What People Are Commenting
Floating Christ & Ecumenical Protestant
May Greetings
Dear Dr. Horvat and the TIA Team,
May the fragrance of Our Lady's graces fill your lives (cf Jn 12:3)
This is a short note to assure you of my continued prayers.
Yours in the love of Mary,
J.L., Malaysia
May the fragrance of Our Lady's graces fill your lives (cf Jn 12:3)
This is a short note to assure you of my continued prayers.
Yours in the love of Mary,
J.L., Malaysia
Remarkable & Terrible
Re: Trying to Decipher a Scrambled Message
Thanks for this article. It is remarkable and terrible.
It really shows contempt for BVM, not just fool misunderstanding of modernism
Re: Trying to Decipher a Scrambled Message
Thanks for this article. It is remarkable and terrible.
It really shows contempt for BVM, not just fool misunderstanding of modernism
Memorial Day
On this Memorial Day, May 29, 2017 A.D. we remember those who are serving in our Military, those who have served, their families, and the fallen in all of our wars since the Revolution, that their sacrifices will not be allowed to be rendered in vain by traitors masquerading as American who would destroy our country that they fought and died for.
Prayers for their sacrifices and the honor due them on this day.
My wife and I will be going to the Military Shrine in Boalsburg, PA and the Cemetery to render our honors before we do anything else. That's the way it's always been in our family.
A Fitting Tribute to Our Fallen Heroes On Memorial Day - Til The Last Shot's Fired
Gary Morella
On this Memorial Day, May 29, 2017 A.D. we remember those who are serving in our Military, those who have served, their families, and the fallen in all of our wars since the Revolution, that their sacrifices will not be allowed to be rendered in vain by traitors masquerading as American who would destroy our country that they fought and died for.
Prayers for their sacrifices and the honor due them on this day.
My wife and I will be going to the Military Shrine in Boalsburg, PA and the Cemetery to render our honors before we do anything else. That's the way it's always been in our family.
A Fitting Tribute to Our Fallen Heroes On Memorial Day - Til The Last Shot's Fired
Gary Morella
Provide the Source
To whom it may concern
I'd like to ask you the source of the quote below that is presented in this link:
"If any ecclesiastic or layman shall go into the synagogue of the Jews or to the meeting-houses of the heretics to join in prayer with them, let them be excommunicated. If any bishop or priest or deacon shall join in prayer with heretics, let him be excommunicated (II Council of Constantinople)"
I looked for it in the Denzinger and I haven’t been able to find.
Thanks in advance
In Xto et Mater,
R.A., Brazil
TIA responds:
Probably Mr. Stabinski used an indirect quote, not from a printed book, but from the Internet. That same quote can be found on the Catholic Apologetics Information site. You may scroll down the page and see it there – Actually it is from III Council of Constantinople and not II Council of Constantinople as it was quoted. We will correct this typo today.
An analogous quote can be found in the Catholic Encyclopedia site with due bibliographical reference at the bottom of the page. Check canon 70.
TIA correspondence desk
I'd like to ask you the source of the quote below that is presented in this link:
"If any ecclesiastic or layman shall go into the synagogue of the Jews or to the meeting-houses of the heretics to join in prayer with them, let them be excommunicated. If any bishop or priest or deacon shall join in prayer with heretics, let him be excommunicated (II Council of Constantinople)"
I looked for it in the Denzinger and I haven’t been able to find.
Thanks in advance
In Xto et Mater,
R.A., Brazil
TIA responds:
Probably Mr. Stabinski used an indirect quote, not from a printed book, but from the Internet. That same quote can be found on the Catholic Apologetics Information site. You may scroll down the page and see it there – Actually it is from III Council of Constantinople and not II Council of Constantinople as it was quoted. We will correct this typo today.
An analogous quote can be found in the Catholic Encyclopedia site with due bibliographical reference at the bottom of the page. Check canon 70.
TIA correspondence desk
Sister Lucy’s Letter
Dear TIA,
I have read your articles about two sister Lucy’s. According to one of articles sister Lucy died in May 1949. Then, I read another article and her letter was dated in 1957…
Now, I found one interview with Card. Caffara, where he mentioned, that he received a letter from sr. Lucy in 1983 or 1984.
This article was recently published in Aleteia.
Could you help me to clear my problem?
TIA responds:
Dear R.M.,
You are assuming the wrong presupposition that we believe Sister Lucy died in 1949. We have never taken this as a certain fact. You may read our position here.
We think that it was the true Lucy who gave the interview to Fr. Fuentes in 1957. Between this date and 1967 she vanished and the fake Lucy showed up. The one who appeared with Paul VI in Fatima during his visit for the 50th anniversary of apparitions is not the true Lucy, in our opinion.
Then, after that date, the letters were written by Lucy II.
Card. Cafarra, of course, will not say a word about the two Lucys if he wants to continue receiving his retirement pay-check. He just says “I received a letter from Sister Lucy,” without any reservation.
The picture is consistent.
TIA correspondence desk
I have read your articles about two sister Lucy’s. According to one of articles sister Lucy died in May 1949. Then, I read another article and her letter was dated in 1957…
Now, I found one interview with Card. Caffara, where he mentioned, that he received a letter from sr. Lucy in 1983 or 1984.
This article was recently published in Aleteia.
Could you help me to clear my problem?
TIA responds:
Dear R.M.,
You are assuming the wrong presupposition that we believe Sister Lucy died in 1949. We have never taken this as a certain fact. You may read our position here.
We think that it was the true Lucy who gave the interview to Fr. Fuentes in 1957. Between this date and 1967 she vanished and the fake Lucy showed up. The one who appeared with Paul VI in Fatima during his visit for the 50th anniversary of apparitions is not the true Lucy, in our opinion.
Then, after that date, the letters were written by Lucy II.
Card. Cafarra, of course, will not say a word about the two Lucys if he wants to continue receiving his retirement pay-check. He just says “I received a letter from Sister Lucy,” without any reservation.
The picture is consistent.
TIA correspondence desk
Attack of an Ecumenical Protestant
Hi Miss Horvat,
Re: Don’t Call Protestant Christians
Sorry for my English. I would like to give you a short commentary about your article Please, Don't Call Protestants Christians. It's an interesting work in who you did a good research. But some verses seem to have been taken out of their biblical context.
Let's keep our lights on for Christ. Have a nice week, Miss Horvat.
A.B., Québec City, Canada
Re: Don’t Call Protestant Christians
Sorry for my English. I would like to give you a short commentary about your article Please, Don't Call Protestants Christians. It's an interesting work in who you did a good research. But some verses seem to have been taken out of their biblical context.
- When you cite ''He who hears you hears me...'' (Lk 10, 16), you sustain that it is applied to Peter only. But the context of Luke chapter 10 was the dispatch in mission of the 72 disciples.
- The verse ''If any man preaches any other Gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed'' (Gal 1, 9). It was the denunciation of a message other than the Cross of Christ. And not a reprimand for an insubordination to an apostolic authority. We have to consider that the message of the Cross is the only message who can gather catholics and protestants.
- In the verse 2 Thessalonicians 3, 6 the word ''tradition'' refer about the Return of Jesus Christ. Thessalonician community was receiving several interpretations about this subject and Paul wanted to teach them the real thing.
- The verse ''If any man come to you and bring not this doctrine...'' (2 Jo 1, 10). What was this doctrine? It was again the doctrine who gather together catholics and protestants: The doctrine of Christ that we can find in those simple words:
Christ died for our sins
He was buried
And rose again on the third day.
Let's keep our lights on for Christ. Have a nice week, Miss Horvat.
A.B., Québec City, Canada

Posted May 30, 2017
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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This statue [below] of a seeming resurrecting Christ floating off the cross was present during the canonizations of Jacinta and Francisco. Our Creed states that Jesus rose from the dead three days after He was taken down from the cross. He rose from the tomb, up out of the tomb, not the cross. The crucifix always means for Catholics that moment when Christ died and paid for all the sins of the world.
He merited Heaven for us; those who accept this and try to do the will of Christ, have Heaven merited for them already. We only merit increased rewards in Heaven through our charity.
This is not a crucifix, it is a new thing. I love the traditional cross and the crucifix. The point is that Jesus rose from the tomb, not the crucifix, as I said.
The Catholic Church is supposed to be consistent in its teachings and its imagery. It does not combine teachings and imagery with ideas that are not what Christ lived and taught. If it were to do so, everything would be all mixed up. So for 1,930 years the Church has been very clear, and mixed up ideas have fallen away, such as Arius, Iconoclasm, Luther.
To have a new attitude of keeping the same canons, but not practicing these canons, creates confusion. Confusion is a diabolical weapon. Clarity is a God-weapon.
Matthew 23 is the "Woe unto you" chapter in the Bible. Jesus Christ really socks it to heretics and hypocrites. Well worth the read.