What People Are Commenting
Lamma Sabacthani, Marriage & Reparation
Te Deum
Re: The event on January 22
Dear Atila,
We are all singing a Te Deum or two in celebration of this milestone event.
This [bottle of Dom Perignon] is a little something special for you and your crew to help celebrate the event as you ought.
I am looking forward to your next project!
With many blessings,
Monsignor [Patrick] Perez
Dear Atila,
We are all singing a Te Deum or two in celebration of this milestone event.
This [bottle of Dom Perignon] is a little something special for you and your crew to help celebrate the event as you ought.
I am looking forward to your next project!
With many blessings,
Monsignor [Patrick] Perez
Madonna del Miracolo
Re: The event on January 22
Dear Atila & TIA,
Salve Maria!
My compliments to you for the successful gathering today. I have been praying for that. Thank you.
I did not know of your dedication to Our Lady of the Miracle. I would like to tell you, it was 9 years ago today when my daughter Andrea was born. January 22. I actually picked her name after reading about the Basilica where our Lady of the Miracle appeared and converted Ratisbonne.
What a tremendous amount of essential work you have both accomplished. I am grateful to know you. Today was definitely a day to remember.
In Maria,
Pamela (Dr. Pamela Dettman)
Dear Atila & TIA,
Salve Maria!
My compliments to you for the successful gathering today. I have been praying for that. Thank you.
I did not know of your dedication to Our Lady of the Miracle. I would like to tell you, it was 9 years ago today when my daughter Andrea was born. January 22. I actually picked her name after reading about the Basilica where our Lady of the Miracle appeared and converted Ratisbonne.
What a tremendous amount of essential work you have both accomplished. I am grateful to know you. Today was definitely a day to remember.
In Maria,
Pamela (Dr. Pamela Dettman)
Completion of the Collection
Dear Atila,
Congratulations on the completion of Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani?
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary send you many blessings!
With great gratitude,
Mr. and Mrs. J.P.
Congratulations on the completion of Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani?
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary send you many blessings!
With great gratitude,
Mr. and Mrs. J.P.
Monumental Work
Dear Marian Horvat & Mr. Atila Guimaraes,
Thank you so much for this wonderful invitation! I feel very honored that you asked me. I regret that I live so far and won't be able to attend.
I plan to call your office today and order the full set of Mr. Guimaraes monumental work.
I keep you all in my prayers, especially at daily Mass & Rosary.
Thank you so much & God Bless you!
In Christ Jesus,
P.S. Exactly one year ago I received from Marian Horvat a relic of Our Lady of Good Success. I never thanked you for that priceless gift, but please know how special it was for me to receive it! Sorry it took me a year to say thank you. I pray daily to Our Lady of Good Success & she is very important in my life. Thanks again & God Bless you.
Thank you so much for this wonderful invitation! I feel very honored that you asked me. I regret that I live so far and won't be able to attend.
I plan to call your office today and order the full set of Mr. Guimaraes monumental work.
I keep you all in my prayers, especially at daily Mass & Rosary.
Thank you so much & God Bless you!
In Christ Jesus,
P.S. Exactly one year ago I received from Marian Horvat a relic of Our Lady of Good Success. I never thanked you for that priceless gift, but please know how special it was for me to receive it! Sorry it took me a year to say thank you. I pray daily to Our Lady of Good Success & she is very important in my life. Thanks again & God Bless you.
Providential Moment
Dear Atila,
It was a great present to receive the last book of the Collection Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani and the invitation for the solemn session of celebration of such an important work, which cost you 34 years of enormous labors in such a difficult matter, among polemics, non-comprehension, along with lack of support and financial means.
It is a great joy because it is done in a moment that seems to be providential!
I also want to thank the support and adhesion given to you by Dr. Marian Horvat and Mr. Patrick Odou and certainly many others whom I don’t know.
1917 is the centenary of Fatima, of the installation of Communism in Russia and 300 years of the miraculous finding of Our Lady Aparecida! What is coming? One thing is sure: the crisis in the Holy Church reached an unimaginable apex.
Let us trust in Our Lady and push the Counter-Revolution forward. This is what Dr. Plinio would do.
You may count on your friends from here. We will not fail to pray for the good success of these initiatives and for your sanctification.
In Jesu et Maria,
R.K., Brazil
It was a great present to receive the last book of the Collection Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani and the invitation for the solemn session of celebration of such an important work, which cost you 34 years of enormous labors in such a difficult matter, among polemics, non-comprehension, along with lack of support and financial means.
It is a great joy because it is done in a moment that seems to be providential!
I also want to thank the support and adhesion given to you by Dr. Marian Horvat and Mr. Patrick Odou and certainly many others whom I don’t know.
1917 is the centenary of Fatima, of the installation of Communism in Russia and 300 years of the miraculous finding of Our Lady Aparecida! What is coming? One thing is sure: the crisis in the Holy Church reached an unimaginable apex.
Let us trust in Our Lady and push the Counter-Revolution forward. This is what Dr. Plinio would do.
You may count on your friends from here. We will not fail to pray for the good success of these initiatives and for your sanctification.
In Jesu et Maria,
R.K., Brazil
Wilton Diptych
Dear Dr. Horvat and TIA staff,
Thank you for introducing me to the Wilton Diptych. Thank you for putting the prayer to Our Lady Queen of Angels on the card.
God bless.
Thank you for introducing me to the Wilton Diptych. Thank you for putting the prayer to Our Lady Queen of Angels on the card.
God bless.
Goals of Marriage
If marriage is for procreation, then, what about older widows/widowers? What is the motivation for them to have a sacramental marriage? They are just looking for mutual support/companionship.
These are confusing times.
TIA responds:
The Church always taught that marriage has two goals:
We do not see any confusion in this bi-millennial Catholic doctrine. It is as clear as it can be and it does not increase in any way the confusion of our times.
TIA correspondence desk
If marriage is for procreation, then, what about older widows/widowers? What is the motivation for them to have a sacramental marriage? They are just looking for mutual support/companionship.
These are confusing times.
TIA responds:
The Church always taught that marriage has two goals:
- To have children and raise them well so that they can populate not only earth but also
- As a remedy for concupiscence. This means that people who cannot maintain perfect chastity out of the state of matrimony should marry. In polite language this goal is also referred to as the obligation to pay the debt of marriage, or mutual support. St. Paul is quite clear in this respect in what regards widows (cf. 1 Cor 7:8-9). What you call “mutual companionship” is included in this second goal.
We do not see any confusion in this bi-millennial Catholic doctrine. It is as clear as it can be and it does not increase in any way the confusion of our times.
TIA correspondence desk
Need for Reparation
Dear TIA,
Salve Maria!
I invite you to make reparation to Our Immaculate Mother for this reported abuse of Her in Her Image. This is from Eponymous Flower:
Female "Pastor" Smashes Marian Statue in Brazil to Pieces -
Brazilian Catholics Outraged
Tuesday, January 17, 2017 - Edit: In the US, Catholics probably would have bleated ineffectually about freedom of speech and done nothing.
(Rio de Janeiro) The "pastoress" of a Protestant congregation smashed a statue of Our Lady of Aparecida. The scene was filmed and released to the public. The great indignation caused by this caused the woman to apologize in a video for her deed.
The incident occurred in the hinterland of the Brazilian state of São Paulo. In Botucatu, a Protestant female pastor of a local congregation performed a memorial service for Our Lady of Aparecida, Brazil's most important pilgrimage destination, in a meadow, and beat Her with a hammer. The hammer attack left the Marian statue in pieces. Brazilian media talked about it as an act of frenzy and even obsession. The fact is that in certain parts of Protestant free churches, they are strongly influenced by Calvinism, where there is a radical dislike for Mary and the worship of the Mother of God. The sectarian attitude must be repellent to all members of the Catholic and Orthodox Church.
The devotees of the "pastoress" shouted "Hallelujah" during the destruction, praised Jesus and spoke of a "purification."
The destruction scene was filmed and the video released. The indignation was so great that the "pastoress" was compelled to publicly apologize for her misdeed.
2017 marks the 300th anniversary of Aparecida's Marian apparition.
Salve Maria!
I invite you to make reparation to Our Immaculate Mother for this reported abuse of Her in Her Image. This is from Eponymous Flower:
Brazilian Catholics Outraged
Tuesday, January 17, 2017 - Edit: In the US, Catholics probably would have bleated ineffectually about freedom of speech and done nothing.
(Rio de Janeiro) The "pastoress" of a Protestant congregation smashed a statue of Our Lady of Aparecida. The scene was filmed and released to the public. The great indignation caused by this caused the woman to apologize in a video for her deed.
The incident occurred in the hinterland of the Brazilian state of São Paulo. In Botucatu, a Protestant female pastor of a local congregation performed a memorial service for Our Lady of Aparecida, Brazil's most important pilgrimage destination, in a meadow, and beat Her with a hammer. The hammer attack left the Marian statue in pieces. Brazilian media talked about it as an act of frenzy and even obsession. The fact is that in certain parts of Protestant free churches, they are strongly influenced by Calvinism, where there is a radical dislike for Mary and the worship of the Mother of God. The sectarian attitude must be repellent to all members of the Catholic and Orthodox Church.
The devotees of the "pastoress" shouted "Hallelujah" during the destruction, praised Jesus and spoke of a "purification."
The destruction scene was filmed and the video released. The indignation was so great that the "pastoress" was compelled to publicly apologize for her misdeed.
2017 marks the 300th anniversary of Aparecida's Marian apparition.

Posted January 26, 2017
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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![]() Volume X |
![]() Volume XI |
![]() Special Edition |
Bargain hunters read on! Way back in 1998 (the 73rd year of the present drought) we were intrigued by a review in The Remnant about a book, new to the English language entitled In the Murky Waters of Vatican II, which was the first volume of the Collection Eli, Eli Lamma Sabacthani. Originally penned in Portuguese by Atila Sinke Guimarães, it is not short of an encyclopedic examination of the plots, plans and products of the Second Vatican Council, each volume supported by quotes, appendix and bibliography.
I say “each volume” because with the recent publication of the last of the series, there are 11 volumes in all. Exhaustive indeed! Surely you have recognized the Master’s lament from His cross as described in Matthew and Mark “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” - how better to describe the Bride of Christ today?
These magnificent volumes are available in our gift shop for $20 each. However, in order to celebrate the completion in English, they are available for a limited time only, and ONLY as a complete series of 11 volumes for $110. That’s half price – only $10 each!!! Again the ONLY WAY to get this price is to sign up in the vestibule for delivery of all 11 books. Time is of the essence!!!
TIA Note: Persons interested in purchasing the entire Collection at this price, please contact the TIA office. Information here.