What People Are Commenting
Our Lady of Good Success,
the Vatican & Freemasonry
Why Is Her Feast on February 2?
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to know about the Feast Day of Our Lady of Good Success, which is celebrated on February 2nd.
Is this the day the Bishop anointed/consecrated the statue and Our Lady of Good Success?
God bless,
Sr. M.C.
TIA responds:
Dear Sister M.C.,
Yes, February 2 was chosen to be the Feast Day of Our Lady of Good Success because it was on this day in 1611 that her Statue was solemnly blessed by Bishop Salvador Ribera of Quito.
He gave the Statue the official name of Mary of the Good Success of the Purification and installed it in the Convent chair as its Queen and Abbess. Most appropriately the Bishop had this ceremony coincide with the Feast Day of the Purification of Our Lady or Candlemas, which is also February 2.
TIA correspondence desk
She never Failed
Dear TIA,
This is just a small donation for your promoting Our Lady of Good Success.
I've prayed to her for years now, and she has never failed me, either financially or spiritually.
I still promote her to whoever will listen.
Thank you for being here for us.
Our Lady Video
Peace and love Christ
Could you tell me if the DVD of Our Lady of Good Success or the books on the same subject are currently available in French? I live in Canada and I have friends who do not speak or read English and who are very interested in Our Lady under this title and her messages. Thank you.
Your sister in Christ,
TIA responds:
No, unfortunately we don't carry these works in French, and do not know if someone does.
TIA correspondence desk
Rosary in Latin
Dear Tradition in Action,
Thank you for the Rosary prayers in Latin/English. It is very much appreciated. Keep up the good work.
Cor Immaculatum Mariae, ora pro nobis.
Prayers in Latin and English
We housewives would be happy to have also the 3 Rosaries on audio on your website.
Thank you.
Thank You!
Dear TIA,
May God abundantly bless your important work in this time of crisis.
Thank you so much for the recent posting of the Rosary prayers in Latin, with translation in English. What a nice gift to all of us!!!
A Different Rhythm
Christ in our midst!
This is in response to your article entitled Rocking Passionist priests wherein you said that the seminarians in the video were dancing to a "pulsating rock song alongside lay people assisting at the Mass."
I followed the video link you provided and found out the description of the video which says "the background music is not really the actual song used during the event. This is actually an action song prior to a Lenten talk given by Passionist priests to energize the faithful..."
So here there are two facts which were not shown. First, that this wasn't done within the Mass, second that these seminarians were not really dancing to a pulsating rock song.
I hope you could provide these informations as well.
I am also a seminarian. Thanks and God bless!
Freemasonry and Conciliar Popes
Dear Dr. Guimaraes,
I have been a "closet" Traditionalist for many years. My Novus Ordo friends, including my wife, are in denial about the "Revolution" in the Church since Vatican II. I now find it very difficult to even attend a Novus Ordo Missae - even ones done fairly reverently.
In your opinion and based upon your research, to what extent is the Vatican and curia subsumed in Freemasonry? Was JPII a Mason or did he have Masonic sympathies? Is the Vatican being used to spread Masonic ideals?
I suffer greatly because I believe that the spotless Bride of Christ has been nefariously infiltrated for many years now. The Church now seems morally bankrupt and dead in the water.
Thank you for your time and for all the work you have done in service of the true Church.
Sincerely in Christ,
G.G.W., Ph.D.
The Editor responds:
Dear Dr. B.G.W.,
Thank you for your compliments and for the consideration shown in your question.
When the problem of belonging to Freemasonry surfaces, I normally avoid definitively stating: "This person is a Freemason." To objectively affirm that this or that Prelate were a Mason, I would need to have irrefutable evidence of his belonging to one of these societies; otherwise I could be accused of slandering a good person.
What I do, instead, is to analyze the ideas of the person and see if they agree with the ideas of Freemasonry and other similar secret societes. Should this be the case, then I can say that such person is serving the final goal of all these societies, the Revolution, whether he is an actual member of one of these associations or not.
Applying this criterion to the conciliar Popes, I believe that when they abandoned the healthy traditional Catholic Social Doctrine and start to preach the theses of the Enlightenment - liberty-equality-fraternity, religious liberty, human rights, the separation of Church and State, egalitarian democracy as the ideal, etc - they aligned themselves with the ideals of the Revolution and are serving Freemasonry, and also Judaism, if you want to go a step further in the leadership of the Revolution.
This is not only my personal opinion. Freemasonry itself has affirmed this and sent an award to John Paul II, as you can read here. In some months, after TIA has finished posting documents that prove Card. Newman was a liberal, we plan to post on our Progressivist Documents evidence of the public mourning made by Mexican Freemasonry at the death of John XXIII and a similar demonstration of sympathy by the Italian Communist Party at the death of Paul VI. I am posting below photos of these documents to substantiate my statement. If per chance you do not read Spanish and Italian, please wait and they will be posted with their English translations.
More about the support the conciliar Popes have given to the Masonic ideal of the universal republic can be found in my booklet, The Universal Republic Blessed by the Conciliar Popes.
I hope this explanation answers your question.
I commend you for your sympathy for the suffering of Holy Mother Church, reminding you that each one of us has the duty to help her in these difficult steps of her passion.
A.S. Guimarães
Posted January 25, 2011

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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