What People Are Commenting
Owl, Masons & Cuban Capitol
Repairing the Statue of Cristo Redentor
Look at these men on top of the Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio repairing the lightning rods. Just watching these men workiing over there made me dizzy...
To watch the video, click here
Look at these men on top of the Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio repairing the lightning rods. Just watching these men workiing over there made me dizzy...
To watch the video, click here
Meeting a Mason by Chance
RE: The Owl, Symbol of the Freemasons
A few days ago at the local supermarket I noticed a man dressed in strong blacks and whites. I appreciated his clothing and while in line told him this. He appreciated my compliments and asked: “Are you a traveling man?” I said, “Maybe... I hear California calling lately...”
He told me his name and we shook hands as I told him mine. He put his forefinger on my wrists while shaking. I stopped, thought of seeing the Masonic handshake photos on your site with the ‘pope’ and asked him:”Are you a Mason?”
“Why?” he asked.
I said, “Your handshake… and I wonder about your question, ‘Are you a traveling man?’ Is that a code term another Mason might recognize?” He said it was and then he told me about other symbols, especially regarding measurement since I am a craftsman (he had asked what I do). One of these one was the use of an owl(s) as symbol(s). He was purchasing flowers for his mother. Had two bunches and his mother was with him. He left smiling and glowing with... an ‘illuminated’ face.
What was the role of TIA in this? Without having seen the ‘pope’ photos and having read your comments all of this would have passed over me. I was aware afterward that that was the first Mason that I have met and known about it. I was also aware that I was in the presence of an anti-Catholic as we spoke.
He really understood ‘soul’ as a concept, was fascinated by it [the symbol], and told me this and that about ‘the circle and square.’ I had drawn one for him in conversation to show the logo shape for line. All this happened very quickly. Interesting... and a bit fighting... as is so, so much.
Thank you,
RE: The Owl, Symbol of the Freemasons
A few days ago at the local supermarket I noticed a man dressed in strong blacks and whites. I appreciated his clothing and while in line told him this. He appreciated my compliments and asked: “Are you a traveling man?” I said, “Maybe... I hear California calling lately...”
He told me his name and we shook hands as I told him mine. He put his forefinger on my wrists while shaking. I stopped, thought of seeing the Masonic handshake photos on your site with the ‘pope’ and asked him:”Are you a Mason?”
“Why?” he asked.
I said, “Your handshake… and I wonder about your question, ‘Are you a traveling man?’ Is that a code term another Mason might recognize?” He said it was and then he told me about other symbols, especially regarding measurement since I am a craftsman (he had asked what I do). One of these one was the use of an owl(s) as symbol(s). He was purchasing flowers for his mother. Had two bunches and his mother was with him. He left smiling and glowing with... an ‘illuminated’ face.
What was the role of TIA in this? Without having seen the ‘pope’ photos and having read your comments all of this would have passed over me. I was aware afterward that that was the first Mason that I have met and known about it. I was also aware that I was in the presence of an anti-Catholic as we spoke.
He really understood ‘soul’ as a concept, was fascinated by it [the symbol], and told me this and that about ‘the circle and square.’ I had drawn one for him in conversation to show the logo shape for line. All this happened very quickly. Interesting... and a bit fighting... as is so, so much.
Thank you,
Is It an Owl or Not an Owl?
Re: The Owl, Symbol of the Freemasons
It seems that the small image [on the dollar bill] may not be an owl as some believe. There are others who believe it is a spider. It may in fact be exactly what is depicted on this video.
TIA Note: Please read the comments by readers at the bottom of the page featuring this video. Most of them believe it is an owl.
Re: The Owl, Symbol of the Freemasons
It seems that the small image [on the dollar bill] may not be an owl as some believe. There are others who believe it is a spider. It may in fact be exactly what is depicted on this video.
TIA Note: Please read the comments by readers at the bottom of the page featuring this video. Most of them believe it is an owl.
Agony of Our Lord in the Garden
To whom it may concern,
Do you have a picture of the Agony in the Garden? If yes how much is it. I can't find it anywhere even in Israel they don't have it.
TIA responds:
We do not carry that scene in a picture for sale.
There are, however, many sources on line where you can purchase art prints or framed art, such as here and here.
You can purchase and download high resolution pictures to print out and frame according to the size you choose here and here.
You can find photos of the actual Garden of Gethsemane where the Agony took place here.
We hope this will be of help to you in your search.
TIA correspondence desk
Do you have a picture of the Agony in the Garden? If yes how much is it. I can't find it anywhere even in Israel they don't have it.
TIA responds:
We do not carry that scene in a picture for sale.
There are, however, many sources on line where you can purchase art prints or framed art, such as here and here.
You can purchase and download high resolution pictures to print out and frame according to the size you choose here and here.
You can find photos of the actual Garden of Gethsemane where the Agony took place here.
We hope this will be of help to you in your search.
TIA correspondence desk
Masonic Cuban Capitol
See the pictures in the pictorial presentation below of the Capitol Building in Havana. Cuba, and my response below to a friend who sent it to me without even noticing anything wrong.
Unbelievable, the statue of the “Angel Rebelde” [Rebel Angel] at Cuba's Capitol building is a statue of Satan himself. A tribute to Lucifer put there before Castro was even born!
P.M.V., a Cuban exiled in the USA
Dear Friend,
Since I was like 12 years old, I always wondered how it was that Cuba, with the largest middle class of all Latin America, could become communist. It made absolutely no sense. One would figure it would have been a Central American country or one of the other South American countries that have practically zero middle class that would fall to Communism.
The conclusion I came to 20 years ago was that it was because it is a punishment from God for the Cuban people's infidelity to the Catholic Faith magnified by its openly anti-Catholic and defiant Masonic governments. A perfect example is this capital building: not one Crucifix, or Statue of Christ, or the Blessed Mother, or any angels and Saints. Not a one. Instead we see a statue to Lucifer (I had never known of its existence before your email), along with the standard Masonic symbolism one can find in Washington D.C. or any other non-Catholic country.
Catholic countries have statues of the Blessed Mother and Saints; Masonic countries have the statues of amazon women and men on steroids. Cuba goes to the top of the dung pile with a tribute to Satan!
Until the peoples of Latin America realize that their wealth is in the Faith and they return TO LIVE as Catholics, they will continue on the same path of poverty, immorality, illegitimate births, abortions and crime.
Theodore Roosevelt, when he paid a visit to South America at the turn of the 20th century, said, “While these countries remain Catholic, we will not be able to dominate them.”
Putting it in another way, as long as the people are fallen away Catholics, Protestants, Masons, pagans, atheists and Marxists, they can be easily dominated. As is the case today. Outside of the Catholic Faith, and what little remains of the Catholic culture in Latin America, I see little to be proud of. Without the Faith, Latin America is just another Africa.
Thanks for forwarding on to me the presentation, I had never known of this “Angel Rebelde” Statue. It corroborates my conclusions of why Cuba fell.
God Bless,
To watch the power-point click here.
TIA Note:: P.M.V., Just for your information. St. Antonio Maria Claret was for a period of time Archbishop of Cuba. A sound tradition informs us that, when he was leaving the Island to return to Spain, from his place on the deck of the ship he turned toward Cuba and cursed it because it had rejected the Catholic Faith as represented by him. This curse would also number among the causes for the more than 50 years of Communism Cuba has suffered. TIA
See the pictures in the pictorial presentation below of the Capitol Building in Havana. Cuba, and my response below to a friend who sent it to me without even noticing anything wrong.
Unbelievable, the statue of the “Angel Rebelde” [Rebel Angel] at Cuba's Capitol building is a statue of Satan himself. A tribute to Lucifer put there before Castro was even born!
P.M.V., a Cuban exiled in the USA
Dear Friend,
Since I was like 12 years old, I always wondered how it was that Cuba, with the largest middle class of all Latin America, could become communist. It made absolutely no sense. One would figure it would have been a Central American country or one of the other South American countries that have practically zero middle class that would fall to Communism.
The conclusion I came to 20 years ago was that it was because it is a punishment from God for the Cuban people's infidelity to the Catholic Faith magnified by its openly anti-Catholic and defiant Masonic governments. A perfect example is this capital building: not one Crucifix, or Statue of Christ, or the Blessed Mother, or any angels and Saints. Not a one. Instead we see a statue to Lucifer (I had never known of its existence before your email), along with the standard Masonic symbolism one can find in Washington D.C. or any other non-Catholic country.
Catholic countries have statues of the Blessed Mother and Saints; Masonic countries have the statues of amazon women and men on steroids. Cuba goes to the top of the dung pile with a tribute to Satan!
Until the peoples of Latin America realize that their wealth is in the Faith and they return TO LIVE as Catholics, they will continue on the same path of poverty, immorality, illegitimate births, abortions and crime.
Theodore Roosevelt, when he paid a visit to South America at the turn of the 20th century, said, “While these countries remain Catholic, we will not be able to dominate them.”
Putting it in another way, as long as the people are fallen away Catholics, Protestants, Masons, pagans, atheists and Marxists, they can be easily dominated. As is the case today. Outside of the Catholic Faith, and what little remains of the Catholic culture in Latin America, I see little to be proud of. Without the Faith, Latin America is just another Africa.
Thanks for forwarding on to me the presentation, I had never known of this “Angel Rebelde” Statue. It corroborates my conclusions of why Cuba fell.
God Bless,
To watch the power-point click here.
TIA Note:: P.M.V., Just for your information. St. Antonio Maria Claret was for a period of time Archbishop of Cuba. A sound tradition informs us that, when he was leaving the Island to return to Spain, from his place on the deck of the ship he turned toward Cuba and cursed it because it had rejected the Catholic Faith as represented by him. This curse would also number among the causes for the more than 50 years of Communism Cuba has suffered. TIA

Posted March 17, 2015
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I’m sorry I didn’t send any money for your Our Lady of Good Success campaign when I got your letter for help some months ago. I’ve been in the hospital and convalescent home to recover and so here I am. Late!
I have the books on Our Lady of Good Success and also a statue of her which I got when I was in Quito, Ecuador a few years ago. My best pilgrimage!
I can only send $25 at this time. The bills haven’t started coming in yet.
I’ll be 91 years old next month and wanted to send something to help. Hope you get enough to cover your expenses.