What People Are Commenting
‘Queen of Austria’ & Dominance of Russia
Beware of Russia
When I found a Culture Wars magazine left for people to circulate at a Latin Mass Church, I became concerned about the content of this magazine. It seems that conservative Catholics are being targeted to view certain Russian elements with favor. If this were about the rich traditional Russian culture and her artistic heights, it would worthwhile. It does not seem to be about that.
It is very easy to fool people who have no basic knowledge of the basic forms of governments or about the means of production. The means of production is that slingshot used to catch your chicken dinner. The means of production is that spear used to spear your fish for dinner. Anything used for production to make a product is the means of production. Your own property can produce a product, such as rent money or a vegetable garden. It too can be a means of production. Capital is simply the word that we use for the means of production. In a sense, all governments are capitalist as they all use the means of production. They all use capital.
The communist form of government owns the means of production. There is no private ownership of property under a communist government. It is all owned by the State, as are all businesses.
The socialist form of government controls the means of production. All capital is controlled by the State under a socialist government.
The capitalistic form of government is when private individuals own the means of production. All capital is owned by private individuals.
All the Roman Catholic Popes before Vatican II say that individuals should own their own capital, their own private property and their own business. The prosperity of countries depends upon the actuality of the individual owning his own property, being allowed to follow his traditions and to control his own family. The Church also requires the protection of the State, so naturally, all laws would reflect a Catholic view, which modifies the outright “freedom” (some say license!) to be mean and nasty with capital. This Christian influence of capital is not socialism, but responsibility to the good of society.
Communism wants to own your property, your traditions and your family. Socialism wants to control your property, your traditions and your family. Capitalism wants people to be free to own and control their own property, traditions and family.
Catholicism wants people to be prosperous and charitable, to follow the Ten Commandments and partake of the Sacraments. In a sense, it wants people to be slaves of God and promotes laws under which the Catholic way of life will thrive. The alternative to being a slave of God is to be a slave of man.
If you want to know what is happening in Russia right now, go to Vladistovak Sunrise, the Catholic Mission in Siberia, or ask a person just from Russia. They will both tell you that there is a Great Depression in Russia, that only a few very wealthy people are allowed to be capitalists and that the government is still a communist one. No volunteer from outside Russia is allowed to do any work inside the Catholic churches there. They are only allowed to volunteer in the State-run orphanages and old people’s homes which are in a sorry, poverty-stricken condition. They are not allowed to talk about the Faith, there. In my opinion, they are being used.
Use your common sense! The head of the European Union (EU), the head of Germany and Putin are all “former” KGB! Putin is still the head of the reincarnation of the KBG, the Federal Security Bureau or the FSB! Socialism and Communism are both very close in ideology as they both destroy private and religious lives. The EU, Germany and Russia are either socialist or communist! They never changed when the USSR “fell”! It is almost all propaganda.
The problem with America today is that she has left the ideals of her Founding Fathers and she too, has become very nearly socialist. Obama wants the economy of the US to change from capitalist to socialist so that it will merge the US with Russia and come ever closer to a one world government where a few tyrants own everything and make the rest of us slaves of men! In my opinion, America’s big mistake was to not protect Christianity to begin with, as our Founders all agreed that the American Republic could never thrive without its people being religious.
I never heard of E. Michael Jones before I read this magazine. But I know from reading it that he is trying to fool you into mistaking sin for capitalism!
Capitalism existed in Christendom (Christendom being from either 313 AD - the Edict of Milan or 800 AD-Charlemagne, to 1789 - the French Revolution). Christendom’s form of government was a blend of Monarchy, limited by an Aristocracy responsible to and interacting with the people (merchants and farmers, mostly). The people also limited the monarchs and aristocrats. Only people’s actions were judged, as no one can judge what takes place in the heart of man, unlike today’s brainwashing on the part of tyrants.
In the 1500’s – 1600’s, absolutism started to oppress this healthy state and tyrants took over the monarchy, laying the foundation for the rebellion of the French Revolution, which destroyed all, even its own supporters! Before absolutism, the Catholic Church strongly influenced the entire Era because it was protected by the State. Despite the post-modern bad press, Christendom was the most highly cultured, inventive, religious and civilized Era of all time.
Good books to read are Plinio Correa de Oliveira’s works, Revolution and Counter Revolution and Nobility and Analogous Elites. A good site for learning about our United States Constitution and the advance of world despotism is JBS.org.
The confrontation between Russia and the Ukraine with the U.S. as cheerleader is nothing more than a staged act between two communist nations (Russia and Ukraine) and a half socialist one (the United States) to involve the U.S. and move us further into the dictator’s camp! People die and suffer in the meantime.
The goal is to create a Eurasian-socialist political region, an Asian-South-Pacific socialist political region, a Middle-Eastern socialist political region, a North & South-American political region, and eventually, an African one. They will all be unified by trade agreements, socialist or communist economies and all eventually under a one world United Nations.
E. Michael Jones in his magazine Culture Wars is obviously working very hard to take advantage of Americans who are unhappy with all of the wrong things in our U.S. government and offering the classic communist Utopian way out of our problems, namely, that the “Christian” Putin will solve everything.
Please remember one thing about communists who are materialists and atheists. They always lie. Stalin and Lenin murdered and starved up to 200 million people, mostly Orthodox and Catholic. It is a good idea to also read Michael Davies and Marcel Lefebvre’s books to see how the post Vatican II Catholic Church has also involved itself in this diabolical disorientation.
Satan is hell bent upon leading us all into complete chaos, complete destruction, complete disorientation, complete insanity and total rebellion against God’s harmony, creativity, balance and goodness and our humble obedience to God.
Please use your common sense! Think! Discern the difference between a round peg and a square peg.
The Russian Orthodox Church to which Putin belongs has had all of its religious, priests, bishops and its Archbishop murdered and replaced with communists a long, long time ago, under Stalin and Lenin. Orthodoxy has always placed itself under the State and not required its protection. Its clergy has been appointed by communists ever since. Murders and starvations have continued under most of Russia’s modern history. Putin belongs to a church more corrupt than the post Vatican II Church! Putin does not walk his talk. He never did!
One of the “alarms” that tips one off to Jones' lies is when he replaces a “former” leader of the KGB, a proven murderer and a liar, with a good man! One may not agree with Fr. Gruener, however, all observation and proof shows us that he is a good man, above reproach in his conduct. Even un-charismatic Pope Benedict XVI, who suppressed about 60 liberal priests and theologians (such as Hans Khun), agrees with Fr. Gruener that the message of Fatima is ongoing. You may look that up.
Jones has a good motive for fearing the message of Fatima and trying to discredit it. Our Lady pointed right to Russia as the main cause of the offenses against God. Is it not curious that she said “Russia”? Did she not know that by 1920 Russia would be known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic? Do you not think that she purposely said Russia, with the foreknowledge that the name would change back to Russia after the 1991 “fall” of the USSR?
Well, I will leave it up to the reader to find more “alarms” inside the magazine Culture Wars. The title alone appears to refer to the classic communist revolutionary tactic of “class warfare.” I would advise extreme caution and a very careful research into the present state of Russia and its leaders before deciding that Putin has suddenly become a good Christian, worthy of our support.
“Be Ye Wise as Serpents and as Gentle as Doves”.
When I found a Culture Wars magazine left for people to circulate at a Latin Mass Church, I became concerned about the content of this magazine. It seems that conservative Catholics are being targeted to view certain Russian elements with favor. If this were about the rich traditional Russian culture and her artistic heights, it would worthwhile. It does not seem to be about that.
It is very easy to fool people who have no basic knowledge of the basic forms of governments or about the means of production. The means of production is that slingshot used to catch your chicken dinner. The means of production is that spear used to spear your fish for dinner. Anything used for production to make a product is the means of production. Your own property can produce a product, such as rent money or a vegetable garden. It too can be a means of production. Capital is simply the word that we use for the means of production. In a sense, all governments are capitalist as they all use the means of production. They all use capital.
The communist form of government owns the means of production. There is no private ownership of property under a communist government. It is all owned by the State, as are all businesses.
The socialist form of government controls the means of production. All capital is controlled by the State under a socialist government.
The capitalistic form of government is when private individuals own the means of production. All capital is owned by private individuals.
All the Roman Catholic Popes before Vatican II say that individuals should own their own capital, their own private property and their own business. The prosperity of countries depends upon the actuality of the individual owning his own property, being allowed to follow his traditions and to control his own family. The Church also requires the protection of the State, so naturally, all laws would reflect a Catholic view, which modifies the outright “freedom” (some say license!) to be mean and nasty with capital. This Christian influence of capital is not socialism, but responsibility to the good of society.
Communism wants to own your property, your traditions and your family. Socialism wants to control your property, your traditions and your family. Capitalism wants people to be free to own and control their own property, traditions and family.
Catholicism wants people to be prosperous and charitable, to follow the Ten Commandments and partake of the Sacraments. In a sense, it wants people to be slaves of God and promotes laws under which the Catholic way of life will thrive. The alternative to being a slave of God is to be a slave of man.
If you want to know what is happening in Russia right now, go to Vladistovak Sunrise, the Catholic Mission in Siberia, or ask a person just from Russia. They will both tell you that there is a Great Depression in Russia, that only a few very wealthy people are allowed to be capitalists and that the government is still a communist one. No volunteer from outside Russia is allowed to do any work inside the Catholic churches there. They are only allowed to volunteer in the State-run orphanages and old people’s homes which are in a sorry, poverty-stricken condition. They are not allowed to talk about the Faith, there. In my opinion, they are being used.
Use your common sense! The head of the European Union (EU), the head of Germany and Putin are all “former” KGB! Putin is still the head of the reincarnation of the KBG, the Federal Security Bureau or the FSB! Socialism and Communism are both very close in ideology as they both destroy private and religious lives. The EU, Germany and Russia are either socialist or communist! They never changed when the USSR “fell”! It is almost all propaganda.
The problem with America today is that she has left the ideals of her Founding Fathers and she too, has become very nearly socialist. Obama wants the economy of the US to change from capitalist to socialist so that it will merge the US with Russia and come ever closer to a one world government where a few tyrants own everything and make the rest of us slaves of men! In my opinion, America’s big mistake was to not protect Christianity to begin with, as our Founders all agreed that the American Republic could never thrive without its people being religious.
I never heard of E. Michael Jones before I read this magazine. But I know from reading it that he is trying to fool you into mistaking sin for capitalism!
Capitalism existed in Christendom (Christendom being from either 313 AD - the Edict of Milan or 800 AD-Charlemagne, to 1789 - the French Revolution). Christendom’s form of government was a blend of Monarchy, limited by an Aristocracy responsible to and interacting with the people (merchants and farmers, mostly). The people also limited the monarchs and aristocrats. Only people’s actions were judged, as no one can judge what takes place in the heart of man, unlike today’s brainwashing on the part of tyrants.
In the 1500’s – 1600’s, absolutism started to oppress this healthy state and tyrants took over the monarchy, laying the foundation for the rebellion of the French Revolution, which destroyed all, even its own supporters! Before absolutism, the Catholic Church strongly influenced the entire Era because it was protected by the State. Despite the post-modern bad press, Christendom was the most highly cultured, inventive, religious and civilized Era of all time.
Good books to read are Plinio Correa de Oliveira’s works, Revolution and Counter Revolution and Nobility and Analogous Elites. A good site for learning about our United States Constitution and the advance of world despotism is JBS.org.
The confrontation between Russia and the Ukraine with the U.S. as cheerleader is nothing more than a staged act between two communist nations (Russia and Ukraine) and a half socialist one (the United States) to involve the U.S. and move us further into the dictator’s camp! People die and suffer in the meantime.
The goal is to create a Eurasian-socialist political region, an Asian-South-Pacific socialist political region, a Middle-Eastern socialist political region, a North & South-American political region, and eventually, an African one. They will all be unified by trade agreements, socialist or communist economies and all eventually under a one world United Nations.
E. Michael Jones in his magazine Culture Wars is obviously working very hard to take advantage of Americans who are unhappy with all of the wrong things in our U.S. government and offering the classic communist Utopian way out of our problems, namely, that the “Christian” Putin will solve everything.
Please remember one thing about communists who are materialists and atheists. They always lie. Stalin and Lenin murdered and starved up to 200 million people, mostly Orthodox and Catholic. It is a good idea to also read Michael Davies and Marcel Lefebvre’s books to see how the post Vatican II Catholic Church has also involved itself in this diabolical disorientation.
Satan is hell bent upon leading us all into complete chaos, complete destruction, complete disorientation, complete insanity and total rebellion against God’s harmony, creativity, balance and goodness and our humble obedience to God.
Please use your common sense! Think! Discern the difference between a round peg and a square peg.
The Russian Orthodox Church to which Putin belongs has had all of its religious, priests, bishops and its Archbishop murdered and replaced with communists a long, long time ago, under Stalin and Lenin. Orthodoxy has always placed itself under the State and not required its protection. Its clergy has been appointed by communists ever since. Murders and starvations have continued under most of Russia’s modern history. Putin belongs to a church more corrupt than the post Vatican II Church! Putin does not walk his talk. He never did!
One of the “alarms” that tips one off to Jones' lies is when he replaces a “former” leader of the KGB, a proven murderer and a liar, with a good man! One may not agree with Fr. Gruener, however, all observation and proof shows us that he is a good man, above reproach in his conduct. Even un-charismatic Pope Benedict XVI, who suppressed about 60 liberal priests and theologians (such as Hans Khun), agrees with Fr. Gruener that the message of Fatima is ongoing. You may look that up.
Jones has a good motive for fearing the message of Fatima and trying to discredit it. Our Lady pointed right to Russia as the main cause of the offenses against God. Is it not curious that she said “Russia”? Did she not know that by 1920 Russia would be known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic? Do you not think that she purposely said Russia, with the foreknowledge that the name would change back to Russia after the 1991 “fall” of the USSR?
Well, I will leave it up to the reader to find more “alarms” inside the magazine Culture Wars. The title alone appears to refer to the classic communist revolutionary tactic of “class warfare.” I would advise extreme caution and a very careful research into the present state of Russia and its leaders before deciding that Putin has suddenly become a good Christian, worthy of our support.
“Be Ye Wise as Serpents and as Gentle as Doves”.

Posted May 13, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
The outcome of yesterday's [May 10, 2014] Eurovision Song Contest (completely needless and utterly Masonic) has catapulted Europe into new dimensions of officially sanctioned perversion and godlessness!
Austrian homosexual transvestite Thomas Neuwirth (born Nov. 6, 1988 at Gmunden), who goes under the most obscene alias of "Conchita Wurst," has won them all over with his revolutionary boldness and "feminine charm." Shame on them! (Here is his promotion video introducing the piece, "Rise like a Phoenix," which he sang at the Contest).
Scandalous and horrifying as this may be (after all, this something who refuses to be a 'he' without being a 'she,' "represents" a formerly exquisitely Catholic nation, even now still called "The Queen of Austria,") there are some accompanying circumstances that are even more saddening (and shocking) than the public event itself.
Just ahead of the live broadcast from Copenhagen, Austrian television had a 40-minute portrait of this homosexual propagandist that showed him also in his hometwon of Bad Mitterndorf, Styrian Salzkammergut, where his parents - friendly, down-to-earth people - run a traditional Austrian inn. They visibly did their best on camera to emphasize how proud they are of their son. However, their sad and embarrassed eyes told a very different story (in another program, one could even see "Wurst's" grandma, a traditional elderly lady, absurdly confessing her "pride" too).
Shortly afterward, the local Catholic priest, Father Michael Unger, enters the scene (revealing himself as a member of "the craft" as well; see second attachment), and the following mind-blowing conversation unfolds:
Fr. Unger: "Are there - ah - conchitas?"
Conchita Wurst: "Yes, of course, there are conchitas there! Great, isn't it? His Reverence of course wants the yummy part straight away!"
Fr. Unger: "If I may say so, we've been searching for a match for Joe anyway!" (He is speaking of the butcher, whose name is Josef Aichinger.)
Conchita Wurst: "Really? Are you still available then? The two of us: A Wurst-Empire! William and Kate from Bad Mitterndorf!"
Fr. Unger: "I've been thinking about this for a long time, I have to say."
And later, Fr. Unger: "Well, the Church is delighted when a man - ah - expresses himelf and allows himself to unfold. I've always encouraged him to be what he is! And we are happy, even proud of this!"
Well, good night, Austria, and good night, Christian Civilization! And the "new patrons" of morals and decency, the world's No. 1 in human trafficking and porn, meaning the unchanged Marxists-Leninists in the unchanged Soviet Union, are jubilant, using it all most happily for their continuing "law and order" pre-WWIII propaganda!
R.W., Europe
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