Our Lady of Good Success
 | Why Is Her Feast Day on February 2? Because the Bishop solemnely blessed the Statue this day in 1611
 | Is 'Good Success' the Best Translation of the Spanish Buen Suceso? We believe 'Good Success' is more encompassing than 'Good Event'
 | How Could Our Lady Mention Masonry in Quito If It Didn't Exist? As a secret society it has existed since the 14th century
 | Is the Manuscript of Fr. Pereira on Mother Mariana Available? The orignal is hidden, but a credible copy is available / similar question here
 | When Was the Admirable Life of Mother Mariana Originally Published? It was written in the 17th century; hidden in the 18th century; a copy remains
 | Where Can I Find Material on Our Lady of Good Success in Spanish? This bookstore carries The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana in Spanish
 | Why Is the Statue of Our Lady Dressed? It is a long Spanish tradition to dress statues
 | Why Is Our Lady with a Crozier of a Bishop? It Is Wrong It is not the crozier of a Bishop but of an Abbess; it is right
 | Does the Convent of Quito Still Exist? Yes, it does; it will exist until the end of time
 | Can You Send Me Prayers to Our Lady of Good Success? Yes, here are some prayers you can print
 | I Am Preparing a Thesis on Our Lady of Good Success; Can You Help? Yes, we can; especially if you read Spanish
 | Where Can I Purchase a Statue of Our Lady of Good Success? We only carry pictures; here is someone who sells statues
 | Do You Organize Pilgrimages to Our Lady of Good Success in Quito? No, we don't; but here is someone who does
 | Isn't It Scandalous to Invite Readers to 'Come Closer' to Our Lady? We think you have a perverse mind to imagine a bad meaning
 | Can You Share Some 'Modern-Day' Miracles Worked by Our Lady? You can visit this page to read wonderful testimonies
 | Where Can I Read More Q&As about Our Lady of Good Success? Check here to learn more
Our Lady of Fatima
 | What Is the Correct Version of the Fatima Prayer? There are multiple correct versions in English
 | Why Did Our Lady Say to the Fatima Children: Pray ⅓ of the Rosary? This was just a preparation for them to eventually say the full Rosary
 | Where Can I Go to Learn More About Our Lady of Fatima? Read here & here
Our Lady of Guadalupe
 | What Material Do You Have on Our Lady of Guadalupe? We have these comments on her feast day and this slide show
 | Did a Mason Really Try to Destroy the Tilma? Msgr. Eduardo Chavez answers this & other questions
 | What Is True & False on Our Lady of Guadalupe? Msgr. Eduardo Chavez gives an official explanation; read a summary here
 | Do You Have the Slide Show About the Tilma in Spanish? We have it in English & Portugues, not in Spanish
 | What Are the Sources for this Slide Show? Here are some sources
 | Could You Give Me Sources for Our Lady of Guadalupe Power Point? Yes, here they are
 | Is This Slide Show Scientific? Yes. it is; read more here
 | Do You Accept More Data on Our Lady of Guadalupe? Yes, of course we accept; thank you
 | Do You Have on Your Site a Section on Our Lady of Guadalupe? No, we do not; here is what we have posted on this matter
Other Invocations of Our Lady
 | Where in Your Site Can I Find More Devotions to Our Lady? Please, click here
 | Is There an Authoritative Book on Our Lady's Titles? Yes, Glories of Mary & some websites here
 | Can You Tell Me About Our Lady of Bethlehem? It is here; the three previous ones are here, here & here
 | Could You Double-Check Your Citation on Our Lady of Bethlehem? We used secondary sources; thank you for the tip; we will check it
 | Which Formula Should I Use to Consecrate My Baby to Mary? We suggest the formula of the Holy Slavery to the Blessed Mother
 | Are There Two Texts of the Secrets of Our Lady of La Salette? There is the secret of Melanie and the one of Maximin
 | Why Did the Holy Office Forbid to Comment the Secrets of La Salette? Influenced by the liberals, most likely
 | Where Can I Obtain a Statue of Our Lady of Aparecida? We don't have statues, but here are some pictures
 | Where Can I Send Money to Our Lady of Aparecida in Brazil? The address of the central Sanctuary of Aparecida in Brazil is here
 | Can I Print the Picture of Our Lady of Gennazano? Yes, you can for non-profit purposes
 | Where Can I Find Data on Our Lady of Knock? Read a series on this topic here
 | Do You Have Pictures of Our Lady of Loreto? We can send some to you if you send us your address
 | Is Our Lady of Las Lajas Just a Painting? No, the tests indicate it is not a painting, but the colors are in the rock
 | Do You Have a Statue of La Virgen Blanca of Toledo? No, we have a photo; here it is
 | Can You Link Me to a Photo of Our Lady of Peace? Yes, it is here
 | Do You Know This Website about Our Lady of the Snow in India? The site is wrong, it is ecumenical; here is this good devotion in Rome
 | Could You Prove that for Elias & the Cloud Represented Our Lady? Yes, it is a long Carmelite tradition; you may read the texts here
 | Can You Tell Me the History of the Virgin of the Cloud in Ecuador? Yes, here is the history of La Virgen de la Nube
 | What Do You Think
about Our Lady of the Milk? It is a devotion subject to misunderstandings. We think it should not be revived