Book Information
Our Lady of Good Success - Prophecies for Our Times
Marian Therese Horvat, Ph.D.
The remarkable story of Our Lady's many appearances in the 16th century to a nun in Quito, Ecuador, Her stunning description of the 20th century crisis in the Church, and Her consoling promise of triumph.
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In 1599, Our Lady of Good Success appeared to a sister in Quito, Ecuador, and commanded that a statue be made of her, for she would govern the Conceptionist Convent as Abbess until the end of the world.
She said: "In my right hand, place the crosier and keys to the cloister as a sign of my proprietorship and authority. In my left arm, place my Divine Child so that men will understand how powerful I am in placating the Divine Justice and in obtaining mercy and pardon for every sinner who comes to me with a contrite heart, for I am the Mother of Mercy and in me there is only goodness and love. ... Let them come to me, for I will lead them to Him."
The statue was miraculously completed by the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael in the early morning of January 16, 1611.
Mother Mariana had begged the Most Holy Virgin that her name be unknown. The Mother of God assured her faithful daughter that only after three centuries of mysterious silence, the truth of the apparitions would become known - in the 20th century. As Queen and Mother of a then-suffering world and Church, Our Lady promised that she would give her Good Success to those who had recourse to her under this invocation.
Numerous graces and even a miraculous cure have resulted from praying to Our Lady of Good Success through the intercession of Venerable Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres. See the Novena prayers below.
Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres (1563-1635) was a Spanish Conceptionist sister who traveled from her country to the New world to help found the Royal Convent in Quito, Ecuador.
Favored with many singular gifts from heaven, this chosen soul was given to know many future events, especially the grievous situation of the Church in the 20th Century.
Our Lady told her that in our lamentable times, heresies would abound, the corruption of manners and customs would be almost complete, and the light of the Faith nearly extinguished. To atone for the many profanations, blasphemies, and abuses and to hasten the day of the triumphant restoration, this 17th century sister was asked to become an expiatory victim for our times.
But Our Lady promised Her intercession at the very moment "when the evil will appear triumphant and when the authority abuses my power." This would "mark the arrival of my hour, when I, in a marvelous way, will dethrone the proud and accursed Satan, trampling him under my feet and fettering him in the infernal abyss." These words harmonize perfectly with the message of hope Our Lady delivered to the three children at Fatima in 1917: "In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph."
Format: Paperback, 72 pp. Publication date: 1st edition 1999, 2nd edition 2000
Price: $7 Third Edition
Our Lady of Good Success - Prophecies for Our Times is continued in Book 2:
Stories and Miracles of Our Lady of Good Success
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Novena to Our Lady of Good Success
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Hail Mary Most Holy, Beloved Daughter of God the Father, through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request (name request).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be... Saint Michael, pray for us.
Hail Mary Most Holy, Admirable Mother of God the Son, through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant the good success to this request (name request).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be... Saint Gabriel, pray for us.
Hail Mary Most Holy, Most Faithful Spouse of Holy Ghost, through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request (name request).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be... Saint Raphael, pray for us.
Hail Mary Most Holy, Temple and Sacrarium of the Most Holy Trinity, through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request (name request).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be... Saint Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, pray for us.
Our Lady of Good Success, thou who are the all-powerful intercessor before the Most Holy Trinity, deign to hear and answer my request - so long as it contributes to the salvation of my soul and the glory and exaltation of Holy Mother Church. Hail Holy Queen...
Set of Color Postcard-Size Pictures
Five color pictures featuring four of the miraculous statue of Our Lady of Good Success and one of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres. Descriptions and novena on the reverse sides.
Set of the following five cards - 4"x 5.5" - $2.50 Click here to purchase this set of postcards
Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres |
Close-up of Our Lady |
Our Lady and the Infant Jesus |
Full statue
stands 5'9" |
Novena above
on back of this card |

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