Socio-Political Issues
Archbishop Burke Now Approves Voting
for Those Who Promote Baby Killing
Frank Joseph, M.D.
An article in the Post-Dispatch announced that Archbishop Raymond Burke is giving St. Louis Catholics a way to vote for politicians who support abortion rights without committing a grave sin or having to go to confession:
“In his latest clarification of controversial comment he made earlier this summer, Burke said Thursday [September 2] he believes Catholics could vote for a politician who supports abortion rights as long as that's not the reason they are voting for the candidate, and they believe the politician's stance on other moral issues outweighs the abortion-rights stance.
“Previously, Burke had said Catholics who vote for a politician who supports abortion rights were committing a grave sin and must confess before receiving Communion…
“Burke now says there is one scenario in which a Catholic could vote for a politician who supports abortion rights without committing a grave sin. In that scenario, a Catholic who personally opposes abortion rights, votes for a candidate who supports abortion rights ‘for what are called proportionate reasons,’ he said.” (“Burke clarifies Voting Stance, September 2, 2004)
 | Burke makes a reversal on his firm stand. |
This comes as a surprise as Archbishop Burke was one of my heroes when he said that a Catholic cannot vote for a politician who is pro-abortion, such as John Kerry. Was he bought off? Did billionaire John Kerry’s money play a part? I can think of no other explanation that makes even the slightest sense.
Archbishop Raymond Burke says he is trying to give St. Louis Catholics a way to vote for politicians who support abortion rights without committing a grave sin or having to go to confession.
In his latest clarification of controversial comments he made earlier this summer, Burke said on September 2 that he believes Catholics could vote for a politician who supports abortion rights as long as that’s not the reason they are voting for the candidate, and they believe the politician’s stance on other moral issues outweighs the abortion-rights stance.
How in the world is it possible that any other issue could outweigh the killing of 4,000 children every day – 1.4 million every year?
Does he mean issues like opening up another soup kitchen, or getting rid of the death penalty in which only a few guilty persons are killed every year and then only after they have had a trial, which innocent unborn children have not received?
Or, could it be the Iraq war, on the topic of which, by the way, Kerry said that he would again vote to go to that war.
I can think of no other reason and I don’t know how Burke can either to claim the garbage of "proportionate reasons."
Burke can now join Kerry as one of the country’s two greatest flip-floppers, and innocent children will suffer because of it.
Burke is dead wrong and I will prove it to you. Suppose instead of 4,000 unborn children who are being killed every day, it was 4,000 born children, or adults. Would he still say that you can vote for someone who is an enabler of these killings as long as that’s not the reason you are voting for the candidate – that it is okay so long as they believe the politician's stance on other moral issues outweighs their stance on murder. Of course not. Apparently, Archbishop Burke does not consider unborn children to be the equivalent of born children or adults.
May God have mercy on his soul.
I had nine Bishops on my list of good Bishops, now there are only eight. One thing I do know for sure – his flip-flop brings a smile to the face of Satan.
Posted September 9, 2004

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