What People Are Commenting
Switzerland, Our Lady in Ireland &
Tempura Food
Russia Sub in Scottish Waters
Dear TIA,
Some conjectures on Russian military aggression (here). A subject you have been considering recently.
Thank you.
P.F., Australia
Some conjectures on Russian military aggression (here). A subject you have been considering recently.
Thank you.
P.F., Australia
What's Good for the Goose...
The last sentence in Toby Westerman's article on Putin is quite interesting:
The existence of God-given human freedom is anathema to Putin and the Kremlin oligarchy, and they will go to any length to destroy it.
Could not this be also said of Obama and his minions ?
The last sentence in Toby Westerman's article on Putin is quite interesting:
The existence of God-given human freedom is anathema to Putin and the Kremlin oligarchy, and they will go to any length to destroy it.
Could not this be also said of Obama and his minions ?
Our Lady Knocks at Ireland's Door
Hello there,
My name is R.C. & I'm writing to you from Ireland.
I only just stumbled across the story of Our Lady of Good Success by accident while browsing through different Catholic Videos etc on You Tube. I listened with intent to what Dr. Horvat had to say and also another marvelous priest Fr. Isaac Raylea on You Tube. I am fascinated by the story but also acutely aware of the times we are living in & I really, really want to start promoting Her in Ireland. It's practically unheard of here.
From a country that once boasted of being the Land of Saints & Scholars - we have dramatically changed & lost all of what we once stood for. We had gone down the road all other liberal, Western countries have & in a few short weeks, this country will likely vote to have Gay Marriage - what an abomination!! We have it all here & it's very distressing to the few of us who would like to still stand for the true Catholic Faith. Let me state, that I am by no means a saint or angel; in fact I am a poor advertisement for my religion - but I am trying and would dearly like to do better.
I feel drawn or called to promote Our Lady of Good Success - I and a few others I'm friendly with are aware of the Freemasons, illuminati, Satan's rampant destruction in Ireland and feel saddened & disheartened at the abuses of the Mass and the Faith here.
How can I get started? What should I do? Is your site a genuine, dedicated site for promoting Her Message? I would like to start ASAP - we are voting on Gay Marriage at the end of May (Our Lady's month - what a travesty!)
I look forward to hearing from you.
Many thanks
TIA responds:
Hello R.C.,
Our compliments for your desire to spread Our Lady of Good Success in Ireland!
What TIA did in the United States with a remarkable result – perhaps you should do the same in Ireland – was/is to disseminate the two small works by Dr. Marian Horvat Our Lady of Good Success – Prophecies for Our Time and Stories and Miracles of Our Lady of Good Success.
After the interest for this devotion was established, TIA started to disseminate the English translation of the manuscript by Fr. Manuel Pereira, which was the source for the two mentioned summaries by Dr. Horvat.
If you decide to do what we did here, TIA will give you the best deals we can to spread these books. This is a first suggestion that occurs to us.
We hope that you will consider this proposal.
May Our Lady continue to encourage you to go ahead with this important endeavor.
TIA correspondence desk
My name is R.C. & I'm writing to you from Ireland.
I only just stumbled across the story of Our Lady of Good Success by accident while browsing through different Catholic Videos etc on You Tube. I listened with intent to what Dr. Horvat had to say and also another marvelous priest Fr. Isaac Raylea on You Tube. I am fascinated by the story but also acutely aware of the times we are living in & I really, really want to start promoting Her in Ireland. It's practically unheard of here.
From a country that once boasted of being the Land of Saints & Scholars - we have dramatically changed & lost all of what we once stood for. We had gone down the road all other liberal, Western countries have & in a few short weeks, this country will likely vote to have Gay Marriage - what an abomination!! We have it all here & it's very distressing to the few of us who would like to still stand for the true Catholic Faith. Let me state, that I am by no means a saint or angel; in fact I am a poor advertisement for my religion - but I am trying and would dearly like to do better.
I feel drawn or called to promote Our Lady of Good Success - I and a few others I'm friendly with are aware of the Freemasons, illuminati, Satan's rampant destruction in Ireland and feel saddened & disheartened at the abuses of the Mass and the Faith here.
How can I get started? What should I do? Is your site a genuine, dedicated site for promoting Her Message? I would like to start ASAP - we are voting on Gay Marriage at the end of May (Our Lady's month - what a travesty!)
I look forward to hearing from you.
Many thanks
TIA responds:
Hello R.C.,
Our compliments for your desire to spread Our Lady of Good Success in Ireland!
What TIA did in the United States with a remarkable result – perhaps you should do the same in Ireland – was/is to disseminate the two small works by Dr. Marian Horvat Our Lady of Good Success – Prophecies for Our Time and Stories and Miracles of Our Lady of Good Success.
After the interest for this devotion was established, TIA started to disseminate the English translation of the manuscript by Fr. Manuel Pereira, which was the source for the two mentioned summaries by Dr. Horvat.
If you decide to do what we did here, TIA will give you the best deals we can to spread these books. This is a first suggestion that occurs to us.
We hope that you will consider this proposal.
May Our Lady continue to encourage you to go ahead with this important endeavor.
TIA correspondence desk
Tempura Food & Ember Days
I read the article below on Catholic Herald (UK), which I believe you and your readers will like.
Eating Japanese food on Ember Days
A Japanese Chef serves tempura to France's President François Hollande and Japan's Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe (PA).
In Latin the Ember Days are called the Quatuor Tempora, giving rise to a popular form of fried food.
During the week after the First Sunday of Lent we observe, traditionally, the Ember Days. “Ember” doesn’t have anything to do with coals or fire. It derives from the Anglo-Saxon ymbren, “a circuit or revolution (from ymb, ‘around’, and rennen, ‘to run’), the annual wheel of the sun.”
In Latin we call the Ember Days the Quatuor Tempora, or “four times” of the year.
Speaking of coals or fire, this Latin term gave rise to a form of fried food which I am sure you all know. In the 16th century, Jesuit missionaries from Portugal settled in Nagasaki. While remaining sensitive to the ways of the Japanese people, they tried to make culturally acceptable meatless meals for their converts for Ember Days, which were days of fasting and abstinence from flesh. They started deep-frying vegetables and shrimp, in much the same way as, back in Portugal, they made peixinhos da horta [little fish from the vegetable garden], deep-fried veggies, which in turn they might have picked up in Goa, their colony in India, where a similar fried food called pakora is found. The Japanese ran with and developed this new food to (some would say) perfection.
So, the next time you order tempura in a Japanese restaurant, remember that the name comes from the Latin: Quatuor Tempora.
Back to the Ember Days.
The Fathers of the Church, such as St. Leo the Great (d 461) and St. Jerome (d 420), spoke of this custom, which perhaps stemmed from a Jewish practice of fasts at different times during the year. As far back as Pope Gelasius (d 496), Ember Days were auspicious for ordinations. Winter, spring, summer and autumn all have traditional Ember Days. These days of fasting and abstinence on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday fell during the weeks after the First Sunday of Lent, after Pentecost, around the time of the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on September 14, and near the third Sunday of Advent (more or less St. Lucy’s day, December 13).
There is a medieval couplet in rather degenerate Latin about the times they fell, rendered in archaic English that is just about as bad: “Fasting days and Emberings be/ Lent, Whitsun, Holyrood, and Lucie.” Rood is Middle English for a crucifix. Whitsunday is Pentecost, from the Old English hwita sunnandæg, “white Sunday,” probably for the color of vestments once used for that feast.
Perhaps we should eat Japanese on Ember Friday.
Original here.
I read the article below on Catholic Herald (UK), which I believe you and your readers will like.
A Japanese Chef serves tempura to France's President François Hollande and Japan's Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe (PA).
In Latin the Ember Days are called the Quatuor Tempora, giving rise to a popular form of fried food.
During the week after the First Sunday of Lent we observe, traditionally, the Ember Days. “Ember” doesn’t have anything to do with coals or fire. It derives from the Anglo-Saxon ymbren, “a circuit or revolution (from ymb, ‘around’, and rennen, ‘to run’), the annual wheel of the sun.”
In Latin we call the Ember Days the Quatuor Tempora, or “four times” of the year.
Speaking of coals or fire, this Latin term gave rise to a form of fried food which I am sure you all know. In the 16th century, Jesuit missionaries from Portugal settled in Nagasaki. While remaining sensitive to the ways of the Japanese people, they tried to make culturally acceptable meatless meals for their converts for Ember Days, which were days of fasting and abstinence from flesh. They started deep-frying vegetables and shrimp, in much the same way as, back in Portugal, they made peixinhos da horta [little fish from the vegetable garden], deep-fried veggies, which in turn they might have picked up in Goa, their colony in India, where a similar fried food called pakora is found. The Japanese ran with and developed this new food to (some would say) perfection.
So, the next time you order tempura in a Japanese restaurant, remember that the name comes from the Latin: Quatuor Tempora.
Back to the Ember Days.
The Fathers of the Church, such as St. Leo the Great (d 461) and St. Jerome (d 420), spoke of this custom, which perhaps stemmed from a Jewish practice of fasts at different times during the year. As far back as Pope Gelasius (d 496), Ember Days were auspicious for ordinations. Winter, spring, summer and autumn all have traditional Ember Days. These days of fasting and abstinence on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday fell during the weeks after the First Sunday of Lent, after Pentecost, around the time of the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on September 14, and near the third Sunday of Advent (more or less St. Lucy’s day, December 13).
There is a medieval couplet in rather degenerate Latin about the times they fell, rendered in archaic English that is just about as bad: “Fasting days and Emberings be/ Lent, Whitsun, Holyrood, and Lucie.” Rood is Middle English for a crucifix. Whitsunday is Pentecost, from the Old English hwita sunnandæg, “white Sunday,” probably for the color of vestments once used for that feast.
Perhaps we should eat Japanese on Ember Friday.
Original here.

Posted April 9, 2015
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Salve Maria,
I am sending this link to a video showing beautiful photography, thanks to technology.
In Maria,