What People Are Commenting
War on Hair, Donations & ‘Paradise’
How to Make a Monthly Donation to TIA
I would like to say Hi each month to TIA with a Five dollar donation. I know the amount is small but it will never become a burden to me or probably any other senior no longer in the workforce.
The easiest method would be for TIA to simply hit my AmEx card each month.
Hopefully this would be popular with the many folks that benefit from the efforts of all of you at TIA.
If you like this idea, let me know and I will provide my card number.
TIA responds:
Hello S.S.S.,
Thank you for your generous suggestion. Yes, of course we accept your donation.
You or any other reader can use the new system of automatic monthly donations - either your suggested five dollars or any other amount - established recently by PayPal.
Instead of having your card number on file here and charging your credit card each month, we would rather have another reputable company make the transaction securely for us.
To make a monthly donation, just go to our Donation Page, scroll down to option 2 - Monthly donations, and select the monthly amount you want to give us. As you proceed PayPal will walk you through the process, which is quite simple.
We apologize for not having answered you before. We were finding out the best and more secure way to provide this service.
TIA correspondence desk
I would like to say Hi each month to TIA with a Five dollar donation. I know the amount is small but it will never become a burden to me or probably any other senior no longer in the workforce.
The easiest method would be for TIA to simply hit my AmEx card each month.
Hopefully this would be popular with the many folks that benefit from the efforts of all of you at TIA.
If you like this idea, let me know and I will provide my card number.
TIA responds:
Hello S.S.S.,
Thank you for your generous suggestion. Yes, of course we accept your donation.
You or any other reader can use the new system of automatic monthly donations - either your suggested five dollars or any other amount - established recently by PayPal.
Instead of having your card number on file here and charging your credit card each month, we would rather have another reputable company make the transaction securely for us.
To make a monthly donation, just go to our Donation Page, scroll down to option 2 - Monthly donations, and select the monthly amount you want to give us. As you proceed PayPal will walk you through the process, which is quite simple.
We apologize for not having answered you before. We were finding out the best and more secure way to provide this service.
TIA correspondence desk
Keep the Faith
I discovered your web site a few months ago. Since then I have purchased several of your books and read extensively in your archives.
Thank you for defending the faith. Keep it up.
I will be sending my donation soon
In Domino,
I discovered your web site a few months ago. Since then I have purchased several of your books and read extensively in your archives.
Thank you for defending the faith. Keep it up.
I will be sending my donation soon
In Domino,
Liberal Paradise
A definition of paradise recently came to my knowledge. I hope you will enjoy it.
A “Liberal Paradise” would be a place where everybody has guaranteed employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities, and only Law Enforcement has guns.
And believe it or not, such a place does indeed exist… It's called prison.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
A definition of paradise recently came to my knowledge. I hope you will enjoy it.
A “Liberal Paradise” would be a place where everybody has guaranteed employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities, and only Law Enforcement has guns.
And believe it or not, such a place does indeed exist… It's called prison.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
‘Blessed’ Salsa
The “Springtime of Vatican II” continues in the blessing of liturgical inculturation! HEEE-HAAA!
Click here to watch a performance.
The “Springtime of Vatican II” continues in the blessing of liturgical inculturation! HEEE-HAAA!
Click here to watch a performance.
Catholic Church or Conciliar Church?
Dear TIA,
I accidentally stumbled onto you website and read the following article When the Conciliar Church Becomes a Public Enemy Lyle J. Arnold, Jr.
It quotes from Mr. Enda Kenny's speech in the Irish Parliament. This was a blatant attack on the Catholic Church and it was totally inaccuurateurate. When the Vatican responded to that speech in writing, the Irish government dropped the subject and never replied to the Vatican. The Church is not the enemy of the Irish people.
The leader in question, Mr. Kenny, has just legalised abortion in Ireland for the first time. In the process he forced his party members to vote for the abortion bill. He kicked out six members of his party who refused to vote for abortion. Just recently Mr. Kenny has announced that he is going to campaign to legalise same sex marriage. The government also is to legalise same sex adoption of children and also are working on the legalisation of transgender. All of this has taken place since Mr. Kenny came to power less that 3 years ago.
I live in Ireland, I have been involved in the pro-life movement since 1983 when Ireland made abortion illegal.
Fr. P. Cummins
Lyle Arnold responds:
Greetings Fr. P. Cummins,
Your objection to the mentioned article I bylined more than two years ago is not clear to me. I did not understand what point I am supposed to retract. The gist of your answer seems to me a “riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.”
You agree with me about Mr. Enda Kenny's speech being a “blatant attack on the Catholic Church.” But in the next sentence you state that “it was totally inaccuurateurate (sic).” By this statement I'm not sure what you mean. The only interpretation I can make of this is that you mean to say Mr. Kenny is just another anti-Catholic attacking the Church.
But let me clarify, I am not an advocate of Mr. Kenny. My article merely stresses that given that the religious authorities do not duly punish the pedophile and homosexual priests who cause scandals, the public sector has been called in to monitor these scandals, which are also harming the civil society.
Similar abuses to those Mr. Kenny exposed in Ireland have been exposed in the U.S. by many people that are not enemies of the Church. For example the Gavin Group and others are going through all these scandals trying to study their causes, prevent them from happening again, and punish the perverts in the Church.
You state that “The Church is not the enemy of the Irish people.” Of course she is not! I believe, however, that many of the religious authorities in the post-conciliar Church do not represent the Catholic Church as she always was. They have changed her morality, discipline and canon law. Consequently, now they have to bear the fruit of this general liberalization, which is the enormous tide of scandals we are witnessing. I am not sure that these religious authorities are still Catholic. This is why in the title of my article I did not use Catholic Church, but Conciliar Church.
The Catholic Church is the Kingdom of God on earth. We all know that.
Lyle J. Arnold, Jr.
I accidentally stumbled onto you website and read the following article When the Conciliar Church Becomes a Public Enemy Lyle J. Arnold, Jr.
It quotes from Mr. Enda Kenny's speech in the Irish Parliament. This was a blatant attack on the Catholic Church and it was totally inaccuurateurate. When the Vatican responded to that speech in writing, the Irish government dropped the subject and never replied to the Vatican. The Church is not the enemy of the Irish people.
The leader in question, Mr. Kenny, has just legalised abortion in Ireland for the first time. In the process he forced his party members to vote for the abortion bill. He kicked out six members of his party who refused to vote for abortion. Just recently Mr. Kenny has announced that he is going to campaign to legalise same sex marriage. The government also is to legalise same sex adoption of children and also are working on the legalisation of transgender. All of this has taken place since Mr. Kenny came to power less that 3 years ago.
I live in Ireland, I have been involved in the pro-life movement since 1983 when Ireland made abortion illegal.
Fr. P. Cummins
Lyle Arnold responds:
Greetings Fr. P. Cummins,
Your objection to the mentioned article I bylined more than two years ago is not clear to me. I did not understand what point I am supposed to retract. The gist of your answer seems to me a “riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.”
You agree with me about Mr. Enda Kenny's speech being a “blatant attack on the Catholic Church.” But in the next sentence you state that “it was totally inaccuurateurate (sic).” By this statement I'm not sure what you mean. The only interpretation I can make of this is that you mean to say Mr. Kenny is just another anti-Catholic attacking the Church.
But let me clarify, I am not an advocate of Mr. Kenny. My article merely stresses that given that the religious authorities do not duly punish the pedophile and homosexual priests who cause scandals, the public sector has been called in to monitor these scandals, which are also harming the civil society.
Similar abuses to those Mr. Kenny exposed in Ireland have been exposed in the U.S. by many people that are not enemies of the Church. For example the Gavin Group and others are going through all these scandals trying to study their causes, prevent them from happening again, and punish the perverts in the Church.
You state that “The Church is not the enemy of the Irish people.” Of course she is not! I believe, however, that many of the religious authorities in the post-conciliar Church do not represent the Catholic Church as she always was. They have changed her morality, discipline and canon law. Consequently, now they have to bear the fruit of this general liberalization, which is the enormous tide of scandals we are witnessing. I am not sure that these religious authorities are still Catholic. This is why in the title of my article I did not use Catholic Church, but Conciliar Church.
The Catholic Church is the Kingdom of God on earth. We all know that.
Lyle J. Arnold, Jr.

Posted January 30, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Thank you for your article on hair styles for women. The timing of your article could not have been better, as I saw a roughly 55-year old woman who is the owner, manager, and operator of an area hair salon on the local news. My family all agreed that she had “done too much hair” (as a pun upon seeing the woman wearing the hair cut pictured below, but it was actually shorter, if you can believe it. The woman had hair almost identical to this, except it was black as shown on Michele Williams, as seen here.
It looked positively awful, as the woman didn't “slick” it down, and allowed it a “natural” look. With her wrinkled face and neck, we could barely stand to look at her, and we all agreed that she would have been much more becoming with hair.
I have long wondered, “What kind of war on hair is going on with women these days?” Again, it is more Revolution to the max. I now see why Mother Mariana reacted as she did when she saw into the future. What an abomination to anything that differentiates men from women and what an abysmal time in which we live!!
Thank you, again!
E.M.S., Ph.D.