What People Are Asking
Please Provide More Data on
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Scientific Discoveries about the Tilma of the Virgin of Guadalupe: A slide show and comments about the miraculous tilma
I have recently viewed your slide-show on the above topic and would like to know where exactly you or Andre Fernando Garcia obtained the information on the Tilma. Especially of interest is the information regarding the retina contraction and dilation, the temperature (98.6), and the heartbeat detected in the Tilma.
Thank you for your reply to my request.
Sincerely yours in Christ,

To Whom It May Concern,
I received a most beautiful slide-show produced by Andre Fernando Garcia from Tradition in Action titled The Virgin of Guadalupe. I would like to know where we can get documentation for the wonderful message and claims in the slide-show regarding Our Lady of Guadalupe.
From what source was this slide-show produced? How can we prove its authenticity?
Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
TIA responds:
Mrs. B.D. and Mrs. S.M.G.,
Thank you for your questions. They provided us the opportunity to rectify an involuntary mistake caused by a misunderstanding.
Some time ago, Mr. Andre Fernando Garcia sent us several slide-shows authored by him. Shortly after, he also sent us the slide-show of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which we wrongly assumed he had also made. We translated it from Portuguese and posted it as his work. Now, after checking with him regarding the sources, we learned that it is an anonymous work.
Normally we do not post anonymous works on our website, but we will open an exception for this case and keep it on our site in view of the extraordinary good it is doing for our readers. The mistake regarding the author has been corrected on the title page. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Since we don’t know the author of this slide-show, we cannot refer questions to him regarding the sources used for it. However, given that both Mr. Garcia and we are strong devotees of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we made an effort to find the sources to answer your questions.
These are our results. Most of the sources we found are in Spanish and some in Portuguese. In those cases, we specify the different topics so that you or other readers could easily ask someone to translate them for you, in case you are not familiar with these languages:
- The data regarding the retina contraction and dilation and the temperature of the Tilma can be found in Spanish on this website, respectively on the third, forth and fifth bullets down.
- An overview in Spanish of the scientific data on the tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe may be read here;
- A chronology in Spanish of the principal events related to the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe may be found here. Further questions can be asked on this same website, which seems to be a quite secure source.
- Studies about the figures that are reproduced on Our Lady’s eyes can be found in English here;
- A video on the same topic in Spanish by Dr. Aste Tonsmann, the leading scientific expert on Our Lady of Guadalupe, can be found here (please watch the third video down);
- About the positions of stars on the tilma of Our Lady Guadalupe and their relation with the stars in the sky as reported in the slide-show, see this video in Spanish. Still on the stars, see in English a very good study here and a general reference on this website (please, scroll down).
- Regarding the crude canvas material of the tilma and the painting on it, there are interesting data in Spanish confirming information in the slide-show here;
- The names of the principle scientists who analyzed the tilma and gave statements confirming what is said in the slide-show can be found in Portuguese here;
- Other scientists and their confirmations of the miraculous nature of the tilma are referred to in an article in Portuguese here;
We recommend these English books on the topic confirming the information in the slide-show:
- Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness by Warren H. Carroll, especially Chapter 10, Portrait of the Mother of God;
- The Wonders of Guadalupe by Francis Johnston;
- Guadalupe Our Mother, a booklet by J. T. Meehan, S.J.;
- A Handbook on Guadalupe by Francis Mary, explains the constellations and other miracles;
- Finally, an annotated bibliography on Our Lady of Guadalupe can be found here.
We hope this may help you and other readers.
TIA correspondence desk
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