What People Are Commenting
Sillon, Gay Marriage & Rock Damage
Condemnation of the Sillon
Dear TIA,
Your recent article about Pope St. Pius X's condemnation of the Sillon and its cooperation with non-Catholics was a condemnation of the orientation of the entire Church of today. And the question arises: Is the Vatican II Church the Catholic Church or a new religion, since it contradicts the ways the "old" (and eternal) Church acted and taught? At best the article reflects my conclusions about the Conciliar popes, namely, that if they are indeed popes, they are the most puzzling kind of popes, whose every word and action has to be questioned, perhaps doubted, and perhaps rejected by those who wish to remain faithful to the Church. I know this statement makes me a virtual sedevacantist... I don't know quite what course to take, and my Catholic practice (daily Mass at the Eastern Rite Ukrainians and Sunday at a near-by indult Mass) is at least non-sedevacantist.
Laughingly, I think that the New Church will toss me into Hell (I'll be the only one there) for rejecting Vatican II, the Lefebvrists will condemn me because I attend an indult Mass, the CMRI nearby would cast me out because I am not an invalidist, the TFP wouldn't want me because I cannot bear their smug exclusivity and their semi-cozy position regarding the new Church (I still love them.) Seriously, I think we are in the situation described in the book of Zachariah: Strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered, whether that shepherd is an anti-shepherd and a true shepherd best ignored.
I love TIA. Salve Maria,
Gay Marriage in NY
With the State of New York now officially sanctioning yet another public sin against morality (so-called "Gay" Marriage), we find that some voices in the "New Church" of liberalism since Vatican II, are helping them out.
It is interesting that Archbishop Dolan of New York was a little perturbed about what Andy Coumo did (yes, another so-called Catholic Governor of New York) in his permitting "Gay" marriage...
Yet this is the same Archbishop Dolan who (formerly of Wisconsin) celebrated a "Mass" there with a "Cheese head" on! And even worse, he permitted pro-abortion Geraldine Ferraro a "Catholic" Funeral.
No wonder the world is laughing at these no-authority bishops! When will the faithful wake up to this horrific mockery of the faith; the crucifixion of Our Lord (again) by His own people?
Fr. R.B.
Holding the Stirrup
I am intrigued by the book reviewed by Judith Fife Mead and Marina Therese Horvat in “The Catholic Resistance to Nazism in Germany” – The Stirrup: The Memoirs of Baroness Elizabeth von Guttenberg. I tried going to Lepanto Press website but their website finds no such book listed. Can you refer me to a place where I can purchase the book? I would love to own it.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
TIA responds:
Thank you for your inquiry. You can purchase the book from Amazon here.
TIA correspondence desk
Lake Mass & Unwed Mothers
Dear TIA,
The photographs of the "Lake Mass" in Austria are sad beyond belief. If it was not so sad it would almost be laughable, to witness the lengths to which the modernists will go to accommodate to modern life. Our Holy Mass has become a circus and the Priest, little more than the ringmaster.
Unmarried mothers, it seems, are the heroines of our day. There is little regard today for the modest, chaste, Mary-like young lady, who enters into the Sacrament of Matrimony, pure in mind and body. The "views" of the unwed "mother", were, quite rightly, not considered worth hearing in my younger days. The unwed mothers in the care of the Good Shepherd Sisters had strict silence imposed on them for as long as they remained in the institution. They spoke only when spoken to and only when an answer was required. Speaking "out of turn" was a serious offence. The only time I heard such a woman speak was, when on her knees before Reverend Mother, she begged forgiveness for a fault committed and pleaded for release from her penance.
Unlike today, most unwed mothers some decades ago had the saving grace of being ashamed of themselves and would naturally maintain a very low profile in society. Would that it were the same today. We can only pray for all those who assisted at this "mass"; for this misguided Priest and Bishop and this brazen unwed girl, who seemingly understands little of the gravity of the sin she has committed.
Yours faithfully
Love the Truth
Thank you for giving the truth. The children of God need truthful info.
Can you please send me prayers given by Our Lady of Good Success. I got the book (one) and I gave it to a friend he ripped the prayers out of the copy I got over 10 years ago. I have no idea why the prayers got torn out. Please send all and any prayers to Our Lady of Good Success.
Please pray for my friend David he thinks looking at porn is o.k. I told him to confess this to a priest before going to Holy Mass. Anyhow, he needs to wake up or he will have Hell to pay. Please send prayers so I can help Our Lady break the power of Satan in our world. Please email prayers.
God bless you for your work.
Love & prayers,
TIA responds:
Thank you for your e-mail and kind words about our work.
You can find prayers on our webpage of Our Lady of Good Success that can be printed out. They are here.
May Our Lady of Good Success continue to guide and protect you in these difficult times, and help your friend David. Be assured of our prayers.
TIA correspondence desk
Dear Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira,
Thank you for the excellent article Tribalism or Self Management.
I do believe there is a global organization to manage the green movement, and the Vatican 2 church is right on top of the trend.
Pachamama Alliance is a global green initiative with Van Jones (former White House green czar) on the Board of directives based out of San Francisco.
Pachamama gives deity to mother earth, characteristic of tribal religions.
Catholic Charities have invited "Pachamama Awakening the Dream" into the Diocese of Trenton, NJ to give retreats at Stella Maris Retreat House and educate the Novus Ordo sect.
Queen of Heaven, please pray for us.
Rock Music Damage
Greetings TIA,
Do you have any other material or information that rock music and its beat are damaging to the body and mind?
Thank you for your time.
God bless,
TIA responds:
On the damage rock causes to psychology you may read this article.
On how it promotes the Revolution and prepares youth for the Devil read here.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted June 28, 2011

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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