Social-Political Issues
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The Purge Has Begun:
Chaplain Punished for Anti-Homosexual Stand
This action against Chaplain David Wells, who takes an official stand against homosexuality in accordance with his religious beliefs affects Catholic priests as well. Today it is this chaplain of a juvenile detention center that is under fire. Tomorrow, the next target of the pro-homo firing squad could be Catholic priests, parishs, lay organizations and even Catholic websites.
The homosexual lobby, despite its call for tolerance and liberty, is showing itself to be a tyrant, ready to smash anyone who does not agree with it and accept this sin against nature. - TIA
It wasn’t so much a choice as it was a demand.
Chaplain David Wells was told he could either sign a state-mandated document promising to never tell inmates that homosexuality is “sinful” or else the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice - DJJ - would revoke his credentials.

Preaching the Ten Commandments outlawed?
The Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice revoked his volunteer credentials as an ordained minister – ending 13 years of ministry to underage inmates at the Warren County Regional Juvenile Detention Center.
Chaplain David Wells was told he could either sign a state-mandated document promising to never tell inmates that homosexuality is “sinful” or else the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice would revoke his credentials.
“We sincerely appreciate your years of service and dedication to the youth served by this facility,” wrote Superintendent Gene Wade in a letter to Wells. “However, due to your decision, based on your religious convictions, that you cannot comply with the requirements outlined in DJJ Policy 912, Section IV, Paragraph H, regarding the treatment of LGBTQI youth, I must terminate your involvement as a religious volunteer.”

Marines at a training session forced to accept the new position on homos
Wells said he had been abused as a young child – so he knew he could answer this young man’s question.
“I was able to look at him and tell him the saving power of Jesus Christ that delivered me – could deliver him,” he said.
But under the state’s 2014 anti-discrimination policy, Wells would not be allowed to have such a discussion should it delve into LGBT issues.
“They told us we could not preach that homosexuality is a sin – period,” Wells told me. “We would not have even been able to read Bible verses that dealt with LGBT issues.”
For the record, Wells said they’ve never used hateful or derogatory comments when dealing with the young inmates. “They are defining hateful or derogatory as meaning what the Bible says about homosexuality,” he told me.
Mat Staver, the founder of Liberty Counsel, is representing Wells. He said the State’s ban on Biblical counseling is unconstitutional religious discrimination.
“There is no question there is a purging underway,” Staver told me. “The dissenters in the recent Supreme Court decision on gay marriage warned us this would happen.” Staver is demanding the state immediately reinstate Wells as well as the other volunteer ministers.

New freedoms won daily by the homo lobby: today soldiers openly display their homosexual relationships
He said the policy “requires affirmation of homosexuality as a precondition for ministers providing spiritual guidance to troubled youth, and singles out a particular theological viewpoint as expressly disfavored by the State of Kentucky.”
In other words – Kentucky has a religious litmus test when it comes to homosexuality – and according to the Lexington Herald-Leader – they aren’t going to back down. The DJJ told the newspaper that the regulation “is neutral as to religion and requires respectful language toward youth by all staff, contractors and volunteers.”
State Sen. Gerald Neal, a Democrat, dared Christians to challenge the law in court.
“I’m just disappointed that the agendas by some are so narrow that they disregard the rights of others,” he told the newspaper. “Let them sue and let the courts settle it.”

Posted September 4, 2015