What People Are Commenting
Effeminate Seminarians &
Pope to Meet Homosexual
Heartfelt Recognition
Hello Mr. Atila Guimaraes,
Hello and God Bless you and your work.
This is just a note of thank you for all your work defending the One True Faith and Our Lord.
Over the years I have learned so much from your work. It helped me to keep strong as a traditional Catholic. Now that things look much worse, because of knowledge of the truth it is much easier for me to face and try to keep spreading the Faith!
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
The Editor responds:
Hello Mr. R.G.,
I am very glad to know that my work produced the fruits you mentioned. To help Catholics to see clearer and become stronger in their faith so that they can face the enormous crisis in the Church is the main goal of my counter-revolutionary work. Thus, your recognition could not give me more joy.
May Our Lady conserve you and lead you to a secure port in this time of hard pilgrimage so that you may be with her forever after this fight is over.
In Jesu et Maria,
Atila S. Guimarães
Hello and God Bless you and your work.
This is just a note of thank you for all your work defending the One True Faith and Our Lord.
Over the years I have learned so much from your work. It helped me to keep strong as a traditional Catholic. Now that things look much worse, because of knowledge of the truth it is much easier for me to face and try to keep spreading the Faith!
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
The Editor responds:
Hello Mr. R.G.,
I am very glad to know that my work produced the fruits you mentioned. To help Catholics to see clearer and become stronger in their faith so that they can face the enormous crisis in the Church is the main goal of my counter-revolutionary work. Thus, your recognition could not give me more joy.
May Our Lady conserve you and lead you to a secure port in this time of hard pilgrimage so that you may be with her forever after this fight is over.
In Jesu et Maria,
Atila S. Guimarães
Filthy Cultural Tide
I went to the local historic public library and, by chance, looked at the screen of a little boy next to me. I saw filth beyond my ever-in-life imagination! Like a nightmare of wild evil filth from the slime pits of Hell. He was about 7 years old and was alone.
There is no more culture. It is gone. There is no more 'Catholic Church.' It is gone. They will not be back. There is no 'restrainer' (2 Thessalonians 2:6) left in the world. It is gone.
I just told the head librarian about this. She began crying. Her son is 30; he goes to JCU [the Jesuit-run John Carroll University]. I told her he will not learn morality at fraud JCU. She agreed! She is very discouraged about the mega filth everywhere.
She can't control the filth in the library... and knows it. I told her what I had seen. She knew about it! I had never dreamed it! The children are doomed. She does not know what to do.
She used the word “cataclysmic” for the nightmare of culture change: cataclysmic chaos.
We now own this.
I went to the local historic public library and, by chance, looked at the screen of a little boy next to me. I saw filth beyond my ever-in-life imagination! Like a nightmare of wild evil filth from the slime pits of Hell. He was about 7 years old and was alone.
There is no more culture. It is gone. There is no more 'Catholic Church.' It is gone. They will not be back. There is no 'restrainer' (2 Thessalonians 2:6) left in the world. It is gone.
I just told the head librarian about this. She began crying. Her son is 30; he goes to JCU [the Jesuit-run John Carroll University]. I told her he will not learn morality at fraud JCU. She agreed! She is very discouraged about the mega filth everywhere.
She can't control the filth in the library... and knows it. I told her what I had seen. She knew about it! I had never dreamed it! The children are doomed. She does not know what to do.
She used the word “cataclysmic” for the nightmare of culture change: cataclysmic chaos.
We now own this.
It Can't Get any Worse
Dear Marian,
In case you hadn't seen the news report below, I wanted to make you aware.
The Pope is apparently leaving us on our own to uphold any kind of Catholic teaching.
Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Good Success, come to our aid!
In Jesu et Maria,
Pope Francis Will Hold His First Public Meeting
with a Gay Activist in Paraguay
Pope Francis will hold his first public meeting with a married gay activist during a trip to Paraguay in July.
The activist, Simón Cazal, the executive director of the Paraguayan LGBT rights group SOMOSGAY, was invited to a round table with the pope and civil society leaders in Paraguay's capital city of Asunción on July 11, BuzzFeed Newsreports.
The sitdown will mark the first time the pope has met with an LGBT political activist, though he has held private pastoral meetings with LGBT people in the past.
Cazal, who married another SOMOSGAY activist, Sergio López, in Argentina in 2012, was extended the invite from the committee of the Paraguayan bishops' conference, due to the "high impact of your organization on Paraguayan society," according to the invitation obtained by BuzzFeed News.
López told BuzzFeed News SOMOSGAY was shocked to be included in the meeting, which comes after the group called on the Catholic church to "abandon the positions of intolerance and insults dehumanizing LGBT people."
Paraguay is one of a handful of countries in South America that offers no protection for LGBT citizens or same-sex couples, BuzzFeed reports. In the eyes of Paraguayan law, López and Cazal's marriage is not even legal.
López tells BuzzFeed News the group is expecting Pope Francis to "address the issue" of violence toward LGBT people, after riot police last June used force to remove LGBT demonstrators protesting for gay rights ahead of a meeting of the Organization of American States in Asunción. (Original here)
In case you hadn't seen the news report below, I wanted to make you aware.
The Pope is apparently leaving us on our own to uphold any kind of Catholic teaching.
Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Good Success, come to our aid!
In Jesu et Maria,
with a Gay Activist in Paraguay
Pope Francis will hold his first public meeting with a married gay activist during a trip to Paraguay in July.
The activist, Simón Cazal, the executive director of the Paraguayan LGBT rights group SOMOSGAY, was invited to a round table with the pope and civil society leaders in Paraguay's capital city of Asunción on July 11, BuzzFeed Newsreports.
The sitdown will mark the first time the pope has met with an LGBT political activist, though he has held private pastoral meetings with LGBT people in the past.
Cazal, who married another SOMOSGAY activist, Sergio López, in Argentina in 2012, was extended the invite from the committee of the Paraguayan bishops' conference, due to the "high impact of your organization on Paraguayan society," according to the invitation obtained by BuzzFeed News.
López told BuzzFeed News SOMOSGAY was shocked to be included in the meeting, which comes after the group called on the Catholic church to "abandon the positions of intolerance and insults dehumanizing LGBT people."
Paraguay is one of a handful of countries in South America that offers no protection for LGBT citizens or same-sex couples, BuzzFeed reports. In the eyes of Paraguayan law, López and Cazal's marriage is not even legal.
López tells BuzzFeed News the group is expecting Pope Francis to "address the issue" of violence toward LGBT people, after riot police last June used force to remove LGBT demonstrators protesting for gay rights ahead of a meeting of the Organization of American States in Asunción. (Original here)
St. Anthony Conquered Oran
It was the big Algerian city of Oran (not Oram as is written on St. Anthony's Saint of the Day page) which St. Anthony of Padua miraculously conquered as you wrote, and it happened in 1732.
Quote from Wikipedia: "Oran, which was also abandoned along with all its forts and castles used for defense.[2] The quality and discipline of the Spanish army, without a doubt terrified Bey Hassan's troops.[2] The next day, 1 July, Montemar, through a message from the French consul in Oran, found out about this news and immediately sent out a detachment to confirm this.
"The news was in fact true, and the French consul himself, came out to receive the Spanish troops, which entered the city without any trouble, as it was almost deserted, as was the Palace of Bey. The Spanish captured 80 bronze pieces of artillery, 50 iron pieces and 12 bells and innumerable artifacts of war, and supplies, enough to supply the city for at least three months.”
Heavily fortified Oran had an army with heavy weaponry and supplies enough for at least three months and was deserted without fight because they were scared of Spanish army? Whom are they kidding? It could only be a miraculous cause (St. Anthony of Padua) for such a well-equipped army to abandon such a well-fortified position without the slightest fight.
Another thing is that the Admiral (it seems to have been Don Francisco Javier Cornejo Lopez) didn't besiege Oran at all (as is also written on the page). Rather, facing a long, bloody and fruitless siege and in order to save lives of many of his soldiers who would have certainly died during the siege, he asked St. Anthony of Padua to conquer Oran instead. And St. Anthony responded to the prayer, conquered it and saved many Catholic soldiers and their families from the loss of their sons, husbands and fathers.
St. Anthony of Padua, conquer all our enemies and save us,
TIA responds:
Thank you for your confirmation of the comments on the Feast Day of St. Anthony. Your source is Wikipedia, which, as everybody knows, is a open market resource where anyone can place data about anything, without the need to demonstrate what he says. Many times these data are true; many times they are not.
In the first part of your e-mail you confirm what Prof. Plinio affirmed. In the second part, you present your own opinion pretending to correct him. You forgot, however, to bring up the proof for what you sustain. When we say proof, we mean a good historical source. Do this, and we will correct the text. In most of these comments, Prof. Plinio refers to facts from memory and it is more than understandable that some mistake could occur.
In this case, since you did not supply any evidence in favor of what you said, we feel free not to agree with it. Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur – what is affirmed without reason may be denied without reason.
TIA correspondence desk
It was the big Algerian city of Oran (not Oram as is written on St. Anthony's Saint of the Day page) which St. Anthony of Padua miraculously conquered as you wrote, and it happened in 1732.
Quote from Wikipedia: "Oran, which was also abandoned along with all its forts and castles used for defense.[2] The quality and discipline of the Spanish army, without a doubt terrified Bey Hassan's troops.[2] The next day, 1 July, Montemar, through a message from the French consul in Oran, found out about this news and immediately sent out a detachment to confirm this.
"The news was in fact true, and the French consul himself, came out to receive the Spanish troops, which entered the city without any trouble, as it was almost deserted, as was the Palace of Bey. The Spanish captured 80 bronze pieces of artillery, 50 iron pieces and 12 bells and innumerable artifacts of war, and supplies, enough to supply the city for at least three months.”
Heavily fortified Oran had an army with heavy weaponry and supplies enough for at least three months and was deserted without fight because they were scared of Spanish army? Whom are they kidding? It could only be a miraculous cause (St. Anthony of Padua) for such a well-equipped army to abandon such a well-fortified position without the slightest fight.
Another thing is that the Admiral (it seems to have been Don Francisco Javier Cornejo Lopez) didn't besiege Oran at all (as is also written on the page). Rather, facing a long, bloody and fruitless siege and in order to save lives of many of his soldiers who would have certainly died during the siege, he asked St. Anthony of Padua to conquer Oran instead. And St. Anthony responded to the prayer, conquered it and saved many Catholic soldiers and their families from the loss of their sons, husbands and fathers.
St. Anthony of Padua, conquer all our enemies and save us,
TIA responds:
Thank you for your confirmation of the comments on the Feast Day of St. Anthony. Your source is Wikipedia, which, as everybody knows, is a open market resource where anyone can place data about anything, without the need to demonstrate what he says. Many times these data are true; many times they are not.
In the first part of your e-mail you confirm what Prof. Plinio affirmed. In the second part, you present your own opinion pretending to correct him. You forgot, however, to bring up the proof for what you sustain. When we say proof, we mean a good historical source. Do this, and we will correct the text. In most of these comments, Prof. Plinio refers to facts from memory and it is more than understandable that some mistake could occur.
In this case, since you did not supply any evidence in favor of what you said, we feel free not to agree with it. Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur – what is affirmed without reason may be denied without reason.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted June 16, 2015
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Franciscans dance with nuns in Jakarta &
Polish Dominicans imitating Lady Gaga
The men in both set of pictures look extremely effeminate, and this is at the root of these antics. No real man would make a fool of himself like that.
The priestly vocation today has rightly become a laughable occupation, like clowns. This is why men do not go to mass anymore. If it is embarrassing for me to see other people make fools of themselves like that, imagine being one of these “priests.” These are troubled people.