What People Are Commenting
Mother Teresa, Cuba &
the Sign of the Cross
Changing the Faith in the Modern Church
Dear Sir,
The very fact that Mother Teresa can get away with public acts of idolatry before statues of Buddha, a personal exorcism, a very doubtful "miracle" and so forth is objective evidence of a major paradigm shift in the official Catholic Faith. This is further corroborated by the issue of John Paul II's (RIP) proposed beatification.
This is an era in the Church when all the principal statistical indicators illustrate a Church in terminal decline, apart from actual numbers of nominal Catholics, and an era of liturgical devastation and ruin but yet one of its chief advocates could receive "sainthood". In dispensing with 141 canons the canonization & beatification procedure has been reduced to the absurd rate of almost 2,400 candidates passed in less than 30 years: that is one every 4 days. Should the grand architects of all this be honored & exemplified in such an inappropriate manner?
These trends and tendencies demonstrate a Church that has moved the parameters of modern Catholicism so far that even the likes of the active pro-sodomite Tony Blair whose government converted UK into a Sodomite utopia has been accepted in through its wide open doors. Many others have joined the Modern Church and obviously brought their Protestantism and eclectic notions of religion with them.
Furthermore, it is clear that there is significant number of presbyters and their bishops who do as they please, disobey the teachings of the Church, continue to break the criminal law code and the Vatican does absolutely nothing to stop them: not one word is even stated in public. It is as though the leadership is in a silent conspiracy with these de facto schismatics to ensure that the paradigm shift is a complete one in favor of a Church of liberalist neo-modern and secular postmodern character.
With such a shift of emphasis it is no small wonder that many Catholics doubt the infallibility of current Church teachings in Faith & Morals from phenomenological Popes. It is also understandable why the general public finds hierarchical statements on moral and ethical matters hypocritical, risible and contemptible in the extreme. Moreover, it is in this manner and in such an environment that the liturgy has become an anarchy of improvised permutations which enrol many of the abuses propagated by Rome itself.
Indeed, the Novus Ordo service is the ultimate & objective evidence of a wholesale shift of hermeneutical principles. I would estimate that there is nowadays eccelsiastical governance according to a hermeneutic of promiscuity and certainly not continuity. This is the very relativisation of the expression.
Thank you for your most excellent coverage of these matters and for the wonderful selection of Roman Catholic instructional and devotional materials that you extend and develop for those who are interested.
In Christo Domino et Maria,
Mother Teresa's Canonization, a Sign of Confusion
Bravo Marian,
The book review on Mother Teresa is needed. It is hard to believe that the Church has lost so much in such a short time; we are living in a contrary world when it comes to our Holy Catholic Faith. It should be something so obvious but it is not. The world including many of those who teach and practice dogma and doctrine are in great confusion.
When will it end? I feel the need to pray much because any protest like your dinner time conversation with your family and friends is totally rejected.
Your exposition of the great lies that are evident not only about Mother Teresa, but about the revolution in society and our Church is so needed.
Thank you. I appreciate you constant efforts on a daily basis to fight the error.
May the reign of Mary come soon.
The Author's Comment
Dear Dr. Horvat,
Thank you very much for your kind review.
I am especially happy that in your recommendation, you see the book also serves as a reference work about the Church's teachings. I know the new hagiography is a passion of yours because of all you have written on the subject, so your favorable opinion about my book is all the more valued.
Pax et Gratia,
Mark M. Zima
Cuba and the Papal Nuncio
You do the very best work, wow.
Can you, if you have not already, do something on Castro's bragging that really it was the inactivity of the Church and the duped nuncio, who really made his revolution possible in Cuba?
Our Lady of LaSalette, pray for us.
TIA responds:
Mr. S.M.,
Thank you for your consideration.
You may profit from the articles of Mr. Armando Valladares, published on our website, which you can easily find by typing his name on our Search Page. Mr. Valladares was a Cuban prisoner for more than 20 years.
Specific reference to Archbishop Cesare Zacchi, Papal Nuncio to Cuba at the time of its Communist Revolution, and his collaboration with the regime can be found in the article Benedict XVI and Card. Bertone's Trip to Cuba.
TIA correspondence desk
Compliments on Your Polemic with Bishop Fellay
Dear Mr. Guimaraes,
First of all my formal compliments on your editorial response of 4-1-08 to E.J. ... his question about Card. Hoyos and SSPX's acceptance of Vatican II, and the following-up articles of 4-8 on the "SSPX Compromise," and finally the 4-10 "Fellay to Guimarães" polemic.
You've placed Bishop Fellay into making a modified Hobson's choice on how to give a categorical answer. As I wrote in my "Vatican II Syllogism," Vatican II is "the worst professional crime in History next to the Crucifixion." A person's answer to it must be "si, si, no, no." There's no way out of it for Bishop Fellay.
It will be interesting if he makes the choice to be silent, or rely on some kind of a nuanced answer.
In Domina,
Lyle J. Arnold, Jr.
Sign of the Cross before L.A. Cathedral
Greetings TIA,
I am a regular reader and one who benefits immensely from your excellent Catholic scholarship. More importantly, I come to your site for clarification when I get confused or lost on important issues relating to the crisis in the Church. This is one such occasion.
I live in downtown Los Angeles and sometimes drive by the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels as I head to my various destinations during the course of the day. I don't attend Mass at the Cathedral, but rather attend Mass at the SSPX priory in Arcadia, 16 miles east. I don't have anything against the Cathedral coffee shop, its nice gift shop, or its spacious plaza. However, the Church itself seems to be more of a concert hall with a grotesque looking crucifix in the middle, not to mention a most heinous and abominable looking "tabernacle" stashed away in a dark corner room (at least the last time I checked, back in late '05).
My question is: Do I still have to make the Sign of the Cross when I pass the Cathedral, or make some reverential gesture?
Just so we understand each other, it is the farthest from my intentions to suggest that just because I attend the Traditional Mass I am somehow "better" or "above it all." There are people far better than myself who attend Mass at the Cathedral out of a sincere desire to please God. I just happen to be "lucky" to be given the undeserved privilege of attending the Mass of All Time. So, . . . no ego trip here. I just want to do the right thing as a Catholic.
Most sincerely,
TIA responds:
Dear Mr. S.K.,
Thank you for your letter and kind words about our website.
The principal reason that Catholics make the Sign of the Cross when passing a Catholic Church is a manifestation of respect for Our Lord Jesus Christ present in the Holy Sacrament in the Tabernacle of that Church.
This principle, however, has a different application when a Catholic passes before Schismatic churches, which, in principle, may have the valid Sacrament of the Eucharist. So far, the Magisterium of the Church has not closed the question on whether or not the Sacraments are always valid among the Schismatics, or so-called Orthodox. A Catholic does not make the Sign of the Cross when passing one of their churches.
So, one would say that this homage paid by Catholics to Our Lord is when He is on His normal throne, in a legitimate Tabernacle. Not always.
Each of us may apply this principle to his own situation when he passes before some of today's extravagant or monstrous religious buildings, which most of the time were made to accomodate and glorify the modern world rather than to glorify Our Lord Jesus Christ. If one believes that Jesus Christ is still present in the "tabernacles" of these churches, he may choose to make an act of reparation for the hostile environment surrounding Our Lord, rather than pay his respects as if He were on His normal throne.
We hope this is of some help.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted April 22, 2008

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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