Traditionalist Issues
The Shameful and Collaborative Silence of Traditionalists
Mark Stabinski
In light of present ever-continuing, inexplicable, and scandalous ecumenical activities perpetrated by the highest ranking Prelates in the Conciliar Church which involve activities unprecedented prior to Vatican Council II: it behooves me to recall a commentary I wrote last year on Margaret C. Galitzin 's article entitled: "Praying with Heretics: Where is the Catholic Resistance?"
She noted that many traditionalists were becoming immune to the ecumenical atrocities of Benedict XVI. I lamented this indifference, and added authoritative citations of Catholic Pontiffs, Doctors and Saints demonstrating that prayer with non-Catholics is forbidden. [click here]

Benedict prays with leaders of false confessions at an interfaith meeting in Jerusalem |
The ecumenical actions that were to be deplored, then, in April of 2008, continue to take place unapologetically now - and are equally to be deplored.
Why? Because the Magisterium of Eternal Rome has repeatedly reminded the Church’s global flock just how greatly this mortal sin against the First Commandment offends the Triune God and brings down upon humanity His greatest wrath.
First, Holy Scriptures tells us this in many places:
- Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with different seeds, lest both the seed that thou hast sown and the fruit of the vineyard be sanctified together. (Deut 22:9);
- Have I not hated them, O Lord, who hated Thee? [...] I have hated them with a perfect hatred, and they have become enemies to me. (Ps138:21-22);
- Do not work together with unbelievers, for what does justice have in common with injustice? (II Corinthians 6:14).
Next, Eternal Rome speaks on the topic in light of the immutable teachings of Scriptures:
- If any ecclesiastic or layman shall go into the synagogue of the Jews or to the meeting-houses of the heretics to join in prayer with them, let them be deposed and deprived of communion. If any bishop or priest or deacon shall join in prayer with heretics, let him be suspended from communion. (III Council of Constantinople)
- No one shall pray in common with heretics and schismatics. (Council of Laodicea)
- We decree that those who give credence to the teachings of the heretics, as well as those who receive, defend or patronize them, are excommunicated. [...] If anyone refuses to avoid such accomplices after they have been ostracized by the Church, let them also be excommunicated. (IV Lateran Council)
- Wherefore, since outside the Catholic Church there is nothing perfect, nothing undefiled, the Apostle declaring that "all that is not of faith is sin" (Romans 14:23), we are in no way likened with those who are divided from the unity of the Body of Christ; we are joined in no communion. ( Pope St. Leo the Great)
Two recent examples
Here I offer but two of the more recent examples of Modernist Rome's manifest and integral rupturing of the One True Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church and her consequent one Faith of Jesus Christ.
The first one is the inter-religious meeting Benedict XVI he held in Jerusalem. I invite you to listen to the Prayer Meeting: Let Us Pray for Peace [click here ]. This 5-minute video features Benedict XVI and an inter-religious cast, praying and singing in unison together for world peace

Conciliar inter-confessionalism: Benedict praying at the Wailing Wall |
In my second example I point you to pictures of Benedict defying God's wrath at the Wailing Wall. As TIA’s commentaries stress:
“One may observe a humble Benedict XVI praying like a Jew at the remnants of the Temple - the so-called Wailing Wall - on May 12, 2009. This Temple was destroyed as part of the punishment for the crime of Deicide perpetrated by the Jews - the high priests, scribes and Pharisees together with the people, who asked that the Blood of Jesus Christ, Son of God, fall over them and their offspring - as reported in the Gospels.”
The article continues: “Benedict XVI, like John Paul II before him, defied the wrath of God when he went to ‘pray’ in that place - purposefully ignoring the punishment of God it represents.”
These are two examples of recent incidents of conciliar ecumenism. How numerous and plain are the many proofs for any man to see, if he be neither spiritually blind nor morally dishonest.
Unfortunately, the silence of many Catholic souls who profess themselves to be "traditionalists" - both priests and laity - has grown to be deafening in these days.
Our Lord and/or Our Lady are publicly ignored and what does the Triune God hear from His creatures in protest against these egregious offenses - nothing!
Our Lord and/or Our Lady are publicly blasphemed and what does the Triune God hear from His creatures in protest against these egregious offenses? Nothing!
Our Lord's and/or Our Lady's images and icons are publicly profaned by our Faith's enemies and what does the Triune God hear from His creatures in protest against these egregious offenses? Nothing!

Benedict stands below the Muslim chief of Sharia to receive his greetings at an interfaith meeting |
The Holy Trinity is repeatedly and publicly denied by Our Lord's 'consecrated' souls for the evil sake of an ecumenical 'unity' not founded on Truth, and what does the Triune God hear from His creatures in protest against these egregious offenses? Nothing!
Recall, for example, that in the prayer the Pope wrote to insert in the Jewish Western Wall, he depicts himself neither as a representative of Jesus Christ, whose Name he did not mention, nor as the Sovereign Pontiff of the Catholic Church, but rather as a self-appointed ambassador of "all who call upon God's name.
Just as Our Lord's Divinity was not acknowledged by His Vicar in order not to embarrass the 'religiously diverse' company, neither was His Mother's, lest the unbelievers be unduly offended and their own 'faith' sentiments rankled.
Summarily, I am thus compelled to ask my traditionalist brethren: Is there none among you - either priest or private person - to come to the public defense of our King and Queen when they are publicly blasphemed? Who will come to the public defense of the Holy Trinity that is publicly denied - and especially by those purportedly holding the highest of offices in Holy Mother Church?
And for those among you who intend to persist in your silence: What keeps you silent - cowardice or indifference? Do you fear men more than you fear God?
Do you think that once having put your hand to Our Lord's plough, you now have His permission to turn back to the world and call that which is evil, good, using the most convoluted methods and fraudulent arguments?
I survey the traditionalist landscape and I hear, save for a mere handful of writers, nothing but - at best- silence, and at worst - traditionalist apologies for repetitive sins against the Faith, transgressions that deserve no apology.
I truly hope and fervently pray that this present invective will inspire in this readership a great outpouring of righteous rage against those who continue daily to both betray our Lord and further pervert the mission of His Holy Church. Nothing would make me happier than to be forced to retract and, yea, literally made to eat the words from this page.
To pray with non-Catholics is forbidden
These citations from the Scriptures, Saints and Councils demonstrate that prayer with non-Catholics is forbidden:
- Are heretics and schismatics excommunicated? Yes; they have no part in the Communion of the Saints. (St. Thomas Aquinas, Catechism of the Summa)
- If any ecclesiastic or layman shall go into the synagogue of the Jews or to the meeting-houses of the heretics to join in prayer with them, let them be excommunicated. If any bishop or priest or deacon shall join in prayer with heretics, let him be excommunicated (II Council of Constantinople)
- That Christians and ecclesiastics should pray for Christian unity under the direction of heretics and, what is worse, according to an intention which is radically impregnated and vitiated with heresy, is absolutely impossible to tolerate! (Pope Pius IX)
- One must neither pray nor sing psalms with heretics, and whoever shall communicate with those who are cut off from the communion of the Church, whether clergy or layman: let him be excommunicated. (Council of Carthage)
- No one shall pray in common with heretics and schismatics. (Council of Laodicea)
- I will not pray with you, nor shall you pray with me; neither will I say "Amen" to your prayers, nor shall you to mine! (St. Margaret Clitherow)
- We decree that those who give credence to the teachings of the heretics, as well as those who receive, defend or patronize them, are excommunicated. [...] If anyone refuses to avoid such accomplices after they have been ostracized by the Church, let them also be excommunicated. (IV Lateran Council)
The following teachings demonstrate that interfaith unions are condemned:
- To know whom to avoid is a great means of saving our souls. [...] Thus, the Church forbids the faithful to communicate with those unbelievers who have forsaken the faith by corrupting it, such as heretics, or by renouncing it, such as apostates. (St. Thomas Aquinas)
- Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with different seeds, lest both the seed that thou hast sown and the fruit of the vineyard be sanctified together. (Deut 22:9)
- And the good seed are the children of the kingdom; and the cockle are the children of the wicked one. (St. Matthew 13:38)
- Is it permitted for Christians to be present at, or to take part in, conventions, gatherings, meetings, or societies of non-Catholics which aim to associate together under a single agreement everyone who, in any way, lays claim to the name of Christian? It is not! [...] It is clear, therefore, why this Apostolic See has never allowed its subjects to take part in the assemblies of non-Catholics. There is only one way in which the unity of Christians may be fostered, and that is by furthering the return to the one true Church of Christ for those who are separated from her. (Pope Pius XI)
- Those who are members of the Church are not to be permitted to go into the cemeteries of any of the heretics for the purpose of prayer or veneration. If they do, they are to be excommunicated. (Council of Laodicea)
- Wherefore, since outside the Catholic Church there is nothing perfect, nothing undefiled, the Apostle declaring that "all that is not of faith is sin" (Romans 14:23), we are in no way likened with those who are divided from the unity of the Body of Christ; we are joined in no communion. (Pope St. Leo the Great)
- Do not work together with unbelievers, for what does justice have in common with injustice? (II Cor 6:14)
- There are some, you know, who are accustomed to go around with the Name [of Christ] on their lips while they indulge in certain practices at variance with It and an insult to God. You must shun these men as you would wild beasts: they are rabid dogs that bite in secret; you must beware of them! (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
- Whoever is separated from the Church must be avoided and fled from; such a man is wrong-headed; he is a sinner and self-condemned. [...] But if some of the leaders of schism persist in their blind and obstinate foolishness, and if advice for their own good fails to bring them back to the way of salvation, let the rest of you [...] break away from their ensnaring falsehood. [...] One must withdraw from those who are engaged in sin; rather, one must fly from them, lest by joining in their evil course and thus taking the wrong road, one should [...] become involved in the same guilt oneself. (St. Cyprian, Church Father)
I will stop here, although I could continue on citing many more Catholic authorities almost ad infinitum. Such warnings abound in the annals of Holy Mother Church.
Objective reason must conclude that either the pre-Vatican II sources cited or the post-Vatican II sources cited are correct. To know the answer, we need only ask which is the Catholic Faith as it was first handed down to the Church by the Apostles and thereafter sacredly guarded by the Apostles' Successors, often even at the cost of martyrdom.
Let us remember the words of Church Father St. Athanasius: "Even if Catholics faithful to Tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the ones who are the true Church of Christ."
Posted May 29, 2009

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