What People Are Commenting
Changes of Physiognomy on
Our Lady of Good Success
Beautiful Article
Dear Dr. Horvat,
Thank you for that beautiful article on Our Lady of Good Success. It was touching and edifying. It saddened me to read what you wrote about how the people all filed into the Novus Ordo service. They are poor souls who are blinded as to what they are doing, as I was for so long. I thank God that His grace finally opened my eyes.
How I wish I could have been with your group on your pilgrimage! I have no doubt that Our Lady was very pleased with you and TIA. I know all of you will continue fighting the good fight for our faith. Nothing else really matters.
Thanks again for such a wonderful site. Be assured of my prayers and financial support.
Viva Christo Rey,
She Has Something to Smile About
Dear Marian,
Salve Maria!
The pictures of your article are beautiful! I am not surprised at all that she smiled for you and your website. So many people will see her gift and change. I am sure it will give many weary people encouragement that she still has something to smile about. I am so grateful to you.
We received news today that an offer came in on a house that we've had for sale since 2009. It seems Our Lady might be helping us quickly! Thank you again for delivering our thanksgiving and petition.
In Maria,
Definitely She Smiled
Salve Maria Lady Marian,
I have studied the expressions of Our Lady in the pictures of your article for a long time. I am absolutely amazed at the striking difference between the first pictures of her expression, and the last ones.
All of the first pictures depict Our Lady as grave, but it appeared to me there was a nuance of severity in some, as compared to others. Her mouth in all of the first ones seemed compressed, yet it looks more like a frown, even an angry frown at times. Her eyes at times seem to be accusing, piercing.
When you get to the expression on her face in the last pictures, you are quite right that "her physiognomy changed." It changed so much, in fact, it is startling. Her expression at once becomes approving and relaxed into a mellow yet affectionate smile.
I'm sure that this was "her approval of our work."
On one of my trips I was graced to be one of the carriers of Our Lady down from the upper choir to the main altar. The graces I received at that time have redoubled from viewing the pictures in your article.
In Domina,
Show Us More Pictures
I was able to read and view your posting that you did on Friday the 18th, it is a wonderful and beautiful posting. I so do hope that many-many of your readers take the time to savor each and every word!
Marian, you captured the true message of Our Lady of Good Success! She so loves her devotees, and yearns for them to become the very best followers of her Divine Son that they can be! Always praying for the graces that each is in need of to follow her path to heaven.
And I do so agree with you... Our Lady surely did smile upon her faithful children on the last hours of her feast day. Her smile is in every way directed to her beloved children who gathered at her altar! She in her own way spoke not only to our souls but also to our hearts, the gift was the most beautiful smile in the whole wide world!
Thank you again for taking time to post the report and the photos of Our Lady. Her gown was most beautiful, I am anxious to see more pictures of her, the altar and the flowers.
In love and prayer, always your friend,
Beautiful Pictures
When I saw the new pictures, I thought how sad she looks, these are different than before. Look how sad her face is. Then I read what you wrote.
When I saw that last pictures I thought: It looks like she is smiling now. And sure enough, that is what you wrote, and the extra pictures at the end show the difference very clearly.
Very beautiful pictures.
May God be praised in all things.
A Grateful Priest
Dear Marian,
Thanks for taking the time to do a write up on the Pilgrimage. Our faithful are grateful for it.
I gave a sermon on Our Lady of Good Success to our faithful here last Sunday. They were greatly touched by this devotion.
Remain assured of my prayers,
In Christ Our King and His Most Holy Mother,
Fr. Raymond Taouk
New Pilgrimage Upcoming
Dear Dr. Horvat,
Excelsior Tours already has an itinerary for the July Pilgrimage, and the dates to be confirmed are July 11th-22nd. We're looking at making THIS the Youth Pilgrimage; perhaps you can mention it to young adults? We hope to advertise all over the world, once we know which of the 2 priests is coming, and the dates are set.
Father Taouk gave a most amazing sermon (52 min. long), on Our Lady of Good Success, so that we already have a dozen people wanting to come next year so far! Everyone is remarking on how happy he looks, and he's being invited to many homes so that others can find out more about his Pilgrimage.
Father Taouk has already asked if he can go back next year! He's looking at giving information nights in two parishes soon, and it will be announced at the Youth Group meeting Friday. It's actually over $500 cheaper to fly at that time of year, and it's our winter here, so the "perpetual spring" weather of Quito will be a bonus in July!
Everyone loves your article on Our Lady of Good Success!
Yours in Our Lady of Good Success,
Lise Smit, Australia
More Witnesses of Her Change
Dear Dr. Horvat,
My son sent your article to me at my home last night and I read it with great excitement! I met a young woman from St. Mary’s named L.A. (I believe she talked to you also), and she made the identical comment I had heard you make – Our Lady looked so sad. She told me on her first stop at the church, she felt like leaving because she was so shocked at Our Lady’s face.
To see the change is absolutely remarkable. I have been asked to talk to a CCD class about this trip and about OLGS, and I will use your wonderful article and pictures as a guide.
Thank you so much for coming on this trip and for all your insights. My son and I both remarked that we came to see Our Lady of Good Success and we came back with so much more!
You were certainly one of the reasons.
God bless,

Confirmation in the Faith
Dr. Horvat,
I read this description in your article; "One has the strong desire to see Mother Mariana’s face. How I wish the Archbishop would give permission for the black veils over the faces of the Founding Mothers to be drawn so we could see their features, as we can with St. Catherine Labouré in the Rue de Bac Church in Paris. What a confirmation in the Faith it would be for the faithful! What proof for the incredulous!"
Perhaps the faces are covered as not to see what is going on in the Church today in this most lamentable era! I just read your post about the smile of our Blessed Lady! What a wonderful grace to have been there and a witness to it!
I am happy for you and I share your thoughts as well, that Our Lady was pleased you came, and your efforts to spread the truth about Quito are approved.
Where to Find Our Lady of Peace?
Hello TIA,
On the tape [The Suffering of Mother Mariana] by Dr. Horvat she mentioned that on your website one could see the statue of Our Lady that has her back turned away from the nuns. I do not know where to look, can you help me?
Thank you.
Dr. Horvat responds:
You can view a picture of the 4-foot statue titled of Our Lady of Peace, affectionately called the “Little Patroness” by the Conceptionist sisters, in an article I wrote here. It is in a glass case in the upper choir of the Convent.
That statue was brought from Spain by Mother Maria de Jesus Taboada, the first Abbess of the Convent and aunt of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres.
The miracle of the "Little Patroness" is told in detail by Fr. Manuel Sousa Pereira in The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana, Volume I, pp. 173-177.
Marian T. Horvat
Posted March 1, 2011

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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