (complete with extensive illustrations) which I titled, "Three Weeks Later: The Vienna Life Ball 2014: 'Fighting' HIV by Promoting Homosexuality". It's added to my earlier article, Conchita Wurst and His Following: A Glimpse into the Mindset of the Homosexual Movement (one needs to scroll down approx. 30% of the length of the article).
Although this topic is certainly sickening, I would like to ask you one more time to kindly let TIA readers know of my most recent findings (that are stunning, to say the least).
As a 'foretaste', I attached two pictures showing former U.S. President Bill Clinton attending this recent 2014 Life Ball on behalf of his globalistic Clinton Foundation, adding his considerable prestige to the homosexual cause. Perhaps you can post this alongside my little message as well.
These are disturbing times indeed, and full-scale religious persecution may well be waiting just around the corner!
Yours sincerely,
C.O., Europe

Top, Bill Clinton with one of two of the moderators of the Vienna Life Ball, at left, and another guest; bottom, the moderators kiss one another onstage
Liturgical Singing
Dr. Carol Byrne's ongoing series on Roman Catholic sacred liturgical music is the best ever on the subject, as far as I'm concerned, .
The Freemasons in Europe planned to introduce congregational singing into the Catholic Church in the mid-1900s with the aim of getting nationalistic songs to be part of Mass. Pope Pius lX refused eight times to allow the use of hand missals for the laity - the main reason being that translation issues would surely arise. The permission for hand missals came shortly before he died, however. ...
One of the main reasons Pope Pius X issued his Motu Proprio Tra Sollecitudine in 1903 was because he knew choirs in church were turning into operatic and theatrical entertainment performances.
The 1920's issue of The Catechism Explained by Spirago and Clark says that Martin Luther did more harm to souls by the hymns he wrote than by everything else combined: taking away the Mass and sacraments, rewriting the Bible, changing church architecture, and on and on. …
Please keep it up on Sacred Music! I've learned a lot.
St. Cecilia, pray for us.
Dr. Carol Byrne's ongoing series on Roman Catholic sacred liturgical music is the best ever on the subject, as far as I'm concerned, .
The Freemasons in Europe planned to introduce congregational singing into the Catholic Church in the mid-1900s with the aim of getting nationalistic songs to be part of Mass. Pope Pius lX refused eight times to allow the use of hand missals for the laity - the main reason being that translation issues would surely arise. The permission for hand missals came shortly before he died, however. ...
One of the main reasons Pope Pius X issued his Motu Proprio Tra Sollecitudine in 1903 was because he knew choirs in church were turning into operatic and theatrical entertainment performances.
The 1920's issue of The Catechism Explained by Spirago and Clark says that Martin Luther did more harm to souls by the hymns he wrote than by everything else combined: taking away the Mass and sacraments, rewriting the Bible, changing church architecture, and on and on. …
Please keep it up on Sacred Music! I've learned a lot.
St. Cecilia, pray for us.
Bright Jewel
Re: Hope for Catholics Living Scandalous Lives by James L. Ward
This is a bright jewel of reasoned and compassionate writing!
I'm in a public library... about to cry... I who never cry.
Thank you.
Re: Hope for Catholics Living Scandalous Lives by James L. Ward
This is a bright jewel of reasoned and compassionate writing!
I'm in a public library... about to cry... I who never cry.
Thank you.
Eastern Rite
Thanks for your response on giving alms.
The Eastern Rite that we attend seems to have preserved their customs. There are no altar girls. His back faces us when he is saying the Liturgy which is like the Latin Mass. The other Eastern Rite Mass that we sometimes attend does have altar girls, which is why we switched.
The priest has not spoken about anything contrary to the Faith. I have not had a chance to talk to the Priest about his personal views on topics such as ecumenism etc.
I did hear that they were having a movie night in the Church for the children which is not acceptable. The Church is very small and old. One thing that bothers me is when they are saying the Nicene Creed they do not say that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son only the Father, which is troubling to me. We firmly believe that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, but they cross out the Son in the book and don't say that part. I feel uncomfortable being in Communion with this Church because of this but I have nowhere else to go.
I would like to give money for the poor and have Masses said for the souls in Purgatory, but I am not sure what to do. I only support organizations that keep the faith whole and inviolate without compromise.
Also, we were invited to attend the Priest's 20th anniversary of his ordination. Is that ok to attend? Please help me on this and give me some advice.
Also, I am very grateful for your website. I will send donations so that you may continue this good and much needed work.
God bless,
TIA responds:
Hello J.C.,
We believe you may go to the anniversary of the priest's ordination without any problem of conscience.
TIA correspondence desk
Thanks for your response on giving alms.
The Eastern Rite that we attend seems to have preserved their customs. There are no altar girls. His back faces us when he is saying the Liturgy which is like the Latin Mass. The other Eastern Rite Mass that we sometimes attend does have altar girls, which is why we switched.
The priest has not spoken about anything contrary to the Faith. I have not had a chance to talk to the Priest about his personal views on topics such as ecumenism etc.
I did hear that they were having a movie night in the Church for the children which is not acceptable. The Church is very small and old. One thing that bothers me is when they are saying the Nicene Creed they do not say that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son only the Father, which is troubling to me. We firmly believe that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, but they cross out the Son in the book and don't say that part. I feel uncomfortable being in Communion with this Church because of this but I have nowhere else to go.
I would like to give money for the poor and have Masses said for the souls in Purgatory, but I am not sure what to do. I only support organizations that keep the faith whole and inviolate without compromise.
Also, we were invited to attend the Priest's 20th anniversary of his ordination. Is that ok to attend? Please help me on this and give me some advice.
Also, I am very grateful for your website. I will send donations so that you may continue this good and much needed work.
God bless,
TIA responds:
Hello J.C.,
We believe you may go to the anniversary of the priest's ordination without any problem of conscience.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted June 5, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Another thing that your readers may not be aware of is that the UN has declared this cathedral their property. There is a plaque in front of the church that reads something to the effect that the UN has declared this to be part of the patronage of humanity and that it belongs to everyone now.
I noticed similar plaques on several cities (such as Avila), and other churches throughout Europe.
God bless!
Msgr. Patrick J. Perez