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Galileo, Anglicans & Funerals
Galileo and the Bible
"One day, the whole Church: Catholics, Protestants and Evangelical Assemblies, will have to be willing to make their translations of the Bible agree with the original Texts."
It is my pleasure to inform you of my Biblical study that I have entitled in French ENTRE GALILEE ET L'ÉGLISE: LA BIBLE. I have translated it into English (Between Galileo and the Church : the Bible) and Spanish. Only the French version is published for the moment.
I studied this subject referring to the original Texts of the Bible - in Hebrew, for the Old Testament, and in Greek, for the New Testament. And in this study, I demonstrate that in these Texts the Sun does not turn around the Earth, contrary to what the Versions of the Bible assert.
In other words, if the Translations of the Bible had been faithful to the original Texts, Galileo would not have been condemned for "having held and believed a doctrine which is false and contrary to the divine and Holy Scriptures"..
This is, in a few words, the content of this book.
In my work, I seek to show that not only did this mistranslation wrongly involve the Bible in the condemnation of the Scientist but that it also regrettably brought discredit onto this Holy Book. This important fact cannot be neglected.
According to the conclusions I am able to draw from the many discussions and large correspondence I have had over the last few years, it appears that generally there is a refusal to measure faithfully this discordance between the original Texts of the Bible and their translations.
Publishers carry out revisions of their versions with the help of specialists in old languages and, most of the time, they replace right words or right expressions with other words which are more appropriate or less appropriate - they also use words more current today. But, I cannot fail to note that nobody seems willing to correct these mistranslations which participated in the unjust trial of the astronomer Galileo.
I have been publishing this work for 6 years and I can assert that, to this day, no one has contested my semantic study. On the contrary, I have received precious words of encouragement from those who have read it. This book has been read and approved by experts in Hebrew and Greek. Hence, the necessity of returning to the source of the Writings.
When the Lord Jesus said to his Father: "Your word is Truth" (John 17: 17), He referred to the original Texts. So, why do most people today refuse even to consider them and, consequently, persist in this error?
It is admitted that in the official Churches and Assemblies the knowledge of the original languages of the Bible has decreased. But people can call upon those who have a real knowledge of these languages.
My goal is clear. I want Christians to take their share of responsibility. If my study is erroneous, I should be put straight, but if it is right, it must be taken into account.
I would be very grateful if you were willing to inform your friends, so that they can consider the problem with care.
For more details concerning the study, please consult my web sites
http://monsite.orange.fr/error.truth http://monsite.orange.fr/autoedition.meguila
I am at your disposal to answer any question concerning my study.
Yours faithfully.
Joêl Col
The Editor responds:
Mr. Col,
I thank you for the information you sent to TIA about your work. Certainly it was a difficult work that required much effort.
Although admitting that your translation to English of Scriptures may be useful for some purposes, we do not have any insecurity, as you demonstrate in your letter, about the objectivity of the Catholic Vulgata. As you probably know, St. Jerome in the 4th and 5th centuries had already done the work you presume to re-do today.
He knew those original languages that you mention quite well, and translated them to the best of his unsurpassed capacity. After his work, countless Catholic scholars of great erudition - such as the Doctors of the Church and famous interpreters of the Holy Letters - checked and double-checked those translations of St. Jerome. Their confirmation of his objectivity was so unanimous that Holy Mother Church used her infallible authority to declare that the text of the Vulgata is the official text that Catholics must follow.
I wish you were a Catholic so you could have the security this certainty gives to each of us. No distress or doubt whatsoever enters the mind of a true Catholic regarding the objectivity of Scriptures, even if the myth of Galileo would be true, and all the so-called positive sciences would 'prove' the opposite.
Nonetheless, I appreciate the consideration you have in sending TIA news of your work.
Atila S. Guimaraes
St. Joan of Arc
Thank you for your review of the movie the Messenger by Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. Thank God someone came to the defense of such a great saint.
Fr. Richard Crawley OFM, Cap.
Ordinariate for Anglicans
Dear TIA,
What do you think of the Pope's decision to create a Personal Ordinariate for Anglicans/Episcopalians who wish to leave their denomination because of its acceptance of such things as homosexual clergy and same-sex marriage?
Thank you for your articles!
TIA responds:
Dear W.M.,
We appreciate your words of praise.
Please read the last Bird's Eye View by A.S. Guimaraes and you will have the answer to your question.
TIA correspondence desk
New Book on Courtesy
Dear Dr. Horvat,
Today I received a copy of your book Courtesy Calls Again. I thank you for this and for our recent interview. Because of our absence, our mail was being held for one week, thus, the delay in receiving your book.
I am already several chapters into it and believe that this book should be a framework in re-establishing common decency and courtesy.
Thank you once again.
Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.
Catholic Funeral Etiquette
Dear Dr Horvat,
Laudetur Jesus Christus!
I just read your article on Catholic funeral etiquette and I must say that I am in complete agreement with you in regard to the American attitude toward death and dying. I lived many years in Germany and embalming was not the usual custom there.
I too do not wish to be embalmed but was unsure how to go about making the necessary plans regarding this. I am 43 but as we know we must always be prepared. Have you any advice in this regard? I know that the state in which I live (Kentucky) does not require embalming however I would naturally wish to have a requiem Mass prior to burial. I would be most grateful for any advice you might be able to share.
Sincerely in Jesus and Mary,
Dr. Hovart responds:
Dear Mr. M.K.,
I thank you for your kind words about my article. It is interesting to know that in Germany they do not practice embalming.
My advice is to write a will in which you declare that you do not want to be embalmed. I do not see any difficulty in arranging a requiem Mass before your burial. It is a habitual practice in Catholic countries for a Mass to be said the day after the death. A requiem Mass lasts around one hour, and a non-embalmed body normally stays incorrupt for 24 hours.
You should know that embalming is not required by law. Minnesota is the only State in the country that requires embalming for public viewing. About half the States do not require embalming under any circumstances, while others require embalming or refrigeration if the body is not buried with 24-48 hours. The book, Caring for the Dead: Your Final Act of Love, by Lisa Carlson offers a State by State guide to funeral and burial law. You may also check with the health department or funeral parlor in your State.
This article on home funerals may also be of help.
Marian T. Horvat
Posted December 1, 2009

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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