Homosexuality and the Clergy
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Vatican Hires Pro-Homosexual Firms - I
Ernst & Young Heads a
Vast Homosexual Network
In their efforts to bring "transparency," "efficiency" and "financial reform" to the government of the Vatican City State (Governatorato), Vatican officials have managed to completely ignore the lack of moral credentials of the mega firms they have hired to carry out these tasks. Such firms include the world's top pro-lesbian, "gay," bisexual, transgender (LGBT) consulting firm of Ernst & Young, now formally known as EY. (1)
Nor, apparently, did Ernst & Young officers volunteer this information before signing their formal contract with the Vatican to seal their lucrative consultation deal. Nor, apparently, did the homosexual leaders feel constrained to publicly denounce this well-advertised but incredulous business arrangement between the alleged "homophobic" Roman Catholic Church and the London-based corporate giant of Ernst & Young (EY), the world's most "gay friendly" employer.
So, permit me to do the honors.
EY: part of a homosexual network
As explained in EMEIA D & I – Diversity and inclusiveness review FY 13, EY includes "sexual orientation" in its definition of "diversity." Thus EY Global Corporate and its member firms are committed to demonstrating "inspiring leadership in all areas of LGBT-related diversity practice.” (2) EY's LGBT networking extends around the world including the Americas, Africa, the United Kingdom and Ireland.
According to Victor Nieves, Co-Chair of UK&I EYGLES, one of the many LGBT networks created and funded by EY: “We are extremely excited to be featured in the Top 10 of the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index for the fourth consecutive year. Our strong presence in the index is great recognition of the work EY and the EYGLES LGBT+ network are doing to create a more inclusive workplace. It also provides us with a tremendous opportunity to develop additional support for our people, share best practice with other organizations and continue to go from strength to strength as a network!” (3)
The Stonewall Workplace Equality Index is the creature of Stonewall, a British professional campaign and lobbying "charity" dedicated to promoting lesbian, homosexual and bisexual "rights" and advancing the homosexual’s agenda. (4) One of Stonewall's projects is its "Education for All" campaign designed to combat "homophobia" and "homophobic" bullying in schools, and the publication of pro-homosexual teacher training programs and materials for primary and secondary school use such as Some People are Gay. Get Over It .(5)
EY advances pro-homosexual & pro-abortion agenda
In 2012, EY's former Global Chairman and CEO James Turley, and Global Vice Chair – Public Policy self-identified lesbian Beth A. Brooke, and self-identified lesbian Liz Bingham, Managing Partner for People at EY, delivered keynote addresses to major LGBT conferences, including the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce National Business & Leadership Conference in Chicago and the Out & Equal [San Francisco-based organization] Summit in London. Both events were underwritten, in part, by EY.
Addressing EY's Global LGBT Workplace Summit held in London in July 2012, Bingham, who also serves as Ambassador to Stonewall, stated that firms must continue to push for better workplaces for LGBT people, even in countries where it looks like the job has been done. (6) Beth Brooke, one of 100 of the most powerful women in the world, uses her position at EY to advance the homosexual’s multifaceted agenda.
Brooke is also a pro-abortion advocate. On November 19, 2009, she co-chaired the National Women's Law Center (NWLC) gala dinner at the Washington Hilton in Washington D.C. The NWLC is a pro-abortion litigation firm created first and foremost to secure a woman's "reproductive rights," including abortion and tax-funded contraceptive and abortifacient drugs and devices. Ernst & Young is a major financial contributor to the NWLC. (7)
EY CEO against Boy Scouts homosexual ban
Although most readers are not familiar with EY Global executives Bingham and Brooke, they probably are familiar with the name of former EY CEO James Turley. It was Turley, a prominent member of the Boy Scouts of America National Executive Committee (BSA/NEC), joined by AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson, who led the lengthy battle to remove the BSA's ban on homosexuals, beginning with the ban on homosexual youth membership (Scouts). (8) The new policy takes effect January 1, 2014.
In a formal statement on June 12, 2012, released with the Ernst & Young Global logo, Turley stated that Ernst & Young is proud to have such a strong record in LGBT inclusiveness and that he opposed the discriminatory membership policy of the Boy Scouts of America concerning the ban on homosexuals.
On August 8, 2012, the EY executive gave his first public LGBT speaking engagement to a packed house at the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Conference held in the Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel in Chicago. (9) According to Turley, his stance on the BSA controversy was received well at corporate headquarters. He claimed that, over the years, he has aimed to put women, people of color and LGBT workers in positions of power at EY. (10)
bEYond the ‘gay’ rainbow
EY Global has also developed a vast internal professional network for "LGBT people and their allies" called bEYond, which supports and promotes EY's LGBT-inclusive culture. With more than 1,700 members in more than 90 EY locations, bEYond also works with other professional networks to better leverage available resources and reach a larger audience. (11) Much of bEYond's pro-homosexual propaganda is directed at youth.
For example, there is an EY video titled It Gets Better in which adult sodomite and lesbian employees of EY confirm young "gays" and lesbians in their perverse tendencies and promote the joys of being "out" and being "one's self." (12) Consciously or unconsciously, the adult "role models" in the video, having themselves taken on a deviant addictive identity, now seek out neophyte addicts whom they encourage to "come out," thus justifying their own perverse practices and enlarging their circle of fellow deviants. (13) They are not a good advertisement for EY.
In January 2012, EY hosted an Inclusive leadership in the military meeting at which openly homosexual members of the military reviewed for EY officers and staff the impact of lifting the ban on homosexuals in the military. The panel of speakers included homosexual activist Lance Corporal James Wharton from North Wales, the first male homosexual to appear on the front cover of Soldier magazine, an official publication of the British Army. (14) According to the online edition of GayStarNews for November 20, 2013, many global corporations including EY may soon refuse to operate in countries with "homophobic laws." (15)
EY pushes U.S. homosexual agenda
In the United States, since 2005 the member firm of Ernst & Young LLP has also achieved a 100% Corporate Equality Index (CEI) rating from the Washington, D.C. pro-LGBT Human Rights Campaign (HRC).The HRC, a homosexual "civil rights" organization founded in 1980, has received funding from Ernst & Young, LLP. (16) The HRC played an important role in the defeat of the Federal Marriage Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 2004 and 2006; in the passage of the Hate Crimes Prevention Act in 2009; and in the repeal of the Department of Defense's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law. (17)
In an EY "Building a better working world" news release dated November 14, 2012, Karyn Twaronite, the Americas Inclusiveness Officer for the EY organization applauded the HRC for "its history of identifying the gold standard in LGBT inclusiveness and pushing Ernst & Young LLP and many others in a growing list of top organizations to achieve it [CEI] annually." (18)
The same news release highlighted other Ernst & Young LLP pro-homosexual activities, including the Promotion of the Immigration Equality Action Fund's Business Coalition for the Uniting American Families Act (H.R.519 / S.296), which would allow a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to sponsor their same-sex partner for immigration to the U.S. (19) In March 2013, Ernst & Young LLP joined in a "friend of the court" brief before the U.S. Supreme Court in opposition to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which was enacted on September 21, 1996 and declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 2013.
Diversity in perversity is good for business
On April 10, 2013, Tomas Nobbe, the Executive Director of the 2014 Gay Games (Cleveland and Akron, August 9-16, 2014) hailed Ernst & Young LLP's Platinum sponsorship of the event and the firm's "commitment to inclusiveness." (20) In the same press release, Steve Howe, EY's Americas Managing Partner, announced that "Ernst & Young knows that fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace leads to better results – for our clients and our high-performing teams." (21)
Really? How does the inclusion of employees who engage in sexually deviant vices improve EY's business practices? How does EY's global promotion of the anti-culture of the Homosexual Collective with its pattern of illicit drug use, pornography, prostitution, domestic violence, pederast contingent, and Typhoid Mary health repercussions, benefit the family and society? (22)
To be continued

Francis decided to hire pro-homo firm Ernst and Young
So, permit me to do the honors.
EY: part of a homosexual network
As explained in EMEIA D & I – Diversity and inclusiveness review FY 13, EY includes "sexual orientation" in its definition of "diversity." Thus EY Global Corporate and its member firms are committed to demonstrating "inspiring leadership in all areas of LGBT-related diversity practice.” (2) EY's LGBT networking extends around the world including the Americas, Africa, the United Kingdom and Ireland.
According to Victor Nieves, Co-Chair of UK&I EYGLES, one of the many LGBT networks created and funded by EY: “We are extremely excited to be featured in the Top 10 of the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index for the fourth consecutive year. Our strong presence in the index is great recognition of the work EY and the EYGLES LGBT+ network are doing to create a more inclusive workplace. It also provides us with a tremendous opportunity to develop additional support for our people, share best practice with other organizations and continue to go from strength to strength as a network!” (3)

EY! magazine posts pictures of nude men in compromising positions
EY advances pro-homosexual & pro-abortion agenda
In 2012, EY's former Global Chairman and CEO James Turley, and Global Vice Chair – Public Policy self-identified lesbian Beth A. Brooke, and self-identified lesbian Liz Bingham, Managing Partner for People at EY, delivered keynote addresses to major LGBT conferences, including the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce National Business & Leadership Conference in Chicago and the Out & Equal [San Francisco-based organization] Summit in London. Both events were underwritten, in part, by EY.
Addressing EY's Global LGBT Workplace Summit held in London in July 2012, Bingham, who also serves as Ambassador to Stonewall, stated that firms must continue to push for better workplaces for LGBT people, even in countries where it looks like the job has been done. (6) Beth Brooke, one of 100 of the most powerful women in the world, uses her position at EY to advance the homosexual’s multifaceted agenda.
Brooke is also a pro-abortion advocate. On November 19, 2009, she co-chaired the National Women's Law Center (NWLC) gala dinner at the Washington Hilton in Washington D.C. The NWLC is a pro-abortion litigation firm created first and foremost to secure a woman's "reproductive rights," including abortion and tax-funded contraceptive and abortifacient drugs and devices. Ernst & Young is a major financial contributor to the NWLC. (7)
EY CEO against Boy Scouts homosexual ban

EY CEO campaigned to accept homosexuals in the Boy Scouts
In a formal statement on June 12, 2012, released with the Ernst & Young Global logo, Turley stated that Ernst & Young is proud to have such a strong record in LGBT inclusiveness and that he opposed the discriminatory membership policy of the Boy Scouts of America concerning the ban on homosexuals.
On August 8, 2012, the EY executive gave his first public LGBT speaking engagement to a packed house at the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Conference held in the Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel in Chicago. (9) According to Turley, his stance on the BSA controversy was received well at corporate headquarters. He claimed that, over the years, he has aimed to put women, people of color and LGBT workers in positions of power at EY. (10)
bEYond the ‘gay’ rainbow

Clips from the EY video It Gets Better, promoting homosexuality
For example, there is an EY video titled It Gets Better in which adult sodomite and lesbian employees of EY confirm young "gays" and lesbians in their perverse tendencies and promote the joys of being "out" and being "one's self." (12) Consciously or unconsciously, the adult "role models" in the video, having themselves taken on a deviant addictive identity, now seek out neophyte addicts whom they encourage to "come out," thus justifying their own perverse practices and enlarging their circle of fellow deviants. (13) They are not a good advertisement for EY.
In January 2012, EY hosted an Inclusive leadership in the military meeting at which openly homosexual members of the military reviewed for EY officers and staff the impact of lifting the ban on homosexuals in the military. The panel of speakers included homosexual activist Lance Corporal James Wharton from North Wales, the first male homosexual to appear on the front cover of Soldier magazine, an official publication of the British Army. (14) According to the online edition of GayStarNews for November 20, 2013, many global corporations including EY may soon refuse to operate in countries with "homophobic laws." (15)
EY pushes U.S. homosexual agenda
In the United States, since 2005 the member firm of Ernst & Young LLP has also achieved a 100% Corporate Equality Index (CEI) rating from the Washington, D.C. pro-LGBT Human Rights Campaign (HRC).The HRC, a homosexual "civil rights" organization founded in 1980, has received funding from Ernst & Young, LLP. (16) The HRC played an important role in the defeat of the Federal Marriage Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 2004 and 2006; in the passage of the Hate Crimes Prevention Act in 2009; and in the repeal of the Department of Defense's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law. (17)
In an EY "Building a better working world" news release dated November 14, 2012, Karyn Twaronite, the Americas Inclusiveness Officer for the EY organization applauded the HRC for "its history of identifying the gold standard in LGBT inclusiveness and pushing Ernst & Young LLP and many others in a growing list of top organizations to achieve it [CEI] annually." (18)
The same news release highlighted other Ernst & Young LLP pro-homosexual activities, including the Promotion of the Immigration Equality Action Fund's Business Coalition for the Uniting American Families Act (H.R.519 / S.296), which would allow a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to sponsor their same-sex partner for immigration to the U.S. (19) In March 2013, Ernst & Young LLP joined in a "friend of the court" brief before the U.S. Supreme Court in opposition to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which was enacted on September 21, 1996 and declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 2013.
Diversity in perversity is good for business
On April 10, 2013, Tomas Nobbe, the Executive Director of the 2014 Gay Games (Cleveland and Akron, August 9-16, 2014) hailed Ernst & Young LLP's Platinum sponsorship of the event and the firm's "commitment to inclusiveness." (20) In the same press release, Steve Howe, EY's Americas Managing Partner, announced that "Ernst & Young knows that fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace leads to better results – for our clients and our high-performing teams." (21)
Really? How does the inclusion of employees who engage in sexually deviant vices improve EY's business practices? How does EY's global promotion of the anti-culture of the Homosexual Collective with its pattern of illicit drug use, pornography, prostitution, domestic violence, pederast contingent, and Typhoid Mary health repercussions, benefit the family and society? (22)
To be continued
- EY refers to the global organization of member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity.
- EMEIA D & I – Diversity and inclusiveness review FY 13 available here.
- Ibid., 26. For an interview on how EY advances the homosexual agenda, see here
- See "About Us" here .
- See here.
- See here.
- See here .
- See here.
- See here.
- Ibid.
- See here.
- Video available here.
- For a discussion of sexual addictions see Lawrence Hatterer, The Pleasure Addicts (A.S. Barnes and Co.: London, 1980). See also Randy Engel, The Rite of Sodomy (Export, PA: NEP, 2006).
- See here
- See here
- See here
- See here
- See here .
- Ibid., 2
- "Ernst & Young LLP Becomes First National Organization to Sponsor the 2014 Gay Games," April 10, 2013, here .
- Ibid.
- See Engel, The Rite of Sodomy.

Posted January 8, 2014