 | Where Is the Conciliar Church Heading? To a pan-religion to serve a socialist universal government
 | What Should the Pope Do to Correct the Church? Stop Ecumenism, abandon Progressivism & return to the pre-Vatican II Church
 | What Do You Think about the Theology of the Body? It is a 'blessed eroticism' meant to justify scandal and sin
 | What about West's Comments on the Theology of the Body? Avoid him; he promotes sodomy & anti-natural practices for married couples
 | What about Interfaith Cooperation for the Betterment of Man? These meetings were condemned by Leo XIII & Pius XI
 | Why Don't You Call Progressivists Heretics? For us Progressivism is synonymous with the worst possible heresy
 | Is Vatican II Infallible or Heretical? It did not intend to be infallible; heresy appears only in its fruits
 | Is Vatican II Heretical for Calling the Heretics 'Christians'? This is an imprecision of language, not a heresy
 | Weren't All Councils Infallible? So, Vatican II Could Not Err This is not true; here are two examples of councils that erred in the past
 | What Is the Plan behind the Peace Propaganda? The revolutionary idea of a peace without God & without the fight
 | Why Is the Inculturation Promoted by JPII Bad? Because it accepts the errors & bad customs of those peoples
 | What Do You Think about the Luminous Mysteries? It is a way to sabotage the Rosary by making it more difficult; more here
 | Can You Clarify Doubts on Novus Ordo Confessions? Read this series on the topic by Fr. Somerville posted on our site
 | Should I Take Part in the Social Work of Progressivists? Take this test to see whether you are prepared to join in
 | Can You Give Me Information on this Ugly Hall in the Vatican? It was ordered by Paul VI and took his name after his death: Paul VI Hall
Why Do You Label Newman as a Pre-Modernist? Because he was a liberal against Papal Infallibility & Papal Primacy
 | Were There Ever Persecutions Like the Ones We Have in India? Yes, Protestants violated Catholic women, especially nuns
 | How Do We Bring Back Catholics to the Church with a Corrupted Clergy? Study the root problem – Vatican II – and join us in the Resistance
 | What Do You Think about this Outrageous Vatican Nativity? We expressed our opinion in the article A Revisionist Vatican Nativity Scene
 | Are These People Dancing Really Franciscans? We know no more than you do
 | Why Don't You Accept Hindu Dances in the Catholic Liturgy? These dances were born from idolatry & they worship the Devil, not God
 | Why Are You against Married Priests When an Eastern Precedent Exists? The Church only tolerates Eastern married priests; the situation is far from perfect
The Charismatic Movement
 | What is Wrong with the Charismatic Movement? Read the book TIA published on the topic; then we will deal with your question
 | Why the Mental Breakdown in the Charismatics in New Jersey? You can find answers about the Charismatics here, here, here & here
 | Why Don't You Take the Baseless Book on Charismatics off Your List? It is a very serious & documented work; your criticism seems unjust
 | What Is the Connection between Judaism & Protestantism? Judaism inspired Protestantism & the other three Revolutions
 | You Say Anglican Sacraments Are Invalid. What about Its Baptisms? They can be valid, but each case must be duly analyzed
 | How Do You Explain Biblical Contradictions? When a contradiction seems to appear, it is due to our poor understanding
 | Why Do You Call Blaire Episcopalian When He Is Anglican? The Anglicans are called Episcopalians in the U.S. but are the same sect
 | How Can You Say Protestants Are Not Christians When the Popes Do So? Conciliar Popes are wrong in this case as when they say Luther is not a heretic
 | Can You Give Me Evidence of the Huguenot Atrocities? Yes. They killed 50 Catholic Prelates in 1561, starting the religious wars in France
 | Why Does TIA Change the Names of Some Biblical Books? It was the progressivists who changed them to please the Protestants & Jews
 | Why Don't Catholics Change Their Bible, Which Contains Errors? We are quite secure about the accuracy of the Vulgate translated by St. Jerome
 | What Do You Think about the Ordinariate for Anglicans? We answered this question in the article Conversion of the Anglicans
 | Why Did the Church Stop Ministering Conditional Baptism to Protestants? This was a progressivist innovation coming from the heresy of universal salvation
 | I Was Episcopal & Not Conditionally Baptized. Should I Receive It Now? Yes, you should
 | Where Is It in the Bible that an Angel Appeared to Joachim & Anne? It is from Tradition, not the Bible. By denying Tradition, you are blind in one eye
 | Was My ‘Believer's Baptism’ Valid? Here is Catholic doctrine on this topic with due application to your case
 | Are Weddings in Ecumenical Chapels Valid? We believe they are valid, but highly inconvenient
 | Is Heaven in the Physical Universe? Yes, it is. The Catholic Church confesses this in the Creed
Judaism & Islamism
 | Did You See the S.P.L.C. Attacked You as Anti-Semitic? Yes, we did; here is our refutation
 | Why Don't You Refute the Talmud? We have done so partially in an article & booklet
 | Where Is the Evidence that the Jews Persecuted the Church? TIA provided a long list of this evidence available here
 | Where Can I Find the Catholic Doctrine on Islam? In the Summa against the Gentiles by St. Thomas Aquinas
 | Why Shouldn't Dorothy Day Embrace Communism? Because it was condemned by the Church
 | Should We Expect a Communist Dictatorship in the U.S.? The government & the banks seem to be moving in this direction
 | Are May 1st Celebrations of St. Joseph Catholic or Communist? The celebrations were communist; connecting them to St. Joseph is suspicious
 | Was It the Church that Made the Revolution Possible in Cuba? You may read about the Church's role in the revolution here
 | Can Catholics Use Weapons against Communism? Yes, it is justified in Natural Law & Catholic doctrine
 | When Did the Pope Abandon the Chinese Catholics? In June 2007 Benedict XVI betrayed the Underground Church
Freemasonry & Gnosis
 | Is Pope Francis a Mason? He is a member of the Rotary & close to Masonry, see here, here, here & here
 | Was John Paul II a Mason? He and the other conciliar Popes defended the ideas of Masonry
 | Was John XXIII a Mason? There are lots of rumors, but to date no conclusive evidence
came forth
 | Was Archbishop Bugnini a Mason? Please, read this posting and come to your own conclusions
 | Was Card. Martini a Mason? It seems that he was; read this praise the Italian Freemasonry gave him
 | Why Do Freemasons Approve of Mother Teresa? Because she and they share the common desire of a Pan-religion
 | Are the Knights of Malta Members of Freemasonry? No; here is the history of this Catholic Order
 | Are the Masons Still Fighting the Church? They stopped fighting her because today's Conciliar Church defends their ideas
 | How Could Our Lady Mention Masonry in Quito If It Didn't Exist? As a secret society it has existed since the 14th century
 | Could You Present a Catholic Critique of Stoicism? Yes. Stoics were materialists, immanentists & fatalists