| How Will the Dogma of Faith Remain in Portugal? Among the little people who don't care about Progressivism
 | Is the Dogma of the Faith Really Preserved in Portugal? Yes, in a certain sense is
 | What Is Special About Portugal? It has a vocation of fidelity, independent of the Clergy
 | Could the Miracle of the Sun Be Diabolical? It was not a subjective impression, 70,000 persons witnessed it
 | Is a Great Chastisement to Come before the Reign of Mary? Yes, since Russia was not consecrated & immorality sky-rocked
 | Was the Date '1960' Ordered by Our Lady? Yes, it was; check here
 | Can You Comment on the 2nd Interview with Fr. Malachi Martin? Yes, here is what we have to say
 | Did You Read Fatima Shock & Celestial Secrets to Discredit Our Lady? We did not, but we found good book reviews of them here & here
Two Sister Lucys
 | Can't You See that these Two Women - Celina & Lucy II - Are Different? We based ourselves on Inside the Vatican magazine, which was mistaken
 | Can You Check Whether that Photo of Celina Is Lucy II When Young? They are not the same person since they appear together in a photo
 | Has Anyone Asked the Vatican about Sister Lucy II? The Vatican ordered the change; it would be not pleased to ackowledge it
 | Did Fr. Malachi Martin Tell You Anything about the Two Sister Lucys? No, he did not
 | Did Sister Lucy's Family See the Difference? The rule of the contemplative nuns didn't allow relatives to come close to her
 | Why Didn't Her Relatives Complain When She Finally Appeared in Public? She started to appear in public after the relatives, who knew her before, died
 | Can You Refute Mr. Grasmeier's Accusations against TIA? Yes, we can; here is the refutation
 | How Long Was the Imposter Impersonating Sister Lucy? Most likely we will only know this at the Final Judgment
 | Why Not Make a DNA Test to Prove the Two Lucys Thesis? These tests would rely on the Vatican & the Convent; they will not help
 | Can We Get Forensics on the Two Lucys? We prefer the common sense of Catholics; experts will be under strong pressure
 | Could You Make an Age Progression on Photos of Lucy? Yes, but we need good photos; please, send them to us
 | Did You Photoshop the Photos of Sr. Lucy? The photos are unchanged from their original sources
 | Can You Make an Age Enhancement Study of Sister Lucy I & II? Something like this was made here
 | Do You Still Believe Lucy Died in 1949? No, your observation on Fr. Fuentes' 1957 interview changed our opinion
'Third Secret' Controversy
 | What Is Your Source for the 3rd Secret TIA Published? An unidentified man from Galicia, who changed constantly of e-mail & name
 | Why the Photographer Remains Anonymous? Can be for lack of means or lack of courage to face the Church structure
 | Was Your 3rd Secret Written in Dialect? It is a current Portuguese with one expression that can be a mistake or dialect
 | The Paper Was Not Folded, So It Is Not the Real Secret, Right? There were two copies of the secret; the second could be non-folded
 | Do You Believe in a Forensic Analysis on this Case? Without having the originals of her writings, forensic can be fooled by Photoshop
 | Does Your 3rd Secret Say 'The Faith Will Be Conserved in Portugal'? It says something similar
 | Can You Prove the Cornerstone of St. Peter's Tomb Moved to Fatima? Yes, here is a photo of John Paul II givng it to the Rector of Fatima Sanctuary
 | What about the 69 Weeks for the Chastisement to Come? We should not rely on human calculations, but be prepared for it at any time
Is Abortion One of the Great Chastisements of Our Day? Abortion is inflicted by man; the chastisement by God
 | Who Said the Pope Has Devilish Eyes? It is attributed to Sister Lucy in this document
 | John XXIII Did Not Have Evil Eyes, How Do You Explain It? 'Devilish eyes' could be a symbol of an evil conception of the Papacy
 | How Could Our Lady Mention John Paul II? It Is Impossible In the 2nd message, she mentined Pius XI, when he was not a Pope yet
 | How to Explain that Juan Pablo II Is in Spanish? It can be a shortcoming of Sr. Lucy, who was living in Spain
 | Can You Explain What 'Ugly Church' Means in the 3rd Secret? 'Ugly Church' could be a symbol of an entire new religion that was coming
 | Did Pius XII Tell Card. Ottaviani to Reseal the Secret? As far as we know this order was given by John XXIII, not Pius XII
 | Can You Answer to My Eight Objections to the Third Secret Text? Yes, here are the answers