Homosexuality and the Clergy
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Vatican Hires Pro-Homosexual Firms - II
‘Gay’ Friendly Companies
Are Good Friends of the Vatican...
Adding insult to injury, just a cursory review of the policies of the other three advisory firms recently hired by the Vatican to reform its administrative and financial practices reveals a pro-homosexual pattern similar to that of Ernst and Young.
McKinsey & Company
The U.S.-based McKinsey & Company hired by the Vatican to improve its communication offices - including L’Osservatore Romano, and Vatican Radio and Vatican Television - has a cookie-cutter LGBT policy almost identical to Ernst and Young. (1) "McKinsey is a place where LGBT people thrive," the McKinsey website openly and proudly proclaims.
It continues: “GLAM (Gay, lesbian, bi, and trans at McKinsey) is a vibrant, connected, worldwide network of LGBT colleagues who are committed to each other's success and to attracting more talented LGBT women and men into the McKinsey community.
“McKinsey has sought LGBT talent for years. We are the founding sponsor of all three major U.S. LGBT recruiting conferences – Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA), Out for Undergraduates in Business (OUBC), and IvyQ.” (2)
Wow! Now, isn’t this a blow against every faithful Catholic layman and cleric and other person of good will who have been fighting the homosexuality in the U.S. and abroad for decades with little to no support from the Vatican?
Then there is the mega Swiss accounting firm of KPMG. This multi-national group was hired by the Vatican to improve its financial practices. KPMG's version of McKinsey's GLAM is PRIDE. (3)
This is how it describes its pro-homosexual policy:
“Established in 2003, pride@kpmg is KPMG LLP's network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) employees and partners and their straight allies. With more than 750 members and 12 chapters, our network provides opportunities to participate in career development programs, broaden professional experiences, and build career-enriching relationships, both within and beyond the firm. June, 2013 marks the 10 year anniversary of the network and there is so much to be proud of.
“Recruitment and Retention – Developing and implementing an overall strategy to increase LGBT employee and partner recruitment and retention, and expand the number of LGBT professionals in senior-level positions within the firm. (4)
No further comments are necessary concerning KPMG's commitment to the homosexual cause.
Promontory Financial Group
And finally, there is the Washington, DC- based Promontory Financial Group hired by the Vatican to conduct detailed reviews of client accounts for the Vatican Bank and the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See. On November 28, 2011, Eugene A. Ludwig, founder and CEO of Promontory Financial Group, issued the following press statement with regard to Massachusetts Congressman Barnett Frank's announcement that he was retiring from the U.S. House of Representatives and would not seek re-election for a 17th term in Congress:
“Congressman Frank has been a remarkably effective, focused and determined member of the House of Representatives. During 16 terms in the House, he has emerged as a pragmatist whose affinity for consumers is complemented by a genuine understanding of the importance of promoting robust businesses and a stable, thriving financial system.
His facility in dealing with complicated financial issues is unparalleled, and as a champion of affordable and available housing for all, he has had few equals in Congress. His departure from Congress will be sorely felt.” (5)
Given the fact of Congressman Barney Frank's many tawdry public and private homosexual escapades that have been captured on the front pages of every D.C. newspaper and scandal sheet since he "came out" in 1987, it is virtually impossible for CEO Ludwig and/or his functionaries at Promontory Financial Group not to have known about them, especially since Frank was the ranking minority member and former Chairman of the powerful House Financial Services Committee, and the founder in 1998 of the National Stonewall Democrats, a Washington, DC- based LGBT Democratic organization.
Of Frank's many homosexual misadventures, there was one in particular that has a direct bearing on the veracity of Ludwig's praise of Frank as a consummate financial wizard – Frank's long term affair with economist and "gay" activist Herb Moses and their ménage à trois with the Federal National Mortgage Association commonly known as Fannie Mae. (6)
Frank and his live-in "husband" hooked up in 1987 with the latter claiming "full spousal benefits." Moses was in need of employment and Frank used his influence to get his "husband" an executive position at Fannie where Moses worked his way up to Assistant Director for Product Initiatives. So while "wife" Frank toiled away in the House rewriting housing and banking deregulation laws that would favor Fannie and lobbying for Fannie to soften rules on multi-family home mortgages even though they had a high rate of default, "hubby" Moses was developing Fannie's housing and home improvement lending programs including relaxed loan assistance for rural customers. (7)
In the meantime, Fannie showed its appreciation to Frank by forking over $40,000 in political contributions. That came in just $6,700 under the Promontory Financial Group contributions of $46,700 to help keep Barney Frank in office.
In September 2008, while the mortgage market collapsed, causing one of the greatest financial and economic crisis in U.S. history, and the government-sponsored monopoly of Fannie Mae was put into "conservatorship" and had to be bailed out by American taxpayers to the tune of $188 billion, Congressman Frank was still singing its praises to Congress. Little wonder Reuters news agency which carried Ludwig's release carried a caveat that stated they were not responsible for the content in this press release.
It will be a blessed New Year nevertheless
I'll make my concluding remarks very brief. If you have ever wondered how such a small segment of the world's population - and a deviant segment to boot - can possess such vast political and economic powers and influence, then this article should be a real eye-opener.
As Turley quite plainly demonstrated, he was not above using EY's corporate leverage and twisting a lot of arms to bring down the Boy Scouts of America's ban on homosexuals. Also, these trillion and billion dollar corporate entities not only financially underwrite the homosexual cause, but they also contribute to the campaigns of Congressional and State politicians running for public office on a pro-GLBT plank.
As for the Vatican's involvement in yet another moral quagmire under another disastrous post-conciliar papacy, what can one say?
I have no doubt that the Vatican officials and clerics who hired these morally bankrupt firms to "reform" the Vatican's administration and finances, and who have given God's enemies free access to administrative and financial secret data of all kinds, knew exactly what they were doing when they made the appointments. The fact that not a single Vatican official, including the current occupant of the Chair of Saint Peter, has publicly raised the issue of the possible moral turpitude practiced and advanced by these mega business firms confirms what all true Catholics know in their hearts – that we are living in the shadow of the Antichrist.
This is why, during this very Holy Season of the year, let each of us, in our own way, give thanks to the Blessed Trinity, Three Persons in One God, for the gift of Life and for the extravagant Love that fills our hearts with gratitude and gives us the courage and fortitude to persevere to the end. There is no cause to fret or despair in the face of the enemies of Christ - including those who have found refuge in the very heart of the Vatican.
After all, has not God already told us in Genesis how the Final Battle will end? And it is with this knowledge, this deeply held belief, that we can look towards a Blessed New Year as an opportunity to do battle here on earth for Christ and His Church so that we may wear a crown of everlasting glory in the Kingdom to come. And now, if you pardon me, I have to go sharpen my pen and my sword.
McKinsey & Company

Lesbians embrace on Halloween. It is the ‘McKinsey Way’
It continues: “GLAM (Gay, lesbian, bi, and trans at McKinsey) is a vibrant, connected, worldwide network of LGBT colleagues who are committed to each other's success and to attracting more talented LGBT women and men into the McKinsey community.
“McKinsey has sought LGBT talent for years. We are the founding sponsor of all three major U.S. LGBT recruiting conferences – Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA), Out for Undergraduates in Business (OUBC), and IvyQ.” (2)
Wow! Now, isn’t this a blow against every faithful Catholic layman and cleric and other person of good will who have been fighting the homosexuality in the U.S. and abroad for decades with little to no support from the Vatican?
Then there is the mega Swiss accounting firm of KPMG. This multi-national group was hired by the Vatican to improve its financial practices. KPMG's version of McKinsey's GLAM is PRIDE. (3)

KPMG supporting Chicago's homosexual parade
“Established in 2003, pride@kpmg is KPMG LLP's network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) employees and partners and their straight allies. With more than 750 members and 12 chapters, our network provides opportunities to participate in career development programs, broaden professional experiences, and build career-enriching relationships, both within and beyond the firm. June, 2013 marks the 10 year anniversary of the network and there is so much to be proud of.
“Recruitment and Retention – Developing and implementing an overall strategy to increase LGBT employee and partner recruitment and retention, and expand the number of LGBT professionals in senior-level positions within the firm. (4)
No further comments are necessary concerning KPMG's commitment to the homosexual cause.
Promontory Financial Group
And finally, there is the Washington, DC- based Promontory Financial Group hired by the Vatican to conduct detailed reviews of client accounts for the Vatican Bank and the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See. On November 28, 2011, Eugene A. Ludwig, founder and CEO of Promontory Financial Group, issued the following press statement with regard to Massachusetts Congressman Barnett Frank's announcement that he was retiring from the U.S. House of Representatives and would not seek re-election for a 17th term in Congress:

Barney Frank, left, with his partner Moses making a public show of their ‘romance’
His facility in dealing with complicated financial issues is unparalleled, and as a champion of affordable and available housing for all, he has had few equals in Congress. His departure from Congress will be sorely felt.” (5)
Given the fact of Congressman Barney Frank's many tawdry public and private homosexual escapades that have been captured on the front pages of every D.C. newspaper and scandal sheet since he "came out" in 1987, it is virtually impossible for CEO Ludwig and/or his functionaries at Promontory Financial Group not to have known about them, especially since Frank was the ranking minority member and former Chairman of the powerful House Financial Services Committee, and the founder in 1998 of the National Stonewall Democrats, a Washington, DC- based LGBT Democratic organization.
Of Frank's many homosexual misadventures, there was one in particular that has a direct bearing on the veracity of Ludwig's praise of Frank as a consummate financial wizard – Frank's long term affair with economist and "gay" activist Herb Moses and their ménage à trois with the Federal National Mortgage Association commonly known as Fannie Mae. (6)
Frank and his live-in "husband" hooked up in 1987 with the latter claiming "full spousal benefits." Moses was in need of employment and Frank used his influence to get his "husband" an executive position at Fannie where Moses worked his way up to Assistant Director for Product Initiatives. So while "wife" Frank toiled away in the House rewriting housing and banking deregulation laws that would favor Fannie and lobbying for Fannie to soften rules on multi-family home mortgages even though they had a high rate of default, "hubby" Moses was developing Fannie's housing and home improvement lending programs including relaxed loan assistance for rural customers. (7)
In the meantime, Fannie showed its appreciation to Frank by forking over $40,000 in political contributions. That came in just $6,700 under the Promontory Financial Group contributions of $46,700 to help keep Barney Frank in office.
In September 2008, while the mortgage market collapsed, causing one of the greatest financial and economic crisis in U.S. history, and the government-sponsored monopoly of Fannie Mae was put into "conservatorship" and had to be bailed out by American taxpayers to the tune of $188 billion, Congressman Frank was still singing its praises to Congress. Little wonder Reuters news agency which carried Ludwig's release carried a caveat that stated they were not responsible for the content in this press release.
It will be a blessed New Year nevertheless
I'll make my concluding remarks very brief. If you have ever wondered how such a small segment of the world's population - and a deviant segment to boot - can possess such vast political and economic powers and influence, then this article should be a real eye-opener.
As Turley quite plainly demonstrated, he was not above using EY's corporate leverage and twisting a lot of arms to bring down the Boy Scouts of America's ban on homosexuals. Also, these trillion and billion dollar corporate entities not only financially underwrite the homosexual cause, but they also contribute to the campaigns of Congressional and State politicians running for public office on a pro-GLBT plank.

By hiring pro-homosexual firms, Francis promotes homosexuality
I have no doubt that the Vatican officials and clerics who hired these morally bankrupt firms to "reform" the Vatican's administration and finances, and who have given God's enemies free access to administrative and financial secret data of all kinds, knew exactly what they were doing when they made the appointments. The fact that not a single Vatican official, including the current occupant of the Chair of Saint Peter, has publicly raised the issue of the possible moral turpitude practiced and advanced by these mega business firms confirms what all true Catholics know in their hearts – that we are living in the shadow of the Antichrist.
This is why, during this very Holy Season of the year, let each of us, in our own way, give thanks to the Blessed Trinity, Three Persons in One God, for the gift of Life and for the extravagant Love that fills our hearts with gratitude and gives us the courage and fortitude to persevere to the end. There is no cause to fret or despair in the face of the enemies of Christ - including those who have found refuge in the very heart of the Vatican.
After all, has not God already told us in Genesis how the Final Battle will end? And it is with this knowledge, this deeply held belief, that we can look towards a Blessed New Year as an opportunity to do battle here on earth for Christ and His Church so that we may wear a crown of everlasting glory in the Kingdom to come. And now, if you pardon me, I have to go sharpen my pen and my sword.
- See here.
- Ibid.
- http://www.kpmgcampus.com/kpmg-family/GLBT.pdf
- Ibid.
- See here
- See here
- See Charles Rowley's Blog "Barney Frank: goodbye and good riddance," here .

Posted January 17, 2014