Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Profanation at Santiago de Compostela Cathedral
On May 13, 2014, the Catholic authorities in charge of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela allowed a delegation of 30 Shintoist and Buddhist monks from Japan to celebrate their pagan ritual in that central place of Catholicism.A group of Japanese monks of the Buddhist temple Seigantoji, above, performed a ritual - the Shugendo - to reach a purified mind. Another group from the Koyasan monastery, below first and second rows, sang Buddhist songs used in the Japanese rituals. A Shintoist "priest" of the Kumano Hongu temple performed the Hoh dance and two "priestesses" from Hayatama Taisha, third row, performed the Kamunagi Mai dance.
A whole festival of paganism was carried out before the main altar of one of the most important churches in Spain. How can one not see in this act another profanation of Catholic churches made in the name of dialogue with false religions?
It is not necessary to say that Archbishop Julian Barrio of Santiago de Compostela, last row, gave his full approval for this event.
Photos from El Correo Galego, first seen in Stat Veritas

Posted June 1, 2014