What People Are Commenting
Dirty Hands, Eco-Military & Protestants
Dirty Hands
Hello TIA,
Pope Francis has reminded religious that they are not to be like ‘museum pieces,’ untouched and stagnant, but are to dirty their hands and step out of themselves, like Jesus did.
He made this point tonight during the Mass he celebrated for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and the conclusion of the Year of Consecrated Life in St. Peter’s Basilica.
“The Founders’ charismas — as I have said at other times — are not to be sealed in a bottle, they are not museum pieces.” The Founders of religious Orders, he highlighted, were moved by the Spirit and “were not afraid to soil their hands in daily life, with the people’s problems, going with courage to the geographic and existential fringes.”
So, what about the founder-Saints of so many contemplative orders, Pope Francis? Were they museum pieces because they dedicated themselves to praying for God's glory and sinners' conversions, like St. Benedict and St. Bruno, for example, and not go out and dirty their hands on the streets converting them. But, oh wait, I forgot, you don't want religious to convert anyone today - sinners, Protestants, Muslims or Jews. They just need to be out doing works of mercy and ecology.
Pope Francis has reminded religious that they are not to be like ‘museum pieces,’ untouched and stagnant, but are to dirty their hands and step out of themselves, like Jesus did.
He made this point tonight during the Mass he celebrated for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and the conclusion of the Year of Consecrated Life in St. Peter’s Basilica.
“The Founders’ charismas — as I have said at other times — are not to be sealed in a bottle, they are not museum pieces.” The Founders of religious Orders, he highlighted, were moved by the Spirit and “were not afraid to soil their hands in daily life, with the people’s problems, going with courage to the geographic and existential fringes.”
So, what about the founder-Saints of so many contemplative orders, Pope Francis? Were they museum pieces because they dedicated themselves to praying for God's glory and sinners' conversions, like St. Benedict and St. Bruno, for example, and not go out and dirty their hands on the streets converting them. But, oh wait, I forgot, you don't want religious to convert anyone today - sinners, Protestants, Muslims or Jews. They just need to be out doing works of mercy and ecology.
Military to Prioritize Climate Change in All Actions
Please, read this Obama order that is corrupting our military BIG TIME. It's enough to make you disgusted! Any Flag Officer who kowtows to these junk-science climate change lies, putting his command and the national security of our country at risk, is not fit to wear the uniform.
Patton would have had none of this bastardization of our military into eco-fascist Gore Green Goblins.
What you're about to read should make your blood boil. It did mine.
News report available here.
Gary Morella
Please, read this Obama order that is corrupting our military BIG TIME. It's enough to make you disgusted! Any Flag Officer who kowtows to these junk-science climate change lies, putting his command and the national security of our country at risk, is not fit to wear the uniform.
Patton would have had none of this bastardization of our military into eco-fascist Gore Green Goblins.
What you're about to read should make your blood boil. It did mine.
News report available here.
Gary Morella
My Sacred Choral Music
Dear Sir,
Would you mention or use my sacred choral music on Tradition in Action (free of charge as long as I am credited and that www.tutti.co.uk are mentioned as the place to buy my CDs and scores of my sacred choral music?)
You could also put up the video presentation of four of my pieces with paintings of Fra Angelico if you like.
An overview of my sacred choral music is here.
One more is here.
I think your readers might like my sacred choral music, download it or buy the CD.
Sir James Galway said of my CD “This is one of my favorite CDs. Masterfully written and beautifully sung. It brings me closer to God. I have given it as a gift to many of my friends.”
Let me know.
Best wishes,
Nicholas Wilton
Would you mention or use my sacred choral music on Tradition in Action (free of charge as long as I am credited and that www.tutti.co.uk are mentioned as the place to buy my CDs and scores of my sacred choral music?)
You could also put up the video presentation of four of my pieces with paintings of Fra Angelico if you like.
An overview of my sacred choral music is here.
One more is here.
I think your readers might like my sacred choral music, download it or buy the CD.
Sir James Galway said of my CD “This is one of my favorite CDs. Masterfully written and beautifully sung. It brings me closer to God. I have given it as a gift to many of my friends.”
Let me know.
Best wishes,
Nicholas Wilton
The Catholic Vote
What will Catholics do? It looks like they'll give the election to the Democrats.
In 2008, Catholics voted strongly for Hilary Clinton. They gave her 60 percent or more of their vote in California, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts in the February 5 primaries. One writer opined that since Catholics were taught by nuns, they were comfortable with a strong woman.
We know what kind of nun they are talking about here - not the old-time ones in full habits teaching children or nursing the sick - but the Nuns on the Bus or ones you featured recently in an article promoting climate change....
Still, we find the image of the nun lingers in the public imagination, because it still conjures up Sister Mary Margaret in a habit keeping good order over a classroom of 40-50 children!
May the memory linger until it is restored by Our Lady, as she promised!
What will Catholics do? It looks like they'll give the election to the Democrats.
In 2008, Catholics voted strongly for Hilary Clinton. They gave her 60 percent or more of their vote in California, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts in the February 5 primaries. One writer opined that since Catholics were taught by nuns, they were comfortable with a strong woman.
We know what kind of nun they are talking about here - not the old-time ones in full habits teaching children or nursing the sick - but the Nuns on the Bus or ones you featured recently in an article promoting climate change....
Still, we find the image of the nun lingers in the public imagination, because it still conjures up Sister Mary Margaret in a habit keeping good order over a classroom of 40-50 children!
May the memory linger until it is restored by Our Lady, as she promised!
Obama Care in Four Sentences
It is boiled down to its essence
Is there a single soul who is surprised that an engineer came up with this? 10,535 pages reduced to 4 sentences.
Read slowly!
Great summary by a Notre Dame University engineer.
As humorous as it sounds, every last word is absolutely TRUE!
Here are the 10,535 pages of Obama Care condensed to 4 simple sentences.
1. In order to insure the uninsured, we first have to un-insure the insured.
2. Next, we require the newly uninsured to be re-insured.
3. To re-insure those newly un-insured, they are required to pay extra charges.
4. The extra charges are required so that those original insured, who became un-insured, and then became re-insured, can pay enough extra so that those original un-insured can be insured, ‘free-of-charge’ to them.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is called “redistribution of wealth” or, by its more common name, SOCIALISM or “PROGRESSIVISM,” the politically correct names for COMMUNISM !
It is boiled down to its essence
Is there a single soul who is surprised that an engineer came up with this? 10,535 pages reduced to 4 sentences.
Read slowly!
Great summary by a Notre Dame University engineer.
As humorous as it sounds, every last word is absolutely TRUE!
Here are the 10,535 pages of Obama Care condensed to 4 simple sentences.
1. In order to insure the uninsured, we first have to un-insure the insured.
2. Next, we require the newly uninsured to be re-insured.
3. To re-insure those newly un-insured, they are required to pay extra charges.
4. The extra charges are required so that those original insured, who became un-insured, and then became re-insured, can pay enough extra so that those original un-insured can be insured, ‘free-of-charge’ to them.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is called “redistribution of wealth” or, by its more common name, SOCIALISM or “PROGRESSIVISM,” the politically correct names for COMMUNISM !
Below is a news report I want to share with you.
Lutherans Receive Communion at Vatican after Meeting with Pope
Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
ROME, January 21, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – A group of Finnish Lutherans were offered Holy Communion by priests at a mass held at the Vatican following a meeting with Pope Francis, according to a report by the Finnish periodical Kotimaa 24.
The Lutherans were members of an annual ecumenical delegation to Rome on the part of Catholics, Orthodox, and Lutherans to celebrate the feast day of St. Henry of Uppsala, who is credited with the evangelization of Finland in the 12th century.
After an audience with the pope, the delegation was present at a celebration of the Catholic mass. According to a Lutheran bishop who was present, at the time of communion the non-Catholics placed their right hands on their left shoulders, a traditional way of indicating that they were ineligible to receive the Eucharist. However, the celebrating priests insisted on giving them communion.
Lutheran bishop Samuel Salmi told Kotimaa 24 that “I myself accepted it [Holy Communion].” He added that “this was not a coincidence,” and nor was it a coincidence when last year the pope seemed to accept the notion of a Lutheran woman receiving communion with her Catholic husband.
At that time the pope acknowledged that “explanations and interpretations” of communion may differ between Catholics and Lutherans, but “life is bigger than explanations and interpretations.” He advised the woman to “Talk to the Lord and then go forward.”
“At the root of this there is, without a doubt, the ecumenical attitude of a new Vatican,” Salmi told Kotimaa 24. “The pope was not here at the mass, but his strategic intention is to carry out a mission of love and unity. There are also theological adversaries in the Vatican, for which reason it is difficult to assess how much he can say, but he can permit practical gestures.”
Canon 844 of the Catholic Church’s Code of Canon Law only permits the Eucharist to be given to Catholics in the state of grace (that is, not in a state of grave sin), except in cases of non-Catholics who request communion and who are from churches that are approved by the Holy See as holding the same faith as Catholics regarding communion. Lutherans have traditionally been seen as not holding to the same faith as Catholics on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
In addition to its implications for Catholic-Lutheran relations, the event may also represent the pope’s liberal inclinations regarding the giving of communion to other groups, such as those who are divorced and civilly remarried without having received an annulment of their previous marriage.
Francis has repeatedly insinuated that he wants to change the practice of refusing communion to the divorced and remarried, speaking warmly of Catholic theologians – such as Cardinal Walter Kasper – who advocate such an approach. However, he has yet to announce any decision on the matter.
In his remarks to the Finnish delegation, Francis seems to hint at the movement towards intercommunion when he tells the ecumenical delegation, “Your dialogue is making promising progress towards a shared understanding, on the sacramental level, of Church, Eucharist and Ministry. These steps forward, made together, lay a solid basis for a growing communion of life in faith and spirituality, as your relations develop in a spirit of serene discussion and fraternal sharing.”
The pope’s Prefect of Divine Worship, Cardinal Robert Sarah, has expressed profound concerns about the pontiff’s tendency to open communion to those whose beliefs or behavior are inconsistent with the Catholic faith.
“It’s not that I have to talk to the Lord in order to know if I should go to Communion,” he told Aleteia reporter Diane Montagna in late November. “No, I have to know if I’m in accord with the rule of the Church.”
“It’s not a personal desire or a personal dialogue with Jesus that determines if I can receive Communion in the Catholic Church,” he added. “How can I know that the Lord has really said: ‘Come and receive My Body.’ No. A person cannot decide if he is able to receive Communion. He has to have the rule of the Church: i.e., being a Catholic, being in a state of grace, properly married [if married].”
Original here
Below is a news report I want to share with you.
Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
ROME, January 21, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – A group of Finnish Lutherans were offered Holy Communion by priests at a mass held at the Vatican following a meeting with Pope Francis, according to a report by the Finnish periodical Kotimaa 24.
The Lutherans were members of an annual ecumenical delegation to Rome on the part of Catholics, Orthodox, and Lutherans to celebrate the feast day of St. Henry of Uppsala, who is credited with the evangelization of Finland in the 12th century.
After an audience with the pope, the delegation was present at a celebration of the Catholic mass. According to a Lutheran bishop who was present, at the time of communion the non-Catholics placed their right hands on their left shoulders, a traditional way of indicating that they were ineligible to receive the Eucharist. However, the celebrating priests insisted on giving them communion.
Lutheran bishop Samuel Salmi told Kotimaa 24 that “I myself accepted it [Holy Communion].” He added that “this was not a coincidence,” and nor was it a coincidence when last year the pope seemed to accept the notion of a Lutheran woman receiving communion with her Catholic husband.
At that time the pope acknowledged that “explanations and interpretations” of communion may differ between Catholics and Lutherans, but “life is bigger than explanations and interpretations.” He advised the woman to “Talk to the Lord and then go forward.”
“At the root of this there is, without a doubt, the ecumenical attitude of a new Vatican,” Salmi told Kotimaa 24. “The pope was not here at the mass, but his strategic intention is to carry out a mission of love and unity. There are also theological adversaries in the Vatican, for which reason it is difficult to assess how much he can say, but he can permit practical gestures.”
Canon 844 of the Catholic Church’s Code of Canon Law only permits the Eucharist to be given to Catholics in the state of grace (that is, not in a state of grave sin), except in cases of non-Catholics who request communion and who are from churches that are approved by the Holy See as holding the same faith as Catholics regarding communion. Lutherans have traditionally been seen as not holding to the same faith as Catholics on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
In addition to its implications for Catholic-Lutheran relations, the event may also represent the pope’s liberal inclinations regarding the giving of communion to other groups, such as those who are divorced and civilly remarried without having received an annulment of their previous marriage.
Francis has repeatedly insinuated that he wants to change the practice of refusing communion to the divorced and remarried, speaking warmly of Catholic theologians – such as Cardinal Walter Kasper – who advocate such an approach. However, he has yet to announce any decision on the matter.
In his remarks to the Finnish delegation, Francis seems to hint at the movement towards intercommunion when he tells the ecumenical delegation, “Your dialogue is making promising progress towards a shared understanding, on the sacramental level, of Church, Eucharist and Ministry. These steps forward, made together, lay a solid basis for a growing communion of life in faith and spirituality, as your relations develop in a spirit of serene discussion and fraternal sharing.”
The pope’s Prefect of Divine Worship, Cardinal Robert Sarah, has expressed profound concerns about the pontiff’s tendency to open communion to those whose beliefs or behavior are inconsistent with the Catholic faith.
“It’s not that I have to talk to the Lord in order to know if I should go to Communion,” he told Aleteia reporter Diane Montagna in late November. “No, I have to know if I’m in accord with the rule of the Church.”
“It’s not a personal desire or a personal dialogue with Jesus that determines if I can receive Communion in the Catholic Church,” he added. “How can I know that the Lord has really said: ‘Come and receive My Body.’ No. A person cannot decide if he is able to receive Communion. He has to have the rule of the Church: i.e., being a Catholic, being in a state of grace, properly married [if married].”
Original here

Posted February 11, 2016
Where can we find access to the (Spanish) copy of the original manuscript that Dr. Horvat used to translate the work of The Admirable Life of Mariana into English?
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Hello A.P.,
You can read the known prophecies in the 3-volume work by Fr. Pereira published in Spanish by Jesus del Misericordia publishers in Quito with the title Vida Admirable de la Madre Mariana de Jesus Torres y Berriochoa.
It is being distributed in the United States by Libreria Fiat Voluntas Tua in Florida. To order the set from this company, you can call them at 786-388-3128 or e-mail them at fiatvtua@bellsouth.net.
TIA correspondence desk