What People Are Commenting
Euthanasia, Spider & 14 Helpers
Triple Crown
Re: Monstrous Spider Entraps Our Lady
What is the significance of the triple crown miter above the spider?
TIA responds:
As far as we can see, on top of the spider there are three chairs with three operators to move the legs of the spider according to the piece being played by the musicians.
TIA correspondence desk
Re: Monstrous Spider Entraps Our Lady
What is the significance of the triple crown miter above the spider?
TIA responds:
As far as we can see, on top of the spider there are three chairs with three operators to move the legs of the spider according to the piece being played by the musicians.
TIA correspondence desk
Dancing Horse
Dear TIA,
Have you ever seen a horse dance?
This horse dances far better than I can.
To watch the video on Freestyle Dressage Final performance of Andreas Helgstrand on Blue Hors Matine, click here.
Have you ever seen a horse dance?
This horse dances far better than I can.
To watch the video on Freestyle Dressage Final performance of Andreas Helgstrand on Blue Hors Matine, click here.
Pro-Abortionist Speaks in Church
Re: Italian Pro-Abortionist Speaks in Church; Catholics Ejected
Concerning the affirmation that the Bishop did not agree with his priest’s actions but did not condemn him because he did not want to take sides.
I thought it was the Bishop's obligation to take sides.
Re: Italian Pro-Abortionist Speaks in Church; Catholics Ejected
Concerning the affirmation that the Bishop did not agree with his priest’s actions but did not condemn him because he did not want to take sides.
I thought it was the Bishop's obligation to take sides.
My Heartfelt Thanks
Dear TIA,
Thank you for all the wonderful work that you do. I pray that someday, I can do better than $5.00.
God bless us all. Maria, my Mother protect us!
Thanks and best regards,
Thank you for all the wonderful work that you do. I pray that someday, I can do better than $5.00.
God bless us all. Maria, my Mother protect us!
Thanks and best regards,
St. Philomena’s New Image
Dear TIA,
Salve Maria!
I came across a new image (to me, at least) of St. Philomena I wanted to share with you. I copied it before it disappeared from the ‘net within minutes! Very strange.
I paste it below.
In Maria,
Salve Maria!
I came across a new image (to me, at least) of St. Philomena I wanted to share with you. I copied it before it disappeared from the ‘net within minutes! Very strange.
I paste it below.
In Maria,

Dos and Don'ts for Priests
I'd like to recommend a column. You likely have many readers that are priests. At a party this weekend, there was a Novus Ordo priest that had started doing the TLM. He still had a lot of Novus Ordo to work out of his system.
Towards the end of the party, I said good-bye and he wanted to give my 1 1/2 year old a hug good-bye. It was very unpriestly. I could list more habits I've seen:
* Priests not leading prayers;
* Priests being too casual;
* Sloppy priestly dress/hair/language/demeanor;
* Reluctance to give blessings.
I'm sure you could brainstorm more.
I heard Atila state that priests are like royalty and should act thus. To an American mind, they may explode at this. But they would understand acting like a 4 star admiral (naval/marine officers seem to get it more than army/AF).
I fault this priest at the party with ignorance and having been soaked in the N.O. trenches too long. He could use something like this column to improve.
In Maria,
I'd like to recommend a column. You likely have many readers that are priests. At a party this weekend, there was a Novus Ordo priest that had started doing the TLM. He still had a lot of Novus Ordo to work out of his system.
Towards the end of the party, I said good-bye and he wanted to give my 1 1/2 year old a hug good-bye. It was very unpriestly. I could list more habits I've seen:
* Priests not leading prayers;
* Priests being too casual;
* Sloppy priestly dress/hair/language/demeanor;
* Reluctance to give blessings.
I'm sure you could brainstorm more.
I heard Atila state that priests are like royalty and should act thus. To an American mind, they may explode at this. But they would understand acting like a 4 star admiral (naval/marine officers seem to get it more than army/AF).
I fault this priest at the party with ignorance and having been soaked in the N.O. trenches too long. He could use something like this column to improve.
In Maria,
Novena to the 14 Holy Helpers
Dear TIA,
I had the privilege to visit this shrine in 2014. Maybe some of your readers do not know about this approved devotion. You can read about it here and here. The novena is prayed from July 30, 2017 to August 7, 2017.
God bless,
The Fourteen Holy Helpers are a group of early martyrs who have been collectively invoked since the 14th century in response to the Black Plague which devastated Europe.
They are: Ss. George, Blaise, Pantaleon, Vitus, Erasmus (Elmo), Christopher, Giles, Cyriacus, Achatius, Dionysius (Denis), Eustace, Catherine of Alexandria, Margaret and Barbara.
In the 16th century, Pope Nicholas V attached certain indulgences to their devotion.
Novena to the Fourteen Holy Helpers
July 30, 2017 to August 7, 2017
O Faithful servants of God and powerful protectors of man, Holy Helpers! Since Our Lord appointed you the heavenly advocates for our needs on earth, I confidently turn to you for help in my distress. Countless numbers praise you for aiding them with counsel in doubt, with consolation in anxiety, with health in illness, with safety in danger, with delivery from prison, and with help and assistance in all tribulations. Therefore I, too, have recourse to you, and implore you not to refuse me your aid.
Give thanks to God for me for all the graces He grants me during this novena. I ascribe them to your great merits and powerful intercession. I thank you all together, and each one in particular, for your interest in my favor, _______, before the throne of God. I commend myself to your continued protection, that I may one day be united with you in heaven, there to thank the Giver of all good things and to praise Him for all eternity.
I had the privilege to visit this shrine in 2014. Maybe some of your readers do not know about this approved devotion. You can read about it here and here. The novena is prayed from July 30, 2017 to August 7, 2017.
God bless,
The Fourteen Holy Helpers are a group of early martyrs who have been collectively invoked since the 14th century in response to the Black Plague which devastated Europe.
They are: Ss. George, Blaise, Pantaleon, Vitus, Erasmus (Elmo), Christopher, Giles, Cyriacus, Achatius, Dionysius (Denis), Eustace, Catherine of Alexandria, Margaret and Barbara.
In the 16th century, Pope Nicholas V attached certain indulgences to their devotion.
July 30, 2017 to August 7, 2017
O Faithful servants of God and powerful protectors of man, Holy Helpers! Since Our Lord appointed you the heavenly advocates for our needs on earth, I confidently turn to you for help in my distress. Countless numbers praise you for aiding them with counsel in doubt, with consolation in anxiety, with health in illness, with safety in danger, with delivery from prison, and with help and assistance in all tribulations. Therefore I, too, have recourse to you, and implore you not to refuse me your aid.
Give thanks to God for me for all the graces He grants me during this novena. I ascribe them to your great merits and powerful intercession. I thank you all together, and each one in particular, for your interest in my favor, _______, before the throne of God. I commend myself to your continued protection, that I may one day be united with you in heaven, there to thank the Giver of all good things and to praise Him for all eternity.

Posted August 1, 2017
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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Re: Vatican’s New Step to Ordain Woman
Many thanks for alerting us, again, to the level that the N.O. Mass Vatican ll sect is sinking.
With the Vatican's approval for a nun to officiate at a marriage ceremony and allowing lay Baptisms, only one thing more seems to have been needed. That thing has just been approved by the leader of the diocese of Quebec, Canada a sacrilegious church funeral for the euthanized by Gerald Lacroix.
They now have their people right were they want them when they are hatched, matched and dispatched.
God help us.