What People Are Commenting
Gaga, Jews on Popes & Death Penalty
Organic Society & Natural Law
I am a young man studying various political ideologies. I find the section "Organic Society" very interesting. But I am Eastern Orthodox. Not a baptized member, but merely a converted believer who will eventually join the church when able.
Can I still learn from the site? Were political and social matters different in the East?
Thank you for reading, and I would very much appreciate a response.
TIA responds:
Hello S.Y.,
The principles of Organic Society are principles of Natural Law applied to society. Although they are governed by Natural Law, their application in the Middle Ages was inspired by the Catholic Church.
In a few non-Catholic societies, analogous developments of the same principles generated other forms of natural societies, such as in Japan the regime of the Shoguns, which was in force for centuries and had similarities with medieval Feudalism.
Also in the history of ancient Rome, in its first phase, before Rome became an Empire, the principles of Natural Law gave origin to a very organic system based upon families and their patriarchs. This system is duly described by Foustel de Coulanges in his excellent book La Cité Antique.
Now, Japan was Shintoist and Rome was pagan. Notwithstanding, they were faithful to Natural Law and produced stable organic societies.
The conclusion is that a follower of any religion, if he is faithful to Natural Law, can benefit from reading the Organic Society section, although if he were a Catholic he would understand it more profoundly than others.
We hope that you will become a Catholic to take full advantage of the message of Organic Society.
TIA correspondence desk
I am a young man studying various political ideologies. I find the section "Organic Society" very interesting. But I am Eastern Orthodox. Not a baptized member, but merely a converted believer who will eventually join the church when able.
Can I still learn from the site? Were political and social matters different in the East?
Thank you for reading, and I would very much appreciate a response.
TIA responds:
Hello S.Y.,
The principles of Organic Society are principles of Natural Law applied to society. Although they are governed by Natural Law, their application in the Middle Ages was inspired by the Catholic Church.
In a few non-Catholic societies, analogous developments of the same principles generated other forms of natural societies, such as in Japan the regime of the Shoguns, which was in force for centuries and had similarities with medieval Feudalism.
Also in the history of ancient Rome, in its first phase, before Rome became an Empire, the principles of Natural Law gave origin to a very organic system based upon families and their patriarchs. This system is duly described by Foustel de Coulanges in his excellent book La Cité Antique.
Now, Japan was Shintoist and Rome was pagan. Notwithstanding, they were faithful to Natural Law and produced stable organic societies.
The conclusion is that a follower of any religion, if he is faithful to Natural Law, can benefit from reading the Organic Society section, although if he were a Catholic he would understand it more profoundly than others.
We hope that you will become a Catholic to take full advantage of the message of Organic Society.
TIA correspondence desk
Woman Skiing in Modest Clothes
Dear TIA,
I am sending to you some posters of the 1930s showing women skiing in quite modest apparel.
This confirms what you have written in articles on your website (here and here), that woman can ski or skate perfectly in clothes proper to woman, not in pants or bathing suits.
May Our Lady protect your work.
I am sending to you some posters of the 1930s showing women skiing in quite modest apparel.
This confirms what you have written in articles on your website (here and here), that woman can ski or skate perfectly in clothes proper to woman, not in pants or bathing suits.
May Our Lady protect your work.

An Anesthetized Majority of Catholics
Dear TIA,
Regarding the article Prostituting God’s Plan.
I'm sure you already know this, but I can't help but think that the reason so many people don't even question the possibility of the "new church" NOT being instituted by God is because of two problems, so eloquently described by Prof. Plinio in Revolution and Counter-Revolution:
Thank you for posting this article,
E.S., Ph.D.
Regarding the article Prostituting God’s Plan.
I'm sure you already know this, but I can't help but think that the reason so many people don't even question the possibility of the "new church" NOT being instituted by God is because of two problems, so eloquently described by Prof. Plinio in Revolution and Counter-Revolution:
- Their focus on their own emotions (a.k.a. sensuality);
- Their inability to realize that the destruction forces are proceeding very slowly in human terms, much like the frog in the water that keeps getting hotter and hotter (a.k.a. pride).
Thank you for posting this article,
E.S., Ph.D.
Jews Happy with 'Canonizations'
Here is what the Jews are saying about the two "canonizations" of April 27.
AJC Statement on Canonization of Popes John XXIII, John Paul II
NEW YORK, April 23, 2014 -
AJC congratulates the Catholic Church on the canonizations of Pope John XXIII and John Paul II.
"We rejoice with our Catholic friends at this unique recognition being given to the two Popes who were also the ones most responsible for the dramatic revolution in Catholic-Jewish relations in our times," said Rabbi David Rosen, AJC's International Director of Interreligious Affairs. Rosen will attend the canonization ceremony in St. Peter's Square on April 27.
"Thanks to their vision and leadership, the Catholic Church today affirms its unique profound rootedness in Judaism, promotes the closest of respectful relations with the Jewish people, and condemns anti-Semitism as a sin," Rosen said. "It is no exaggeration to say that in terms of the Christian-Jewish relationship, these great men took us from darkness to light; from pain to joy, and from alienation to brotherhood."
Pope John XXIII convened the Second Vatican Council, which promulgated the document Nostra Aetate that ushered in the transformation in Catholic teaching regarding Jews, Judaism, and Israel. Pope John Paul II was the first pontiff to visit a synagogue and the State of Israel.
On May 26, Pope Francis will follow in his predecessors' footsteps and be received in Israel by the country's political, religious and civic leadership.
Here is what the Jews are saying about the two "canonizations" of April 27.

AJC Statement on Canonization of Popes John XXIII, John Paul II
NEW YORK, April 23, 2014 -
AJC congratulates the Catholic Church on the canonizations of Pope John XXIII and John Paul II.
"We rejoice with our Catholic friends at this unique recognition being given to the two Popes who were also the ones most responsible for the dramatic revolution in Catholic-Jewish relations in our times," said Rabbi David Rosen, AJC's International Director of Interreligious Affairs. Rosen will attend the canonization ceremony in St. Peter's Square on April 27.
"Thanks to their vision and leadership, the Catholic Church today affirms its unique profound rootedness in Judaism, promotes the closest of respectful relations with the Jewish people, and condemns anti-Semitism as a sin," Rosen said. "It is no exaggeration to say that in terms of the Christian-Jewish relationship, these great men took us from darkness to light; from pain to joy, and from alienation to brotherhood."
Pope John XXIII convened the Second Vatican Council, which promulgated the document Nostra Aetate that ushered in the transformation in Catholic teaching regarding Jews, Judaism, and Israel. Pope John Paul II was the first pontiff to visit a synagogue and the State of Israel.
On May 26, Pope Francis will follow in his predecessors' footsteps and be received in Israel by the country's political, religious and civic leadership.
New Testament & Death Penalty
I hope you find this helpful.
Dudley Sharp
New Testament Death Penalty Support Overwhelming
Dudley Sharp
For more than 2000 years, there has been Catholic support for the death penalty, from Popes, Saints, Doctors and Fathers of the Church, church leadership, biblical scholars and theologians. This support overwhelms any teachings to the contrary, particularly those wrongly dependent upon secular concerns such as the defense of society and the poor standards of criminal justice systems in protecting the innocent.
I hope you find this helpful.
Dudley Sharp
Dudley Sharp
For more than 2000 years, there has been Catholic support for the death penalty, from Popes, Saints, Doctors and Fathers of the Church, church leadership, biblical scholars and theologians. This support overwhelms any teachings to the contrary, particularly those wrongly dependent upon secular concerns such as the defense of society and the poor standards of criminal justice systems in protecting the innocent.
- Problems: The Newest Catechism and the Death Penalty;
- The Death Penalty: Mercy, Expiation, Redemption & Salvation;
- Jesus and the Death Penalty;
- "Moral / ethical Death Penalty Support: Modern Catholic Scholars";
- Christianity and the death penalty;
- Catholic and other Christian References: Support for the Death Penalty;
- Pre Constantine Death Penalty Support;
- Sister Helen Prejean: A Critical Review.

Posted May 6, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I received this report from a friend and I believe you would like to inform your readers about this new scandal.
Keep up the good work.
St. Mary’s Institute (SMI) is a Catholic grade school Amsterdam, New York. It is affiliated with St. Mary’s Catholic Church, whose pastor Fr. John Medwid penned this opening to the Saint Mary’s Institute annual newsletter.
“In September at the opening Mass I officially announced that this was going to be the Year of Lady Gaga at SMI.”
He also proclaimed it during Mass. Why Lady Gaga? The answer, he explains, is “complex,” which is a euphemism for scandalous.
First, it is because Lady Gag is the product of Catholic education – something shameful, not to be praised. Second, because of her immense creativity. Was he referring to the video “Alejandro” in which she dressed in a nun’s habit, swallowed a Rosary and engaged in simulated erotic activities with her male back up dancers. Or maybe her “Marry the Night” music video in which she depicts herself having an abortion…
Original here