What People Are Commenting
New Instruction on Mass &
Etiquette for Priests
A Hybrid Mass to Come
Could you please comment on the new instruction released by the Vatican and this article.
It sounds like things are getting better, but BXVI is very devious. I have a feeling this is undermining the traditionalist movement and making an atmosphere of general acceptance for Vatican II.
I await your reply. Thank you,
TIA responds:
Your observations seem on track to us.
Card. Ratzinger's old plan was to make the Novus Ordo Mass more traditional in order to be accepted and no longer raise reactions among the faithful. It certainly seems that Benedict XVI has the same goal and is trying to execute it. You may read what he said and some comments about this goal
The words of Cardinal Kurt Koch you sent to us confirm those comments. In order to make Summorum Pontificum more palatable to the Bishops, he affirms the Pope will not allow the Tridentine Mass forever. Instead, Koch tells us, Benedict's plan is not to keep two parallel rites, but to merge both into one single rite.
One sees that the goal is to have the Bugnini Mass without too many excesses in a "traditional" apparatus. The Cardinal frames the new document as a second blow by Benedict - as if it were principally an effort to stop presenting Vatican II as a rupture with the past. We believe that this is only partially true; the principal reason why the document was released now is political/disciplinary.
The new Instruction Universae Ecclesiae by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the news about it show us that the success of Summorum Pontificum has been greatly jeopardized by the poor welcome it has received from the Bishops. In practice we see that approval for the Tridentine Mass when solicited by the faithful has been denied almost everywhere, and when it is allowed, it is treated as a second class Mass, to be said in secondary churches or during inconvenient hours.
So, Benedict entered the picture once again and is trying to save that important maneuver from collapsing. The Vatican looks conservative, since it is acting against Bishops who deny permission for the Tridentine Mass to be said. But, in fact, its action would be just to avoid the failure of Summorum Pontificum.
On the doctrinal level, what was said before about the Summorum Pontificum (here and here) continue to be perfectly timely today.
Just to confirm that there is no real return to Traditionalism, we see that the same conditions remain in the new instruction regarding the faithful who ask for the celebration of this “extraordinary rite.” In order to request a Tridentine Mass, the faithful must declare that the Novus Ordo Mass is as valid as the Tridentine Mass. Otherwise, permission should be denied.
Here you have some comments to respond your request. We hope they will help you see more clearly what is happening.
TIA correspondence desk
Is the Novus Ordo Now Legitimate?
Dear TIA,
I understand that now you have to believe the Novus Ordo Mass to be legitimate, because the Church said so. The New Instruction is from the Vatican.
If I don't believe it to be legitimate where can I go to Mass? If TIA advises people it is not a legitimate Mass. What are we to do?
A very confused Catholic in need of assistance please help.
TIA responds:
Dear T.K.,
As you may read in the answer to the previous question, we do not believe that any essential change was introduced. The new instruction is principally a political/disciplinary initiative to encourage more Bishops to put into practice the rules of Summorum Pontificum.
We believe the comments made before are still valid and timely.
TIA correspondence desk
Bad Moods
Benedict’s new instruction on the ‘extraordinary form’ says extraordinary Mass-goers must acknowledge the Ordinary Mass.
I acknowledge the ordinary “mass” for what it is… a usurpation of divine law and a blasphemy. Isn't good enough?
L.A. Mass Attendance
To Whom It May Concern,
I found your site while researching Our Lady of Good Success. One link led to another and alas, your site! What a blessing it was to find, and yet how disturbing. One article after another made me more and more saddened. I already am aware of most, but the substantiation and photos blew me away.
Besides a new book list I plan to order, I have a simple question. Where can I, with my family, attend Mass in Los Angeles? Where is a Mass being said that does not offend the Faith of our Fathers? I am new to the area (just moved here a year ago) and after attending 6 different parishes, I find myself jaded. I walked out of two, refused Communion at three! Help!!!
I look forward to receiving your response. I thank you beforehand for your time.
In Peace,
TIA responds:
The situation of the Church today is very sad, perhaps as sorrowful as was the Passion of Our Lord.
The Masses our members in the Los Angeles area attend are:
- Church Our Lady of the Martyrs (Armenian Catholic Rite), 1327 Pleasant Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, 90033;
- Church Our Lady Help of Christians (Independent priests), 9621 Bixby Avenue, Garden Grove, CA, 92841;
- Church Our Lady of the Angels (SSPX), 1100 W Duarte Road, Arcadia, CA, 91007.
We hope this may help you.
TIA correspondence desk
Etiquette for Priests
Dear Dr. Horvat,
I was inquiring if you ever came across in your studies and research - books, articles, or references on proper Priestly Clerical etiquette?
Thank-you very much.
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear A.F.
While many of the first etiquette books were written by clerics (e.g. The Manual il Galateo by an Archbishop), I have never seen an etiquette manual specifically addressed to the clergy.
On that topic, however, we have the words of advice of Pope St. Pius X to priests on the need for priestly dignity and propriety at the beginning of the last century. He offers a general outline of how a priest should conduct himself at all times. You can read an article on this topic here.
The counsel of St. Pius X was published in a book title Recipe for Holiness: St. Pius X and the Priest.
I hope this is of help to you.
Marian T. Horvat
Posted May 19, 2011

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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