What People Are Commenting
DNA Test for Lucy & a Drunk Levada
Smoke of Satan
Regarding the video “How Franciscans preach a mission in Verona.”
About half way through the video there is a fog enveloping the stage. This is the smoke of Satan.
Regarding the video “How Franciscans preach a mission in Verona.”
About half way through the video there is a fog enveloping the stage. This is the smoke of Satan.
Fraudulent Polls
I do think that most – if not all – polls are controlled by the Leftists. They ask 3,000 people their opinion on same sex marriage, eliminate the 2,000 answers they do not like, then, they report that out of 1,000 people polled, 65% are okay with it. When, actually, out of the 3000 people, 2,350 were against it.
We'd be prudent to keep this in mind especially with the presidential election.
We are the most manipulated and misled people on the planet, and 98% of the people I polled agree with me.
I do think that most – if not all – polls are controlled by the Leftists. They ask 3,000 people their opinion on same sex marriage, eliminate the 2,000 answers they do not like, then, they report that out of 1,000 people polled, 65% are okay with it. When, actually, out of the 3000 people, 2,350 were against it.
We'd be prudent to keep this in mind especially with the presidential election.
We are the most manipulated and misled people on the planet, and 98% of the people I polled agree with me.
Inconsistent Dress
Re: Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals inside Abortion Clinics”
It is sad that all of the female protesters in the bottom picture are wearing fashions introduced into the world by Satan.
How can there be final victory over all abortion while the prayer warriors are wearing the uniform of the Enemy instead of the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary?
Re: Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals inside Abortion Clinics”
It is sad that all of the female protesters in the bottom picture are wearing fashions introduced into the world by Satan.
How can there be final victory over all abortion while the prayer warriors are wearing the uniform of the Enemy instead of the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary?
Vatican II’s Victims
Re: Heading toward the Public Cult to Satan
You wrote: “And in the atmosphere of incoherence, indifference and contradiction that we inhale today, almost no one is shocked by things that would have caused extreme consternation in society even two decades ago.”
This is a rich sentence. “the atmosphere of incoherence, indifference, and contradiction we inhale...”
This sentence is true for Vatican II victims also. The strongest, most present “front line-er” at the mills on Satanism is filled with contradictions ... for ‘life.’
Thank you,
Re: Heading toward the Public Cult to Satan
You wrote: “And in the atmosphere of incoherence, indifference and contradiction that we inhale today, almost no one is shocked by things that would have caused extreme consternation in society even two decades ago.”
This is a rich sentence. “the atmosphere of incoherence, indifference, and contradiction we inhale...”
This sentence is true for Vatican II victims also. The strongest, most present “front line-er” at the mills on Satanism is filled with contradictions ... for ‘life.’
Thank you,
DNA Test on Sister Lucy
What do you think about performing a DNA test on the Sister Lucy deceased in 2005?
Best regards,
T.H., France
TIA responds:
Hello T.H.,
The idea is good, in theory, but, in practice, who could have access to some part of Lucy’s body to obtain a sample of her DNA? Only someone in her convent or in the Fatima Basilica. But we know that everything related to Sister Lucy has been closely watched by Vatican officials to prevent anything from leaking out.
Remember that when Sister Lucy died in 2005, immediately her cell was ordered sealed by Card. Joseph Ratzinger to insure that nothing would become public.
“Whatever is enclosed there will be passed through the sieve of trusted theologians and monsignors sent, one supposes, by the same Card. Ratzinger,” reported Vittorio Messori (Corriere della Sera).
Therefore, it would be difficult to have access to any of her personal effects. It is most unlikely that the Vatican would cooperate with such a project. It would have nothing to gain from the disclosure of the massive fraud of the replacement of the true Sister Lucy by the false one.
If any DNA test were conducted under the control of the Vatican, its results would be highly suspicious. There is no chance a completely independent party could perform this test.
In case you did not know, a forensics test on age regression and progression was made by the Servants of the Holy Family: the results are here, authenticating the theory that there are two Sisters Lucy.
TIA correspondence desk
What do you think about performing a DNA test on the Sister Lucy deceased in 2005?
Best regards,
T.H., France
TIA responds:
Hello T.H.,
The idea is good, in theory, but, in practice, who could have access to some part of Lucy’s body to obtain a sample of her DNA? Only someone in her convent or in the Fatima Basilica. But we know that everything related to Sister Lucy has been closely watched by Vatican officials to prevent anything from leaking out.
Remember that when Sister Lucy died in 2005, immediately her cell was ordered sealed by Card. Joseph Ratzinger to insure that nothing would become public.
“Whatever is enclosed there will be passed through the sieve of trusted theologians and monsignors sent, one supposes, by the same Card. Ratzinger,” reported Vittorio Messori (Corriere della Sera).
Therefore, it would be difficult to have access to any of her personal effects. It is most unlikely that the Vatican would cooperate with such a project. It would have nothing to gain from the disclosure of the massive fraud of the replacement of the true Sister Lucy by the false one.
If any DNA test were conducted under the control of the Vatican, its results would be highly suspicious. There is no chance a completely independent party could perform this test.
In case you did not know, a forensics test on age regression and progression was made by the Servants of the Holy Family: the results are here, authenticating the theory that there are two Sisters Lucy.
TIA correspondence desk
A Drunk Levada
Dear TIA,
Card. Levada, the ex-Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, the successor of Card. Ratzinger in that important position, was caught intoxicated by the Hawaiian police when driving at night in Hawaii. The report doesn’t say where he had been… The news report follows.
It is interesting that almost all these progressivists are hypocrites: They preach one thing to Catholics and do the opposite.
Further, I don’t believe that the man in this photo got drunk only this one time, but to me he looks like someone who is habitually under the influence. If this is true, then how could he have been chosen to be the Prefect of that Congregation having this addiction? Was Benedict XVI aware of Levada’s peccadillo when he chose him for that position? If so, why did Pope Ratzinger choose him? Was it to repay some vote the American Bishops gave him in the conclave to become Pope? Or, perhaps, to reciprocate the donations Levada directed to Ratzinger’s friends (e.g. Fr. Fessio?) when he was Archbishop of San Francisco? We know that Fr. Fessio and his Ignatius Press were/are publishing all of Ratzinger's books plus those of his close friends Urs von Balthasar and Henri de Lubac.
When I looks at Levada, either before or after he became Prefect of that Congregation, I see a man that hardly knows his catechism. Now we learn that he is also a drunk. How this man could possibly be chosen for that position is what I cannot understand…
Cardinal Levada, a Menlo Park resident, charged with DUI in Hawaii
A resident of St. Patrick's Seminary & University in Menlo Park, Cardinal William Joseph Levada, has been charged with drunken driving after being stopped on Aug. 20 by a police officer on a street in Kailua-Kona in Hawaii.
Cardinal Levada, 79, is out of custody after posting $500 bail and is expected in court on Sept. 24, according to the Hawaii Tribune Herald. He was on vacation with friends, according to a church spokesman.
At the time he was pulled over by police, Cardinal Levada was alone and driving a 2015 Nissan Altima, the story said. The seminary has not yet responded to a request for comment.
Cardinal Levada's long career with the Roman Catholic Church includes terms as archbishop of San Francisco and archbishop of Portland, Oregon. He is currently the Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
He has held a position of great power within the church, succeeding Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) in May 2005 as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This office within the curia -- the Pope's cabinet -- has a mission to "promote and safeguard the doctrine on faith and morals in the whole Catholic world," according to Catholic-hierarchy.org.
The church changed the office's original name -- the Congregation for Universal Inquisition -- in 1908, and again in 1965 to its present name, according to a historical summary at the website.
Cardinal Levada, who retired in July 2012, was the first U.S. prelate to hold the Prefect position, the Tribune-Herald story said. He was also a voting member of the College of Cardinals when that body elected Pope Francis in March 2013.
Card. Levada, the ex-Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, the successor of Card. Ratzinger in that important position, was caught intoxicated by the Hawaiian police when driving at night in Hawaii. The report doesn’t say where he had been… The news report follows.
It is interesting that almost all these progressivists are hypocrites: They preach one thing to Catholics and do the opposite.

Cardinal William Levada
Photo by the Hawaiian Police Department
When I looks at Levada, either before or after he became Prefect of that Congregation, I see a man that hardly knows his catechism. Now we learn that he is also a drunk. How this man could possibly be chosen for that position is what I cannot understand…
A resident of St. Patrick's Seminary & University in Menlo Park, Cardinal William Joseph Levada, has been charged with drunken driving after being stopped on Aug. 20 by a police officer on a street in Kailua-Kona in Hawaii.
Cardinal Levada, 79, is out of custody after posting $500 bail and is expected in court on Sept. 24, according to the Hawaii Tribune Herald. He was on vacation with friends, according to a church spokesman.
At the time he was pulled over by police, Cardinal Levada was alone and driving a 2015 Nissan Altima, the story said. The seminary has not yet responded to a request for comment.
Cardinal Levada's long career with the Roman Catholic Church includes terms as archbishop of San Francisco and archbishop of Portland, Oregon. He is currently the Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
He has held a position of great power within the church, succeeding Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) in May 2005 as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This office within the curia -- the Pope's cabinet -- has a mission to "promote and safeguard the doctrine on faith and morals in the whole Catholic world," according to Catholic-hierarchy.org.
The church changed the office's original name -- the Congregation for Universal Inquisition -- in 1908, and again in 1965 to its present name, according to a historical summary at the website.
Cardinal Levada, who retired in July 2012, was the first U.S. prelate to hold the Prefect position, the Tribune-Herald story said. He was also a voting member of the College of Cardinals when that body elected Pope Francis in March 2013.

Posted September 1, 2015
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
In response to the person from Nigeria who was looking for a copy of No Crisis in the Church? by Simon Galloway, I don’t know if inter-library loan is available to him over there, but I was able to land a copy for a few weeks using this service through a local library, which billed me the price of shipping.
Maybe it will work for him.
E.S., Ph.D.