What People Are Commenting
Suffering, Buffoonery & Wedding Receptions
Thoughts for Lent on Suffering
I thought your Readers might benefit – as I have – from these thoughts from the Saints on suffering:
“Illness is a magnificent school of mercy for those who attend the sick, and of loving resignation for those who endure it, for while some are at the foot of the Cross like the Virgin and St. John, the others are on the cross, like Our Divine Master, whose passion they reproduce, insofar as they can copy it in themselves.” St Francis de Sales
“Upon this earth, God pays His servants with the same coin with which He paid the Holy of Holies, Jesus Christ.” St. Paul of the Cross
“We complain about suffering, and we should rather have reasons for complaining about not suffering. For nothing makes us more similar to Jesus than carrying His Cross.” – Curé of Ars
I enjoy your site and go to it first thing every day.
Clerical Buffoonery
Dear TIA,
Below is a picture you might consider suitable for your Church Revolution in Pictures. The latest issue of Catholic Voice, the newspaper of the Diocese of Middlesbrough (UK) shows a picture (see p. 4) of Fr Paul Farrer genuflecting to the cameraman in his Mass vestments out on a pier with two youngsters leaning on his shoulders.
The buffoonery of it is not surprising - he has long since lost any awareness (if indeed he ever had it) of the grandeur of the priest - and was popularly known in the diocese as the "Rock 'n' Roll priest" for his work as a diocesan Youth Officer.
With best wishes,
Dr. Carol Byrne, U.K.
SSPV's Position
Thank you for the wonderful work you do, I love your site and articles.
I am a member of SSPV for approx 3 years, and I can personally tell you that I have never been advised that sede-vacantism is the way to go. Upon joining SSPV, I specifically asked if SSPV [leaders] were sede-vacantists and was informed that their position on sede-vacantism (Peter's Chair Is Empty) was that, "they don't know." When the Pope's pronouncements are in line with Tradition, they are followed, and when the are not they are resisted.
If that is sede-vacantism. I guess I'm guilty?? I do wish SSPV would stop being referred to as sede-vacantist. I have read WE RESIST YOU TO THE FACE and believe this position properly describes the SSPV position in these diabolical disorientating times.
Keep up the good fight
Knights of Santiago
I would like to speak to someone who knows more about the original Order of Santiago in Galicia, Spain. My name is J.L.. My father's name is S.L.. He is from Cuba, and his family is originally from Lugo, Spain. Lugo is a city located in Galicia, Spain, where I think the Order originated.
I grew up in Southgate, California, but now live in Cartersville, Georgia.
TIA responds:
Hello J.L.,
We are sorry, but we do not have anyone on the TIA staff who knows about the original Order of Santiago. Perhaps one of our readers has some information to help you. If he does, he can send it to us and we will post it.
TIA correspondence desk
Newman's Model for "Gays"
Dear TIA,
An Australian historian, Robert Aldrich, has published a book entitled: Gay Life & Culture: A World Historyin which John Henry Newman's questionable relationship is discussed and glorified. Nauseating.
Still worthy of canonization?
P.F., Australia
Wedding Receptions
I hope you are well.
I would like to ask your advice on wedding receptions.
Just today I had a conversation with Fr. J.K., one of the priests at St. Anne parish. I complained to him about the wedding reception Susan and I attended last weekend that followed the wedding he officiated of two young adult members of our “traditional” parish. He agreed with me that there were problems with the reception such as the type of music, the immodesty of the guests, the type of dancing, the Hollywood style of the DJ [disk jockey], the lack of adult conversation due to the volume of the music and DJ, the lack of preparation of those giving the toasts, and the lack of any reference to Our Lord outside of saying grace. I could go on, but I think you understand this better than I.
Next, I explained to him my frustration in that this was not an isolated incident. In fact, every wedding reception I have ever attended, including many “traditional” wedding receptions, has, in my opinion, been offensive to Our Lord. Fr. J.K. agreed that this is a widespread problem. He told me that the priests at St. Anne include a talk on the wedding reception in their marriage preparation, but they need more. He told me he wants an article that he can give the engaged couple, which explains what a truly Catholic wedding reception would be like. He asked me to write that article and send it to Latin Mass Magazine. Well, having been raised by pagan parents, I told Fr. Kiefer that I feel totally inadequate for the task of writing this article. However, I told him I would look for one that has already been written.
The first place I looked for an article on a truly Catholic wedding reception was your Cultural Page on the TIA web site, but I was not able to locate one. Next, I did a general search on the internet, but I did not find anything. Have you written such an article? If not, do you know of any articles of books that I could bring to the priests at St. Anne parish?
God bless you in all the wonderful work you are doing to battle for tradition and culture.
TIA responds:
Thank you for your kind words regarding our work.
At present, we do not have an article that responds your needs. We will keep the items you mention in mind when writing on this topic.
TIA correspondence desk
P.S.: Please, read an updated response to this question
Posted March 8, 2012

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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