What People Are Commenting
Abortions in Ireland,
Liturgical Abuses in Germany
Third Eye
Re: Hindu-Catholic syncretism at Rodez Cathedral
Notice the Third Eye; this in indicative of New Age, the Reiki practices, the 3rd Chakra, Buddism, Hinduism, pagan demon worship, etc. To open the 3rd Eye is to open the mind (pineal gland) to “enlightenment.” Evil, evil, evil.
The Mystery of Iniquity at work, because the 3rd Eye is a portal for demons. Horrifying!!
Pray for these people.
Re: Hindu-Catholic syncretism at Rodez Cathedral
Notice the Third Eye; this in indicative of New Age, the Reiki practices, the 3rd Chakra, Buddism, Hinduism, pagan demon worship, etc. To open the 3rd Eye is to open the mind (pineal gland) to “enlightenment.” Evil, evil, evil.
The Mystery of Iniquity at work, because the 3rd Eye is a portal for demons. Horrifying!!
Pray for these people.
'Gay' Clergy
To my friends at TIA,
It was reported recently that Vatican Police broke up a gay orgy at the home belonging to the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith. This is another example of how progressivists embarrass the Church and show their hatred for the Catholic faith.
Remember 17 years ago the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith showed their scorn for Our Lady of Fatima by publishing "The Message of Fatima." That message, by the way, was proved on your site to be a lie from cover to cover.
Homer Sweeney
It was reported recently that Vatican Police broke up a gay orgy at the home belonging to the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith. This is another example of how progressivists embarrass the Church and show their hatred for the Catholic faith.
Remember 17 years ago the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith showed their scorn for Our Lady of Fatima by publishing "The Message of Fatima." That message, by the way, was proved on your site to be a lie from cover to cover.
Homer Sweeney
No Jumping Whale
Dear Friends,
A reader of TIA recommended a video or a hologram of a whale jumping from a gym floor and making a big splash back onto the floor. This was done in front of all the schools students. Very doubtful, so I did a quick check on Snoops.com and found out that it’s false.
We may have that technology some day, but not today.
Keep up the great work for Christ and His Church.
A reader of TIA recommended a video or a hologram of a whale jumping from a gym floor and making a big splash back onto the floor. This was done in front of all the schools students. Very doubtful, so I did a quick check on Snoops.com and found out that it’s false.
We may have that technology some day, but not today.
Keep up the great work for Christ and His Church.
Navy Fireworks
Wohlauf Kameraden
Dear TIA,
Thanks much for the Sunday morning music.
It brings me back to my early days as a TFP associate. I think I heard "Wohlauf Kameraden" in about 1985. It still stirs the blood.
Thanks much for the Sunday morning music.
It brings me back to my early days as a TFP associate. I think I heard "Wohlauf Kameraden" in about 1985. It still stirs the blood.
Warning over Abortion in Northern Ireland
Dear TIA,
In this link you can see how Northern Irish politicians deal with pro abortion liberals in the Westminster parliament. Good to see.
I personally worked with this Protestant Politician on pro life issues and can say, for any faults he may have (as all politicians do have), he is good on the issues of protecting the Unborn and stopping the Homosexual lobby.
His party, the DUP, is the only reason we don't have homosexual marriage in the North of Ireland and still have the criminal statues against abortion.
Best wishes,
In this link you can see how Northern Irish politicians deal with pro abortion liberals in the Westminster parliament. Good to see.
I personally worked with this Protestant Politician on pro life issues and can say, for any faults he may have (as all politicians do have), he is good on the issues of protecting the Unborn and stopping the Homosexual lobby.
His party, the DUP, is the only reason we don't have homosexual marriage in the North of Ireland and still have the criminal statues against abortion.
Best wishes,
Please, Help Us Stop These Liturgical Abuses
Pagan novelties in the Catholic Church in Germany in Buch am Erlbach on Sunday (the only Mass available on this day) - instead of 'Kyrie' a song 'True Colors' was sung (whole text in the sheet), instead of 'Gloria' another non-sacred song was sung.
Then, Green Day’s '21 Guns,' Christina Aguilera's 'Say Something' for Communion, and Michael Jackson's 'Heal the World' for the end of the Sunday holy Mass (see the sheet for more details). Is this a joke or something???
The music throughout the whole Sunday holy Mass was extremely loud (including a saxophone solo) with flashes of cameras and loud applause at the end. It was very hard to pray.
The centre of the Holy Mass was not God but the band whose members never knelt before the Lord. The 'Eucharistic ministers' are of course always there to hand out the host into the hands of the people - standing and never kneeling.
Why on earth it is never the priest who takes out the consecrated hosts and put them back into the Tabernacle? The lack of reverence for the living presence of Christ is very common among the people coming to this church.
Where can we report these kind of abuses? In this same church some parts of the prayers of the Holy Mass (the penitential prayer, the psalm) are sometimes skipped during different Masses by different priests.
The grotesque crosses on the altar and for processions are a pure mockery of Jesus. Sometimes the ugly grey cross on the altar is exchanged for a golden cross without the body of Jesus present on it.
Please, help stop this secularization/paganization of our Catholic churches throughout the whole world!!!
Per Mariam redegit omnia in Christo. (Return everything to Christ through Mary)
Justyna Deftuia

The Editor responds:
Dear Justyna Deftuia,
We here at TIA can help you. Just send us documentation of the abuses you see and we will post it on our website. These can be pictures, video, written reports, etc. As our website receives over 6,000 visits per day from people across the world, posting these abuses on our website for all to see can help create some indignation, which can raise waves that go back to Germany and slow the pace of the abuses.
It can also help many Catholics to see how far things are going in the Conciliar Church and resist its orientation.
Both actions would seem to respond to your goal of restoring everything in Christ through Mary.
Atila S. Guimarães
Pagan novelties in the Catholic Church in Germany in Buch am Erlbach on Sunday (the only Mass available on this day) - instead of 'Kyrie' a song 'True Colors' was sung (whole text in the sheet), instead of 'Gloria' another non-sacred song was sung.
Then, Green Day’s '21 Guns,' Christina Aguilera's 'Say Something' for Communion, and Michael Jackson's 'Heal the World' for the end of the Sunday holy Mass (see the sheet for more details). Is this a joke or something???
The music throughout the whole Sunday holy Mass was extremely loud (including a saxophone solo) with flashes of cameras and loud applause at the end. It was very hard to pray.
The centre of the Holy Mass was not God but the band whose members never knelt before the Lord. The 'Eucharistic ministers' are of course always there to hand out the host into the hands of the people - standing and never kneeling.
Why on earth it is never the priest who takes out the consecrated hosts and put them back into the Tabernacle? The lack of reverence for the living presence of Christ is very common among the people coming to this church.
Where can we report these kind of abuses? In this same church some parts of the prayers of the Holy Mass (the penitential prayer, the psalm) are sometimes skipped during different Masses by different priests.
The grotesque crosses on the altar and for processions are a pure mockery of Jesus. Sometimes the ugly grey cross on the altar is exchanged for a golden cross without the body of Jesus present on it.
Please, help stop this secularization/paganization of our Catholic churches throughout the whole world!!!
Per Mariam redegit omnia in Christo. (Return everything to Christ through Mary)
Justyna Deftuia

The Editor responds:
Dear Justyna Deftuia,
We here at TIA can help you. Just send us documentation of the abuses you see and we will post it on our website. These can be pictures, video, written reports, etc. As our website receives over 6,000 visits per day from people across the world, posting these abuses on our website for all to see can help create some indignation, which can raise waves that go back to Germany and slow the pace of the abuses.
It can also help many Catholics to see how far things are going in the Conciliar Church and resist its orientation.
Both actions would seem to respond to your goal of restoring everything in Christ through Mary.
Atila S. Guimarães
Karolinska Institute Promotes Abortion
Dear TIA,
Is there no end to the anti-life scandals at Pontifical Academy for Life? Or is it the Pontifical Academy for Death?
Karolinska Institute is NOT a “Medical University.” It’s a Big Auschwitz for unborn children.
In the selection of its members, the Vatican must also consider the institution that the member represents. In the case of Katarina Le Blanc, that institution is the Karolinska Institute – one of the world’s foremost promoters of abortion and abortifacients. The Institute also is involved in non-therapeutic fetal experimentation and the provision of fetal tissues from aborted babies. Its eugenic mind-set is illustrated by its pioneer promotion of human embryo preimplantation diagnosis and in-vitro Fertilization.
Either remove Le Blanc and all the other anti-life characters which infest the “academy” or just shut the growing hell-hole down! Enough is enough!
Randy Engel, U.S. Coalition for Life
Pontifical Academy for Scandals - One Scandal More
Source: La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana
The Nuova Bussola Quotidiana writes, that Katarina Le Blanc from the Swedish Karolinska Institutet, who was named on June 13th as a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, works with human stem cells derived from aborted children.
In 2013 she published with other authors an article in PLOS ONE on stem cell research based on cells harvested from killed human embryos. The Pontifical Academy for Life declared in 2000, that such research is immoral.
In July 2016 Le Blanc published in Scientific Reports with others a study based on cells taken from the lungs of aborted children, purchased from the abortion-network Planned Parenthood at the price of 45 Dollars a baby.
Original here.
Is there no end to the anti-life scandals at Pontifical Academy for Life? Or is it the Pontifical Academy for Death?
Karolinska Institute is NOT a “Medical University.” It’s a Big Auschwitz for unborn children.
In the selection of its members, the Vatican must also consider the institution that the member represents. In the case of Katarina Le Blanc, that institution is the Karolinska Institute – one of the world’s foremost promoters of abortion and abortifacients. The Institute also is involved in non-therapeutic fetal experimentation and the provision of fetal tissues from aborted babies. Its eugenic mind-set is illustrated by its pioneer promotion of human embryo preimplantation diagnosis and in-vitro Fertilization.
Either remove Le Blanc and all the other anti-life characters which infest the “academy” or just shut the growing hell-hole down! Enough is enough!
Randy Engel, U.S. Coalition for Life
Source: La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana

The Nuova Bussola Quotidiana writes, that Katarina Le Blanc from the Swedish Karolinska Institutet, who was named on June 13th as a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, works with human stem cells derived from aborted children.
In 2013 she published with other authors an article in PLOS ONE on stem cell research based on cells harvested from killed human embryos. The Pontifical Academy for Life declared in 2000, that such research is immoral.
In July 2016 Le Blanc published in Scientific Reports with others a study based on cells taken from the lungs of aborted children, purchased from the abortion-network Planned Parenthood at the price of 45 Dollars a baby.
Original here.

Posted July 11, 2017
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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Re: Hindu-Catholic syncretism at Rodez Cathedral
It is truly nauseating that so very many people, many many priests included, do their best to get out of India to further their material prosperity, but once abroad, they parasite their hosts with all these cultural gimmicks. Who pays for all this nonsense? Some years ago Cardinal Tomko tried, without success, to curb this,
Comments by Card. Tomko on the Sending Abroad and Sojourn of Diocesan Priests from Mission Territories