What People Are Commenting
Jerseys, Persecution & False Mercy
Swiss Train Ride
As I am preparing my trip to Italy, I came across this video of a train ride between Milan and Zurich in Switzerland.
If someone has a bit of time and wants to enjoy it, he certainly will have beautiful Alps sights and some minutes of peace.
You may watch it here - a suggestion: keep your sound low.
As I am preparing my trip to Italy, I came across this video of a train ride between Milan and Zurich in Switzerland.
If someone has a bit of time and wants to enjoy it, he certainly will have beautiful Alps sights and some minutes of peace.
You may watch it here - a suggestion: keep your sound low.
Religious Persecution
I just sent the following letter to the editor to my local paper whose fare is publishing the rot of the Washington Post and New York Times.
Gary Morella
We live in an America unrecognizable to the founding fathers where reason is the first casualty.
To say that the Kentucky Clerk is not being jailed for her Christian beliefs but rather for not doing her job in defying an unconstitutional court order is preposterous! That she’s being jailed is a national disgrace that must not stand.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that people of faith have to check it at the door upon entering public life. Any court order contrary to the Constitution is unjust in the same manner that the SCOTUS [Supreme Court of the United States] decision was unjust in unconscionably trashing the Constitution and reason by saying that it allows for the oxymoronic concept of same-sex marriage which, if it was the norm, the human race would be extinct!
This is not what so many gave their lives for in all of America's wars since the Revolution, i.e., they didn't fight to preserve but rather to eradicate tyranny from the face of the earth. Their deaths are being rendered vain by the cultural Marxists in power who have seceded from our constitutional republican form of government with its Judeo-Christian moorings. In its place, they’ve supplanted a secular-socialist oligarchy that is owed no obedience whatsoever on any level!
The faith of the Kentucky clerk does not conflict with the Constitution with its First Amendment protections but rather with Justice Kennedy’s personal political preferences. It is a rogue SCOTUS that is nullifying the rule of law, not her!
I just sent the following letter to the editor to my local paper whose fare is publishing the rot of the Washington Post and New York Times.
Gary Morella
We live in an America unrecognizable to the founding fathers where reason is the first casualty.
To say that the Kentucky Clerk is not being jailed for her Christian beliefs but rather for not doing her job in defying an unconstitutional court order is preposterous! That she’s being jailed is a national disgrace that must not stand.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that people of faith have to check it at the door upon entering public life. Any court order contrary to the Constitution is unjust in the same manner that the SCOTUS [Supreme Court of the United States] decision was unjust in unconscionably trashing the Constitution and reason by saying that it allows for the oxymoronic concept of same-sex marriage which, if it was the norm, the human race would be extinct!
This is not what so many gave their lives for in all of America's wars since the Revolution, i.e., they didn't fight to preserve but rather to eradicate tyranny from the face of the earth. Their deaths are being rendered vain by the cultural Marxists in power who have seceded from our constitutional republican form of government with its Judeo-Christian moorings. In its place, they’ve supplanted a secular-socialist oligarchy that is owed no obedience whatsoever on any level!
The faith of the Kentucky clerk does not conflict with the Constitution with its First Amendment protections but rather with Justice Kennedy’s personal political preferences. It is a rogue SCOTUS that is nullifying the rule of law, not her!
Should We Obey Laws that Come From Satan?
Hindsight is 20/20. This is certainly NOT the country I was born to…
Worshipping the Devil in public, including public nudity and promiscuity as part of Satanic ritual, is protected as “freedom of religion”, but public display of the 10 Commandments or Nativity scenes are banned as inappropriate.
We now live in a country that defends and protects a ”right” to sodomy, and those who oppose it can be put in jail.
A county clerk, who had no way of knowing what the Extreme Court of the US would rule when elected, is put in jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to mentally-challenged perverted couples.
Every county clerk should refuse to do such a thing. But most will rationalize that it would be against the “law.” Whose law? To hell with such laws, because that is where they come from.
It’s time to practice a little civil disobedience to the Devil, because that is who rules this country now.
Hippies of the 1960s, misguided though they were, had more courage when it came to defying the State.
Folks, this is, pure and simple open warfare upon Christians by Satan!
We are being called upon to be nothing less than saints, and I hope we are up to it.
Hindsight is 20/20. This is certainly NOT the country I was born to…
Worshipping the Devil in public, including public nudity and promiscuity as part of Satanic ritual, is protected as “freedom of religion”, but public display of the 10 Commandments or Nativity scenes are banned as inappropriate.
We now live in a country that defends and protects a ”right” to sodomy, and those who oppose it can be put in jail.
A county clerk, who had no way of knowing what the Extreme Court of the US would rule when elected, is put in jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to mentally-challenged perverted couples.
Every county clerk should refuse to do such a thing. But most will rationalize that it would be against the “law.” Whose law? To hell with such laws, because that is where they come from.
It’s time to practice a little civil disobedience to the Devil, because that is who rules this country now.
Hippies of the 1960s, misguided though they were, had more courage when it came to defying the State.
Folks, this is, pure and simple open warfare upon Christians by Satan!
We are being called upon to be nothing less than saints, and I hope we are up to it.
Maria Bambina
Dear TIA,
I loved reading about the devotion to Maria Bambina:
I have sometimes wondered if there was ever a picture or statue of Our Lady as a baby, and now I know. How lovely and captivating her little face and image is — even in the stained glass!
It is my firm hope that the novena and picture can become an addition to Set Two: FIVE BEAUTIFUL PICTURES OF OUR LADY, with the novena written on the back. It would be such an appropriate addition!
Thank you for sharing this with us!
E.M.S., Ph.D.
TIA responds:
Dear Dr. E.M.S.,
We are glad that you profited from the information on Maria Bambina sent to us by Mrs. Judy Mead. It is, indeed, a very beautiful and inspiring face.
We are taking note of your proposal to print a card of that photo with the novena in the back. Let us see what we can do.
Thank you for your suggestion.
TIA correspondence desk
I loved reading about the devotion to Maria Bambina:
I have sometimes wondered if there was ever a picture or statue of Our Lady as a baby, and now I know. How lovely and captivating her little face and image is — even in the stained glass!
It is my firm hope that the novena and picture can become an addition to Set Two: FIVE BEAUTIFUL PICTURES OF OUR LADY, with the novena written on the back. It would be such an appropriate addition!
Thank you for sharing this with us!
E.M.S., Ph.D.
TIA responds:
Dear Dr. E.M.S.,
We are glad that you profited from the information on Maria Bambina sent to us by Mrs. Judy Mead. It is, indeed, a very beautiful and inspiring face.
We are taking note of your proposal to print a card of that photo with the novena in the back. Let us see what we can do.
Thank you for your suggestion.
TIA correspondence desk
Opposing the ‘False Mercy’ Agenda
As the battle lines continue to form, traditionalists are turning to their blogs and social media to counteract what they see as an agenda of “false mercy” being promoted by supporters of the progressive camp. The liberal wing, following the lead of Pope Francis and Cardinal Kasper, hopes to use the upcoming Synod on the Family to further erode the bastions of Catholicism, by minimizing the sanctity of the sacraments of the Eucharist and of marriage. Their intent, as is well known, is to permit those in irregular marital situations or relationships, of varied types, to receive the Eucharist without qualms to their conscience.
The worst-case scenario of embarking on this slippery slope is tragic. Why shouldn't an unhappy Catholic couple just get divorced, since they can still receive Communion anyway? Why should Catholic couples or divorced-remarried Catholics bother with annulments if they will still be in sacramental communion with the Church? Why should one be concerned at all about divorcing and re-marrying if communion with the Church via the Eucharist is still possible?
As the battle heats up, two Catholic bloggers/writers in particular have undertaken concrete attempts to defend the bastions. James Larson, who maintains the website "The War Against Being," has initiated a Children's Crusade of Prayer for the Holy Father. He writes:
I plan to send the following short letter to Pope Francis. It will be accompanied by a picture taken this past Christmas of all my children, their spouses, and grandchildren. I think that pictures are crucial. I believe that every Catholic website and blog should promote such a "children's crusade" (variations are of course desirable) from now until the closing of the Synod. The address of the Holy Father should also be provided.
His Holiness, Pope Francis Apostolic Palace
00120 Vatican City
Holy Father,
Our children, and our entire family, are praying the rosary with the following intention:
"For Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, that he might not promote a false mercy, but that he might do what is necessary in order to protect both the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Marriage from sacrilege."
Larson hopes that It will be difficult for Pope Francis to dismiss such children and their families as "self-absorbed, Promethian, Neo-pelagians," which is the way traditionalists are often characterized.
Original here.
Frank Rega,
As the battle lines continue to form, traditionalists are turning to their blogs and social media to counteract what they see as an agenda of “false mercy” being promoted by supporters of the progressive camp. The liberal wing, following the lead of Pope Francis and Cardinal Kasper, hopes to use the upcoming Synod on the Family to further erode the bastions of Catholicism, by minimizing the sanctity of the sacraments of the Eucharist and of marriage. Their intent, as is well known, is to permit those in irregular marital situations or relationships, of varied types, to receive the Eucharist without qualms to their conscience.
The worst-case scenario of embarking on this slippery slope is tragic. Why shouldn't an unhappy Catholic couple just get divorced, since they can still receive Communion anyway? Why should Catholic couples or divorced-remarried Catholics bother with annulments if they will still be in sacramental communion with the Church? Why should one be concerned at all about divorcing and re-marrying if communion with the Church via the Eucharist is still possible?
As the battle heats up, two Catholic bloggers/writers in particular have undertaken concrete attempts to defend the bastions. James Larson, who maintains the website "The War Against Being," has initiated a Children's Crusade of Prayer for the Holy Father. He writes:
I plan to send the following short letter to Pope Francis. It will be accompanied by a picture taken this past Christmas of all my children, their spouses, and grandchildren. I think that pictures are crucial. I believe that every Catholic website and blog should promote such a "children's crusade" (variations are of course desirable) from now until the closing of the Synod. The address of the Holy Father should also be provided.
His Holiness, Pope Francis Apostolic Palace
00120 Vatican City
Holy Father,
Our children, and our entire family, are praying the rosary with the following intention:
"For Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, that he might not promote a false mercy, but that he might do what is necessary in order to protect both the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Marriage from sacrilege."
Larson hopes that It will be difficult for Pope Francis to dismiss such children and their families as "self-absorbed, Promethian, Neo-pelagians," which is the way traditionalists are often characterized.
Original here.
Frank Rega,

Posted September 10, 2015
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I would like to write an article on this topic but thought that this brief paragraph would suffice. Only recently did this oddity of modern times hit me. I see quite often grown men, with children, wearing jerseys with other men's names on them.
I wonder if this causes any confusion to this man's children. Does a son look at this and pass over his 'hero' Dad and adopt his Dad's hero for his mentor? Does the man's wife also get in on the transference? If her husband seems to designate Peyton Manning or Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers as much cooler guys than himself, does his wife start to admire these men instead of her husband?
My Dad was an infantryman in WWII. As I look back I can't even begin to imagine him wearing a Johnny Unitas jersey or even Y.A. Tittle. Never! Not possible.
I think we live in the age of delusional insanity. Perhaps a few men will read this and wake up. Maybe they never thought about it from this angle.
Hopefully, these words will encourage the Dads of our country to remove sports from the top of their priority list and move it to the bottom, where it belongs. Now, play ball...with your own name on your jersey !!!
Steve Sanborn, Sr.